
Varahan Emperor #2

Varahan Empire!


A civil war was still progressing, with no end in sight. A plethora of problems plagued the Empire, which was now fraught with differences and disagreements, all of which resulted in bloody fights. In the capital city, Narkn, a tree stood with imposing grandeur, the tallest on Sumatra.


It was the Varahan Palace, continuing to steadily grow without any signs of stopping for the time being. Seated on the throne was none other than Narkahamy, having just recently solidified his position as the Varahan Emperor.


However, there were still plenty of tasks left to accomplish before he could stabilise his rule. The topmost priority was to get rid of those who supported the previous regime.


"Give me a list," Narkahamy's voice resounded with a boom, oozing authority as he stared at the newly appointed ministers. All the Ministers had Gold Grade strength, sporting the same build as himself.