
I'll Take the Best Out of This Useless Reicarnation

Beware that this is a smut and fast-paced story. There's also abuse and violence. If you are sensible about it, don't read it. It's an adult romance-fantasy-historical story. So, don't complain about the heavy content later!!!! One more thing, the story contains many songs in it, since the protagonist decided to make the songs she used to love on earth, known in this new world. • • • Hope Ariella Bissonnette. That was her name now, after dying in a terrorist attack when she was arriving in Australia, back when she was Anna Le Beaumont, on earth, who had an absolutely tough life. She had been reborn in the world of a novel, as the first daughter of a southern Count. But not as the heroine or the villainess, as she used to see it happening in the novels she enjoyed reading. No, she was just a useless character with no sentences but a mention in the story. However, when she realized there was more to her persona than the novel talked about since it was centered on Duke Luc Von der Meer and 2nd Royal Princess Alina Desormeaux's complicated love story, she decides that the best course to stay alive would be to hide the power within her and live a low profile life. But after she finds out that her kind fiancée was having an affair with her bastard step-sister, she loses it. After all, she spend so long to find someone suitable and with who she would be able to bear being close, and now all her effort had gone to waste because of her step-sister and her stepmother's jealousy. Then, after she breaks off her engagement, and postpones her 20th birthday ball, her ex and her step-sister get married in a hurry, and just a month later, she comes and announces that she was three months pregnant, meaning she was sleeping with Hope's fiancée way before she found out and broke it off. And all of that on the day Hope had chosen to throw her masquerade birthday ball, after postponing it. Even though she's pissed, she goes with it, already having in mind that if that bitch tried to get her spotlight, she would make her regret by showing everyone present exactly what she caught them doing the day she made herself single again. But she didn't expect to meet him there, the mysterious northern silver-haired tall, and hot man that she hadn't invited it. She found herself drawn to him instantly, as he also approached her. Still having plans of finding a perfect husband in mind, she straightforwardly proposed to the man. He didn't say no. But didn't say yes either. However, as he responded to her flirting, she decided it was a good either to stay with him since he got her body warmer like no one ever did. After going with her plan and singing some songs she used to love hearing in her past life, Hope got everyone impressed. And the man, who had asked her to dedicate one of the songs to him, was there, enchanted by her. The ball became chaotic when her step-sister tried to get the spotlight with the news of the pregnancy, and Hope didn't have it. With the help of the mysterious man, she went forward with the first part of her revenge. But as her dad got aggressive and lost his mind, the man protected her and took her away from there. She didn't even know his name, but it didn't matter, since he was there. He had defended her from her father, and that made her sure that he was the one she should marry. What he did make her crave for him with all her soul. Little did she know that he went there for her because he had been trying to find a way to get to her for months. He was yearning for her like he never yearned for anything in his life. But he knew that if she knew his identity, she would try to stay away since the rumors said she didn't have a good feeling towards him, even though they had never met. He wanted her, but as she was engaged, he kept his distance. But as they broke it off, he got his chance. He just hadn't expected her to be so straightforward with what she wanted from him, or that she would want him that badly.

AnnGuslavia · ファンタジー
56 Chs


"AS YOU WISH, LADY HOPE," HE WHISPERED back and I felt his big and slander gloved hands land over my shoulders, again, spreading goosebumps down my body. "I won't let you fall!"

"Thank you," I mumbled, before feeling my mind get blank, and suddenly dark, as he entered my subconsciousness.


When I got back to myself, I felt that man's arms around me, holding me tight by my waist. Chaos seemed to have broken around, probably because they were all shocked by the shamelessness of Cecilia who used to act like a Saint, and by how my father turned his back on me so gracefully because of his disgraceful bastard daughter.

"You little bitch, I'm going to kill you! How dare you expose your sister like this? Do you have any idea of what you did?" Dad yelled, but as close as he looked at me, his voice seemed far away.

I turned my eyes to see the hot man's face and he had his jaw clenched. "Don't worry, Lady Hope, he won't touch you. I won't let him do shit. I put on a magical array to protect us from any of their attacks, like a barrier," oh, damn, he must be really strong to be able to make arrays like that.

"I think I owe you again," I muttered. "Thank you, by the way. Although I don't think he'll actually try to harm me in front of everyone!"

But he didn't seem to be listening to me, "How dare he beat his daughter up? This coward son of a bitch!" What?

I gasped, "Gods above, the Knight was only supposed to show the memories of the day I caught them in the act. What happened when I was off?"

He gulped and turned his head down to meet mine, "I told him to show what happened earlier today as well. Just to show them what they wanted to make you say after she came bringing the news of the pregnancy," oh no!

When his words hit my ears, I felt my face turn pale, "You saw what they did?"

"Are you asking if we saw how they beat you up? Oh, yes, we did. And now your father lost it. He tried to attack you, but I was faster and blocked it with the array!"

