
Ruvva Seeks Benefits

Seated atop the chakram and proudly listening to the entire conversation was Boul Brimgan, 'After my death, Ruvva can lead the Brimgan Empire to greater heights. It would have been amazing had she been able to use Rirenal. I'm sure she could create something even better than my build.'


Along the journey to the Kalahatra Desert after Ruvva sorted out the situation at the Dralh Sea, Boul Brimgan explained everything to Ruvva.


"I see," Ruvva nodded, "It makes sense that Yahard Tusk wishes to use the Brimgan Empire to deal with the Quip Clan and the Wean Clan."


"Even though Inala gave tacit approval to hunt the Quip Clan, I don't wish to unnecessarily strain our relationship." Boul Brimgan said, "We're benefiting tremendously through the Quip Clan, way beyond what they're gaining from us."