
I'AM~Ma Hongjun Phoenix Douluo

Ma Hongjun watched Douluo Dalu, his heart was full of resentment. I feel that Ma Hongjun in the book is too embarrassed by his name. He stood in front of the mirror and took a look. "Handsome face, perfect body, which time I go to a nightclub without being fascinated by thousands of girls!" "If only I could travel to Douluo Continent!" ... Dreams come true, welcome to Douluo Continent! Since you think that Ma Hongjun is not good, then you go! ... The soul wears on Ma Hongjun, and he is no longer a fat man! The awakening of the martial soul turned out to be a twin martial soul! The first martial soul: Dragon Soul Spear; the second martial soul: Evil Fire Phoenix. There is a dragon soul in the dragon soul gun, which can absorb the soul ring to grow, this martial soul is so perverted! The Evil Fire Phoenix was still the old Evil Fire Phoenix, but the Evil Fire was no longer a trouble for Ma Hongjun now. He believes that this is a powerful ability that thousands of men can't ask for. If people are divided into two kinds of people, then this ability has conquered one of them! ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

The old lady has a big loaf

The middle-aged man they called the devil was not a real devil, he was also an ordinary person, just a little taller and burlier.

If there is any outstanding feature, it is undoubtedly his eyes full of indifference and deepness, and his face full of determination and angularity.

However, in the shadow of the light, the drunk Ma Hongjun could not see this. Only his calm and cold voice was heard.

"On the first day of school, I didn't go home at night, and I went out to drink. Ye Xingchen, you guys are getting more and more courageous. If you come back from a vacation, your body will relax. It seems that

you need me to help you practice."

He is a powerful and unsympathetic master, but he doesn't care what happens to these children when they drink, he just punches and kicks when he rushes up.

"Mr. Chu, spare your life!"

"Ms. Chu, we were wrong."

"Ms. Chu, don't!"


In the cruel screams, this teacher surnamed Chu had already entered the crowd, like a wolf entering a sheep Like the group, Ye Xingchen and the others scattered like crazy, and under the influence of alcohol, they floated to the ground.

Teacher Chu rushed up and kicked it all the way, just like playing football. Ma Hongjun was sobered up when he saw it. This is really a ruthless attack.

This scene reminded him of the corporal punishment by the teacher a long time ago, but the degree is far from what it is now. There is a law on the protection of minors on Earth.

But obviously not in Douluo Continent, Teacher Chu is very open, he hits very comfortably, although not fatal, but the kick is really hard. Even Kunshan was kicked and covered his stomach and vomited bitter water.

Ye Xingchen was not much better. Everything he ate was spit out. He used to be handsome, but now he looks very embarrassed.

This is really a devil, and his methods are brutal and insulting, and he will not show any mercy to say that these people are still children.

Even the slightly fatter, boy-like girl named Xiao Yuanyuan, he didn't let it go.

His power is so strong that even a power-type soul master like Kunshan is like a chicken in his hands. Of course, this is all under the condition that both sides have not released their spirits.

Ma Hongjun couldn't stand it any longer. This is no longer an adult bullying a child, but abusive.

He was thinking, is there no one to care about this devil named Teacher Chu? How could a college allow a teacher to treat students like this?

And looking at the reactions of Ye Xingchen, Kunshan and others, it is obviously not the first time that such a thing has happened.

Ma Hongjun couldn't figure it out, but there was no time for him to think about it now.

"There's actually a group of even smaller cubs." The

devil looked at the ten people who were stunned by fear in Ma Hongjun's side, and his tyrannical fist rushed over.

"No, go back!"

Ma Hongjun shouted loudly, then went up to meet him.

I saw that the devil's power was very strong just now. These nine little brothers were not Ye Xingchen and others, but they couldn't bear his fists at all.

Two punches faced each other, and Ma Hongjun took three steps back with one punch.

"Yo, I'm wrong, it turns out that I still have some foundations."

"I'm here again, you have to persevere!" The

devil said with no interest, but in Ma Hongjun's eyes, he was a complete pervert.

This time his punching speed was even faster. When his figure came in front of Ma Hongjun, Ma Hongjun hadn't reacted yet. He punched seven or eight punches one after another. Ma Hongjun only blocked three punches in a hurry, and the remaining six punches all hit him. the abdomen.

Ma Hongjun was knocked out, and the intense pain caused his stomach to turn over and over again, and fell to the ground with a convulsion.

"It's too strong!" This was what Ma Hongjun felt, and he felt that the devil should have used up his strength in the last few punches, otherwise he might not be able to stand up.

The devil glanced at Ma Hongjun with great interest, and an evil smile appeared on his face. Then, he rushed towards the nine little brothers.

Ma Hongjun resisted the discomfort in his abdomen and stood up.

"Dragon Soul Spear!"

Just when Ma Hongjun summoned the Dragon Soul Spear, Ye Xingchen and the others became even more frightened and shouted loudly.

