
I'AM~Ma Hongjun Phoenix Douluo

Ma Hongjun watched Douluo Dalu, his heart was full of resentment. I feel that Ma Hongjun in the book is too embarrassed by his name. He stood in front of the mirror and took a look. "Handsome face, perfect body, which time I go to a nightclub without being fascinated by thousands of girls!" "If only I could travel to Douluo Continent!" ... Dreams come true, welcome to Douluo Continent! Since you think that Ma Hongjun is not good, then you go! ... The soul wears on Ma Hongjun, and he is no longer a fat man! The awakening of the martial soul turned out to be a twin martial soul! The first martial soul: Dragon Soul Spear; the second martial soul: Evil Fire Phoenix. There is a dragon soul in the dragon soul gun, which can absorb the soul ring to grow, this martial soul is so perverted! The Evil Fire Phoenix was still the old Evil Fire Phoenix, but the Evil Fire was no longer a trouble for Ma Hongjun now. He believes that this is a powerful ability that thousands of men can't ask for. If people are divided into two kinds of people, then this ability has conquered one of them! ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Mutated Martial Soul: Dragon Soul Spear (middle)

Mutated Spirit: Dragon Spirit Spear The Spirit Hall has six levels, from low to high, divided into the hall, the sub hall, the main hall, the temple, the pope's hall, Douluo worship hall.

  The village is not divided into temples. For example, the Holy Spirit Village is just a larger wooden house. Once a year, the spirit masters of the Spirit Hall will go to hold the spirit ceremony.

  Generally, only cities have martial arts halls. Musu Town is not a city, but it is equipped with martial arts halls.

  This has a lot to do with the geographical location of Musu Town. Musu Town is next to Soto City and backed by Soul Hunting Forest.

  Soto City is one of the two most important cities in the Kingdom of Barak, and is as famous as Barak City, the capital of Barak King Kundera. Located in the middle of the most fertile Lima Plain in the Kingdom of Barak, it is known as the Granary of Barak.

There are heavy troops stationed here, which is the top priority of the entire kingdom.

  Soto City is a big city with a third-level main hall of martial arts.

  Surrounding Soto City are seven large towns, each of which is equivalent to a small city, and is equipped with a martial arts hall, but the middle martial arts hall is omitted.

  Musu Town is the largest of the seven towns. Because of the existence of Soul Hunting Forest, a large number of people flow here, which drives the development here.

  Because Ma Hongjun's father was a member of the village's soul hunting team, he was active in Musu Town all the year round, so he met many acquaintances along the way.

  "Brother Ma, you are dressed so formally today, are you taking your son to awaken the martial soul?"


  "Your martial spirit is a wooden spear, and your son should also awaken the wooden spear martial spirit, which is much stronger than a wooden stick."

  "hope so!"

  "Your son is so handsome."

  "Ha ha!"


  Ma Ming's popularity is very good. Many people greeted him politely along the way. As a 27th-level spirit master, Wuhun is still a strong attacking wooden spear. In addition to his mild temper, it is easy to gain people's respect. .

  Different from the previous Ma Hongjun, Ma Hongjun in this life is no longer a little fat man. He has inherited his mother's beauty. In addition, he has practiced marksmanship since childhood. He is taller than most of his peers.

  "Son, don't be nervous, you will definitely become a soul master."

  Ma Ming comforted Ma Hongjun, but Ma Hongjun was not nervous. As a traveler, he knew that he would definitely awaken his martial soul, but Ma Ming was actually nervous.

  Because Ma Ming knew that in the world of Douluo, there was a world of difference between soul masters and ordinary people.

  "I'm not nervous, Dad, I can definitely become a soul master, and I'm the strongest kind."

  Ma Hongjun said confidently.

  When the Spirit Hall arrived, the 20-meter-high dome looked very atmospheric. When Ma Hongjun followed his father into the hall of the Spirit Hall, he was immediately infected by this magnificent aura.

  The dome of the entire hall is covered with frescoes. In the small squares, various martial spirit graphics are drawn. The base color is shiny golden gold, which looks resplendent yet quaint.

  There are huge crystal windows around the Wuhun Hall. The sunlight is scattered on the murals through the refraction of the transparent crystal windows, and the feeling of shining golden light is even more dazzling.

  At this time, hundreds of people had gathered in the hall, all of whom were elders with children, from various villages in Musu Town.

  The person responsible for the awakening of the martial soul today is Ma Ping, he is the deacon of the martial soul branch, and a strong soul at the level of the soul. He is also the strongest person in Majia Village, the third grandfather of Ma Hongjun.

