
Grehha Stops Virala

"1118 Points!" Raaha's announcement echoed throughout the tent, causing the Mammoth Clansmen, both elites and masters to stare at Virala in shock, wondering who this monstrous teenager was.

'Is he like Resha?' A Settlement Leader frowned and observed Virala, inspecting the latter, 'Right, he's the same guy who argued with Resha the previous time. So, he's actually capable.'

Virala wasn't placed at the top, but his score brought him among the ranks of Settlement Leader teams. All the teams formed with Settlement Leaders only targeted Millinger eggs. Hence, their points were multiples of thousand.

Most of them were at thousand points while a few were at two thousand. Only Bora Tusk's team was at three thousand. But, it had to be noted that they hunted these Millinger Eggs in teams of five.

They were Settlement Leaders, basically the strongest Mammoth Clansman each Settlement had to offer. Virala, alone, managed to surpass the scores of most of these teams.