
I'AM~Ma Hongjun Phoenix Douluo

Ma Hongjun watched Douluo Dalu, his heart was full of resentment. I feel that Ma Hongjun in the book is too embarrassed by his name. He stood in front of the mirror and took a look. "Handsome face, perfect body, which time I go to a nightclub without being fascinated by thousands of girls!" "If only I could travel to Douluo Continent!" ... Dreams come true, welcome to Douluo Continent! Since you think that Ma Hongjun is not good, then you go! ... The soul wears on Ma Hongjun, and he is no longer a fat man! The awakening of the martial soul turned out to be a twin martial soul! The first martial soul: Dragon Soul Spear; the second martial soul: Evil Fire Phoenix. There is a dragon soul in the dragon soul gun, which can absorb the soul ring to grow, this martial soul is so perverted! The Evil Fire Phoenix was still the old Evil Fire Phoenix, but the Evil Fire was no longer a trouble for Ma Hongjun now. He believes that this is a powerful ability that thousands of men can't ask for. If people are divided into two kinds of people, then this ability has conquered one of them! ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Ten-person team battle against blood wolves

Xiao Yuanyuan's bread was indeed big and round. When she turned around and handed the bread to Ma Hongjun, the bread was still hot, and Ma Hongjun couldn't finish it with one hand.

"Don't be stunned, Boss Ma, eat it quickly. Yuanyuan is a food-type soul master, and her big bread can restore her soul power." Ye Xingchen urged.

Ma Hongjun didn't delay, and took a bite.

"Don't say it, it tastes so good!"

Ma Hongjun swears that this is the best bread he has ever eaten in two lifetimes.

After eating the bread in three or two bites, Ma Hongjun's soul power really began to recover. After the bread entered his body, it turned into a warm energy.

"By the way, Little Ye Ye, how have you discussed it? How can I cooperate with you when I stand in that position?" Ma Hongjun asked, Ye Xingchen is a control system soul master, and team battles need him to be dispatched from it.

"I don't have time to discuss your combat position. When the time comes, you can see the cooperation of the nine of us and adapt to the situation. Anyway, pay attention to two points:

one, you are a battle spirit master of the attack type, and you need to find a way to attack the devil;

two, don't let The devil hurt Xiao Yuanyuan and Xiao Yu, the two auxiliary soul masters! That's basically it."

Ye Xingchen finished quickly, and Ma Hongjun understood a little, so he asked him to find an opportunity to respond.

"Okay, it's time!

Be careful, I won't let go."

Ye Xingchen and the others quickly set up their positions and released their martial spirits.

The two people standing at the front one on the left and one on the right are named Su Dashan and Su Jushi.

Kunshan and Benson stood in the middle. The two of them were the main attackers. Needless to say, Kunshan, the rock gorilla spirit was very comprehensive. Benson is also a beast martial spirit, a mandala snake.

Benson's strength is no weaker than Kunshan, and his mandala snake spirit is also poisonous. The reason why he can't beat Kunshan is because his poison is ineffective against Kunshan, which has rock properties.

But to deal with the bloodthirsty wolf of the devil, it can play a bigger role than Kunshan's.

The fifth one was Andra. He was flying in the air, and his body was burning with red flames. His martial soul was a flame bird, a flying martial soul, capable of breathing flames, and a soul master with strong far-reaching abilities.

Then there is Ye Xingchen from the control department, and Lin Mufeng from the agility department.

Lin Mufeng's Martial Spirit is Lightning Mink, its attack power is not very strong, but it is extremely fast and flexible.

The latter two, Xiao Yuanyuan's spirit is bread, which can restore spirit power. Another Xiao Yu, his spirit is a musical instrument, Xiao.

After the nine people released their martial spirits, the spirit rings appeared, a scene that shocked Ma Hongjun and the nine younger brothers. The nine people were all hundred-year-old spirit rings.

This is too unexpected. Centennial spirit rings are not Chinese cabbage. Apart from the difficulty of hunting, whether it can be absorbed or not is a big problem. Many spirit masters can't bear the centennial spirit rings, especially most auxiliary systems. And the control system soul master.

This had to impress Ma Hongjun, knowing that many elementary spirit master academies couldn't come up with this kind of lineup, such as Nuoding Spirit Master Academy, when Tang San entered, only one named Xiao Chenyu reached the spirit master, and it was only Ten years of spirit rings.

Sure enough, it is different next to big cities, and the level of development is far more than some remote small cities.

Ma Hongjun was standing a little to the left of Ye Xingchen's nine-member team, very close to the two assistants.

