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Resnesk City!


The City Lord was resting in his mansion, taking a comfortable nap alongside his wife. Suddenly, his eyes shot open, noticing something was amiss as he spontaneously unleashed his Prana, detecting the ground underneath his bed part open and suck in the bed and the duo on it.


"Hold on!" He shouted and unleashed his Spirit Weapon, intending to latch onto the ceiling of his room and use it as a harness to avoid falling into the pit. Unfortunately for him, the stream of Prana controlling his Spirit Weapon was snuffed out of existence.


The City Lord was stunned for a moment before recognising the ability, "The Millinger's Inhibition Dome!"


He grabbed his wife in a protective embrace as the duo were sucked into the tunnel whose entrance closed shut promptly after.


"Yo!" A middle-aged woman greeted the husband-and-wife duo as they continued to fall through the tunnel.