
I'd Rather Be in a Relationship than Cultivate

The leader of the cultivation world, Yan Xin, was reborn as the illegitimate daughter of the Yan family raised outside of the main family. After returning to the Yan family's residence by chance, everyone despised her—a country bumpkin who was raised in the countryside. They mocked her for being inferior to the Yan family's second daughter, Yan Zhen, who was educated and well-mannered. They even used Yan Xin's results in school to mock her for being dumb. In everyone's eyes, she was the Yan family's failure—she must have saved the galaxy in her previous life to be born in a wealthy family. Madam Yan said, "Don't think that I'll accept you just because the Yan family's blood flows in you!" Master Yan told her sternly, "Seeing your face reminds me of my mistake!" Young Master Yan, "Yan Zhen is my only younger sister!" Yan Xin, "?" ...Eventually, Yan Xin was chased out by the wealthy family. Everyone laughed in relief. After all, a sparrow would forever be a sparrow. No matter how colorful her feathers were, she would still live in the forest! In the end, the country bumpkin in everyone's eyes, picked up plenty of abilities after leaving the Yan family, sending everyone into shock. "Newsflash! Third Miss Yan's prophecy for the year 20xx came true!" "Newsflash! A final stage cancer patient recovered after receiving Third Miss Yan's treatment!" "Newsflash! A mysterious family appeared and called Third Miss Yan their 'ancestor'!" Wait! Who was the man standing next to Third Miss Yan and holding Yan Xin's waist affectionately? The man announced, "Let me introduce everyone to my wife!" The public's thought was that although the Liu family leader was very overpowering, they insisted that the Liu family leader obtained someone above his league! [An elegant, cold, and powerful CEO vs. a poker-faced cultivation prodigy]

Eight Peaches · ファンタジー
30 Chs

In Another World

翻訳者: EndlessFantasy Translation 編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yan Xin was one of the top archmages in the alchemy department on this continent. Apart from a few mighty figures, all other mages would lower their heads when they saw her and respectfully address her as 'Great Mage Yan'.

The sky was covered with dark clouds with not a single ray of sunlight to be found. For Yan Xin, this was a perfect day to brew some potions.

Yan Xin picked up a gecko's tail and threw it into her cauldron. This was the last ingredient she needed to make her secret medicine. Thinking that the medicine was right on the verge of being refined, the corners of Yan Xin's mouth curled up—even the dark clouds in the sky almost seemed colorful to her. She stood at the door and spread her arms toward the sky, took a deep breath, and prepared to welcome her success.

Boom! A bolt of lightning struck Yan Xin. Thus, the divine figure of this continent, the great mage Yan Xin, was brought to a different world by a bolt of lightning.

"Ahhh!" Yan Xin cried out and suddenly woke up. Before she could rejoice that she had survived the lightning, she realized that she was in an unfamiliar room.

Though she was an experienced great mage, Yan Xin could not help but feel puzzled about this room. Such pretentious interior design was something that Yan Xin had never seen before even though she'd traveled the entire continent.

Just as Yan Xin was puzzled, a woman's voice sounded in her mind.

"You're finally here. I've been waiting for so long, but finally you've come to avenge me! Hahahaha!"

"Who's that? Who is it?! Come out right now or I won't show any mercy!" Yan Xin was in a foreign world, and when a voice suddenly invaded her thoughts, she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Who am I? I am you! There was no way you could've survived that lightning strike, but thanks to me, you now have a second life, so you must help me take revenge!" The female voice in Yan Xin's mind sounded almost paranoid as she ordered Yan Xin about.

Yan Xin had always been a woman of her word on the magic continent, so she was very unhappy to be threatened by someone she didn't know. But she didn't say anything, because she knew that the female voice was telling the truth.

"I don't have much time left. I will use my soul as the price for you to help me get my revenge. Your soul and mine are now inextricably intertwined. If you can't carry your mission out, then my soul will self-destruct, and your soul will also dissipate!"

Hearing the female voice in her head, Yan Xin broke out in a cold sweat. The Soul Curse was a vicious spell that even a mage of her caliber would not be able to deal with easily. And so, in the midst of her calculations, Yan Xin quickly though of a question to ask.

"I can help you get revenge, but what degree of vengeance are you talking about? Is there a time limit? You have to explain all of this clearly!"

However, no matter how many questions Yan Xin asked after that, there was no reply.

Since there was no response, Yan Xin could only calm her heart and carefully try to evaluate her soul. She felt a deep, dark ravine in her spirit, and knew that if she wanted to survive, the only thing she could do was adhere to the request of this body's original owner and help her seek vengeance.

But what exactly was this hatred? Yan Xin hadn't been puzzled for long before someone came to answer her questions.

"Oh my, oh my! My dear sister has finally woken up! Come and let your big sister see how you're recovering!" A sharp female voice came from outside the door, causing Yan Xin to unconsciously frown.

With the clack of high heels, a woman dressed luxuriously with exquisite makeup entered Yan Xin's line of sight.

This woman walked to the bed where Yan Xin was lying, looking at Yan Xin with a nauseating expression of 'concern' and said, "My good sister, I've been really worried about you these past few days. If you didn't wake up soon, I'd have felt really guilty!"

Yan Xin watched this woman's performance coldly, and a rush of memories flooded her mind.