"Oh shit! This wasn't supposed to happen. Now people will pity me. I only wanted them to see her true colors, nothing but that. And I absolutely hate when people pity me!" I exclaimed annoyed.

"Shut up, Hope!" Did he just cut the honorifics? "Damn it, girl. It's not pity. It's a good sense of humanity. Of knowing what's good and what's bad. And you did nothing wrong. Nothing that would make you deserve to be beaten up like that. For fuck's sake, that man disgusts me to the core. I can't believe he did this to his child and chose his bastards over you. Seriously," well, one thing is for sure, he does sound disgusted.

"It's alright. Today wasn't the worst day. He did worse before. I got used to it!"

He gasped, "It was so frequent that you got used to it? How fucked up is that? I want to kill him! I really want to slice his throat open and separate his spine from his body!"

Oh, wow, quite the bloodlust. "I know the feeling. However, you can't do that. You are a Knight. Father is a Count. Even if you are right and he's wrong, and you are more magically powerful, killing a Count will destroy your life. And right now you are my husband's prospect, I can't let you condemn yourself like that, because of my father!"

"I am what?"

"A Knight!" I said smiling.

"No, the last part. What did you say I was?"

I tilted my head to the side, ignoring the fact that my father was screaming at me from the other side of the ballroom. "Oh, you mean the part about you being the top candidate for being my future husband? You are the only one on the list, by the way. I haven't had the time to search for other guys after all the shit that happened with Jacob. But now that I met you, even though I don't know your name, and you might be poor, I kind of want to marry you!"

"You are the most straightforward woman alive on this planet!" He gasped. "Is that why you asked if I was single?"

"Mm-hm! But you didn't answer me, so I can only hope that, besides the flirting, you aren't married, dating, or engaged to anyone. It would be a pity!"

He chuckled, "How can you speak so lightly about all of this, at such a moment?"

"It's a gift!" I joked. "Besides, I had to be straightforward with you, in case I never saw you again after tonight."

"Are you being serious?"



A nod. "Yes, I am."

"You don't even know my name," then he pointed to his mask, "or how I look like!"

I rolled my shoulders, still in his arms, "Many people get engaged without ever meeting their bride or groom before the actual ceremony. I don't see a problem. Besides, just the fact that you are smart, taller than the sky. You are also very much the hottest man I've ever met, have a deep and beautiful voice, have good taste for drinking, are a Knight, and have powerful magic. Oh, and of course, the fact that you are bold enough to go against my father," I pointed to the array, "is enough to make me want to have you! Plus the excruciating physical attraction I'm feeling since I landed my eyes on you."

"That sounds possessive!"

"I'm just being honest. Besides, what a Knight like you would have to lose by getting married to me? Do you have any idea of how gifted our babies would be?" I spoke all of this without blushing for once. "I'm well aware that I'm hot, smart, talented, and powerful. So, there's nothing to lose," I side-looked at my father, "well, besides your life, if you intend to fight my father. Not to mention that we have good chemistry!"

"Indeed, our chemistry is great."

I arched my eyebrows, "Do you usually have this habit of ignoring all someone says and only focusing on what you find more interesting?" It's a little bit annoying and it sounds faintly familiar, though I can't pinpoint the reason.


"Alright, let's do it like this. I'll let you take some time and think about my proposal. But you have to take me away from here, or he might kill me because if he's acting as violent as this when there are people around, he'll be ten thousand times worst when they leave!"

He seemed to ponder it for a bit, "Sounds like a deal to me!"

"But just in case, we have to bring both my nanny, Marianne Gordon, my two Knights, Sir Lawrence and Sir Gavin, and my two physicians, Dean Van Loon and Thomas Goethals with us. They are all here present. Otherwise, my father may kill them all just to vent his anger on me!"

Sigh, "You now owe me about five favors, Lady Hope," I kind of want him to permanently drop the honorifics as he did just now. The way he said my name was just so sexy.

"I know," I giggled.

"Alright, I'll do that. To show you how amazing I am!"

"So, won't you tell me?"

He pressed his lips together in a thin line, "Tell you what, exactly?"

"If you are single!"

That made him chuckle, "You are really funny, you know that? You just proposed to me, and now you are asking if I'm single. I guess you don't quite understand the order of the steps in a relationship."

His mockery made me blush, "Is that a yes or a no?"

"It's a yes. I'm a single, little naughty Lady. Now, let's cut the crap and get out of here first. We already made caused the stir of chaos in here, and now your birthday ball ended way sooner than planned, just as I told you it would. And by the indecent amount of alcohol you drank tonight, and the fact that the northern alcohol actually has a strong retarded effect, you should be blacking out in less than a minute!"

"Pardon me? There is no way…" I couldn't even finish, as darkness swallowed me and I fell unconscious in his arms. Just like the hot dumbass predicted.