In team battles, generally speaking, you will first find an opportunity to deal with the auxiliary spirit masters in the team, because auxiliary spirit masters can enhance the strength of the entire team, and their effect is too great in team battles, and auxiliary spirit masters basically have no resistance. As long as you can get close, you can easily solve it.

The first person to light up the spirit ring was Xiao Yu, and Chang Xiao blew in his mouth.


Sheng is booming!" The sound of the xiao turned into a musical note, and it was introduced into the ears of the nine people. Ma Hongjun listened to the sound of the xiao, like ten thousand horses galloping, and the soul power in the body boiled.

"This is Xiaoyu's soul skill, which can increase the attack power by 10% in ten minutes." Ye Xingchen reminded aloud.

"Come on, little bunnies!"

"Blood madness!" The

devil's second spirit ring lit up, and his entire body turned blood red.

"This is his second skill. It can increase his strength, defense, and speed by 20% in all directions.

Kunshan, go up to the top of the mountain." The

mountain turtle martial spirit can only see a large black turtle shell. He went up against the devil, and Kunshan followed with a violent fist. With the blessing of Xiao Sheng, his attack was greatly improved.

"Hmph, I'm thinking too much!" The

devil didn't make a hard connection with him at all, he jumped up nimbly, stepped on the turtle's shell, and broke through the first release line.


A huge snake rose up, with a dark green triangular head and scarlet eyes facing the jumping blood wolf, opened its mouth wide, and was about to bite down.

But the blood wolf was very nimble, and seemed to have long expected the snake to come out. The long wolf tail was thrown out like a whip, hitting the snake's eyes, and then three cold lights flashed across the snake's head.

At this moment, a fireball fell from the air, which was Andra's soul skill fireball attack.

The agile blood wolf jumped away quickly, and the fireball rubbed past its tail, hitting the snake's head.


Benson screamed, this was a mistake.

The two ropes crossed where the blood wolf was about to fall. This was the chance Ye Xingchen was waiting for. The blood wolf was always a wolf, he couldn't fly, and he would land no matter how high he jumped.

The wolf's feet fell, successfully stepped on the rope, and the beast rope quickly crossed and wrapped, instantly tying the blood wolf.


Ye Xingchen shouted.

According to the original cooperation, if the beast rope tied the devil, at this time, Benson's incarnation of the mandala snake was needed to entangle the bloodthirsty wolf together. Under the dual control, the bloodthirsty wolf would be difficult to break free.

Then let two mountain tortoises rush over to sandwich him. The strong defensive turtle shell, even if he activates the third soul skill, may not be able to break free, and this time is enough for Kunshan, Andra and Lin Mufeng to confront each other. He does enough damage.

However, there was obviously a problem with the cooperation, and Benson failed to respond in time. The fireball just stunned him, and he couldn't recover.

Ye Xingchen is very anxious, this is a critical moment, and it is difficult to restrain the devil, and it takes further steps to control it.

With just this one of his soul skills, he couldn't control how long the devil possessed the third soul skill.

If this time can't hit him hard and let him get out of trouble, it will be difficult to find another opportunity.

Lin Mufeng's lightning mink can do some damage in time, but his attack is too weak to even break through the bloody wolf skin.

And by the time Kunshan came over, the blood wolf had probably shaken off the rope.

Ma Hongjun has been observing the situation of the battle. Teamfights are all about seizing opportunities, and some opportunities are fleeting, and without hesitation, he shot.

"Ultra Shadow Flying Dragon Spear!"

Under the effect of Xiao Sheng, his attack power increased by ten percent, and with the thirty percent of his first spirit ability, it reached forty percent.

The sound of breaking the air directly overshadowed Xiao Sheng, and Qingyou's spear tip stabbed towards the waist of the blood wolf.

The devil's third purple spirit ring, which was about to light up, suddenly froze and was interrupted. The sharp pain in his waist came, and he quickly gathered his spirit power to his waist to resist the power of the spear point.

Confined by the beast rope, he could only passively withstand Ma Hongjun's strongest blow.

This was a very high explosive soul skill. The blood wolf, which was wrapped into a zongzi by the beast rope, was directly thrown out by the dragon soul spear.


Ye Xingchen and the others were overjoyed.

Taking advantage of this gap, Benson quickly took the bread thrown by Xiao Yuanyuan and ate it.

The rock orangutan and the two mountain turtle brothers also quickly turned back and killed them. Andra gathered fireballs in the air.

Everyone has to prepare to enlarge the move, and it is at this time.


A wolf howl came out, and the purple spirit ring instantly lit up.