"Ma Hongjun, don't use martial arts."

"Boss Ma, don't summon martial arts."

"Boss, stop, don't!"


But it was too late, Ma Hongjun's gun had already stabbed the devil, he wanted to stop the devil, no Let him hurt his little brother.

Ma Hongjun separated the devil and the nine younger brothers with a single shot, and stood in front of the younger brothers, standing with a gun, facing the devil.

"Haha, yes, kid, you have the guts to fight against me with your martial spirit. If that's the

case, then come on."

He laughed cruelly, and then opened his hands.

"Bloodthirsty wolf, possessed!" In the

slightly dimly lit night, his eyes were particularly bright, flashing blood-red light, like a red abyss, staring at you. real devil.

With a wolf howl, his hands turned into wolf claws, and the fingertips were slender and sharp, and white sparks were emitted when they rubbed against each other.

Three spirit rings rose from under his feet, hovering from under his feet to the top of his head.

Yellow and purple!

It looks so dazzling at night.

Ma Hongjun's face turned pale, don't think about it, he is definitely not an opponent.

No wonder Ye Xingchen and the others were beaten so badly that they didn't summon martial spirits, so it was.

They obviously understand the devil. At most, hitting with bare hands is a little painful, that is, the wound of the flesh. If you fight with the devil, you will have to lie on the bed for several days.

"Come on, boy, let me see how much you have, and have the courage to use martial arts in front of me. You are already much stronger than those guys." The

devil pointed at Ye Xingchen and the others lying on the ground, and turned to Ma Hongjun. said.

Then, before giving Ma Hongjun time to answer, his wolf claws waved over.

This is a neat guy who doesn't slack off or waste time at all.

Three cold lights struck very quickly, and Ma Hongjun quickly shook his gun and pointed it.

"Dragonfly touch the water!"

This is a trick used to test the strength of the Ma family's marksmanship. The spear is quickly stabbed back and forth in Ma Hongjun's hands and retracted. , made a sound of gold and iron.

Ma Hongjun resisted with the spear, the wolf's claws were too strong, he had already blocked Ma Hongjun's attack and rushed in front of him, the wolf's claws caught the dragon soul spear, as if it was cutting, making a piercing sound.

Immediately after the pair of eyes that looked like blood rubies approached, the huge wolf head slammed into Ma Hongjun's chest.

The wolf is known as a copper-headed, iron-boned tofu waist. Its head is very hard. When it hits, it directly sends Ma Hongjun flying out. The nine younger brothers behind Ma Hongjun cannot escape, and they are all taken down by Ma Hongjun. The powerful impact caused the nine people to rub on the ground for a long distance.

"The physique is good, but the strength is still a little weaker." The

devil nodded, finished speaking to Ma Hongjun, and turned to look at Ye Xingchen and the others.

"Ye Xingchen, I don't know how you've accomplished the holiday tasks that I gave you.

Now that I'm interested, I'll play with you, and by the way, see if you guys have taken my words to heart. "The

devil pointed his hand at Ma Hongjun, and then continued: "With this kid, let's go with ten of you." I'll give you a minute, prepare well, and make sure I'm satisfied, otherwise the devil training will start tomorrow. "

"Mr. Chu, it's too late now!" "

"Yes, Mr. Chu, why don't you do it tomorrow!" "

"Mr. Chu, we..."


"One minute, the timer starts!" I ignored the moans

of Ye Xingchen and others. The devil was very domineering. He left a faint sentence, turned and walked to the side, closing his eyes and resting.

Make an arrangement. Ye Xingchen quickly stood up and said. The

other nine people also quickly gathered around to see their mental state. Most of the screams just now were faked

. He and Benson are the main attack, Yuanyuan and Xiaoyu are behind, Andra is responsible for the long-distance attack, Mu Feng is mainly to protect Yuanyuan and Xiaoyu, and then find opportunities to cut in. I'm in the middle of the command, Yuanyuan and Xiaoxiao stand as close to me as possible, and you two have to be vigilant at all times..."

"Boss Ye, and Boss Ma! "

"Yeah, Mr. Ma, come here quickly." "


Ma Hongjun understood what was going on, put away the Dragon Soul Spear, and walked over to surround him.

"Boss Ma spent some soul power just now, and there is not much time, Yuanyuan, hurry up and give Boss Ma a piece of your bread. . "

"Hmm! "

The girl who looks round is called Xiao Yuanyuan. Although she is not young, she is obviously round enough and has begun to take shape. She is bigger and rounder than many adult women.

As soon as they talked about bread, Ma Hongjun's eyes subconsciously looked at Xiao Yuanyuan's place, thinking embarrassingly in his heart.

"Is it here to eat?"

Xiao Yuanyuan's chubby round

face flushed, and she said shyly, "What are you looking at? I'm not eating this." The spirit ring lit up from her.

Ma Hongjun couldn't see what she was doing behind her, but the clear incantation could still be heard clearly.

"The old lady has a big loaf!"