  "Children, line up and start the martial soul awakening ceremony immediately."

  With the sound of Ma Ping's kind voice, the hall suddenly became quiet.

  All the children stood in a row of ten under the arrangement of the Spirit Hall staff. There are seventy-six children in all.

  Including Ma Ping, the seven spirit masters placed six black stones in a hexagonal shape on the ground at the same time, and then released their martial spirits.

  Ma Ping's martial spirit is a wooden stick, and three halos light up on the stick in his hand. The colors are white, yellow, and yellow, which is very strange.

  The other six had different spirits, but all had only two spirit rings, and five of them were white and yellow. The other is Shuanghuang.

  Behind the seven people, there are seven people who are dedicated to recording. In front of them is a blue crystal ball, which is a soul tool for testing soul power.

  Ma Hongjun belongs to Ma Ping's group, which is basically the children of Majia Village. Ma Hongjun was in third place, and the children stepped forward to wake up one by one.

  The first boy stepped forward. He stood in the center of the hexagon. The wooden stick in Ma Ping's hand was like a substance. When the wooden stick was shaken, six cyan light and shadows shot out and injected into the six black stones.

  Six black stones lit up, forming a golden light shroud that enveloped the boy. The boy's eyes were dull and he stood there calmly.

  Golden light spots floated out from the black stones on the ground and entered the boy's body. Under the guidance of Ma Ping, the boy stretched out his right hand, and the golden light spots spewed out, forming a wooden stick in his right hand.

  "The weapon spirit, the wooden stick, let's test the spirit power in the past!"

  Ma Ping touched the boy's head and said with a smile.

  The second child stepped forward, his spirit still a wooden stick. This is not new, the boys in Majia Village are basically sticks, and the girls are mostly poultry.

  "Come here, Hongjun!"

  Ma Ping recognized Ma Hongjun and knew that Ma Hongjun practiced his marksmanship in the back mountain every day. In addition to the reason why his father Ma Ming mutated his martial arts, his expectations for Ma Hongjun were also very high. Not to mention other things, as long as the wooden spear was awakened, it was all for Majia Village. A big happy event.

  Ma Ming has become the most potential person in Majia Village because of the mutant martial arts wooden spear, and he is also the strongest person in Majia Village other than Ma Ping.

  Ma Hongjun stood in the hexagon in the way of the two children in front.

  A warm force was introduced into the body, making Ma Hongjun feel like he was enveloped by the warm ocean. Bainiaochaofengjing started to operate on its own, and the internal force in the body was affected by this force.

  The golden spots of light frantically gathered towards Ma Hongjun's body, far exceeding the number of children tested before. Ma Ping showed surprise and injected energy into the black stone again.

  The people watching around were all attracted by the sight in front of them, and looked at Ma Hongjun who was wrapped in golden light in surprise.

  At this moment, Ma Hongjun stirred up a heat flow in his body, and his whole body changed from being warm at first to scalding hot. There was a feeling that a volcano was about to erupt. This golden warm current is arousing some kind of power in the body, as if to open the door of the volcano and let him erupt. The body is burning, and the fiery energy seems to explode within the body.

  At this critical moment, a dragon roar resounded in Ma Hongjun's mind, and the fiery and manic energy that was about to come out actually retreated.

  Immediately afterwards, golden light spots gathered in his hand, and a long spear with bright silver and silver appeared in Ma Hongjun's hand.

  "This... this is the mutation of the martial soul, the silver spear!"

  Ma Ping's voice trembled a little, from a wooden spear to a silver spear, and looking at the vision of Ma Hongjun's awakening, this silver spear must be very strong.

  "Look at this silver spear, the silver brilliance shines, its mighty power is extraordinary, comparable to the top martial spirit."

  "I think it must belong to the top martial arts, or even surpass."

  "It's hard to say, maybe it just looks good, and it has its own shape."


  Ma Ming, who was on the side, saw the silver spear, and then looked at his son, his eyes were full of relief.

  Amid the chatter of the crowd, a minute passed. Ma Hongjun was breathing hard, sweat dripping from his forehead, and the Dragon Soul Spear in his hand seemed to be heavy, frantically draining his inner strength, and he was about to persevere. No longer.

  "Hongjun, use your mind to take it back."

  Noticing Ma Hongjun's situation, Ma Ming reminded him aloud.

  The stronger the spirit, the greater the consumption of spirit power, just like Tang San's Blue Silver Grass and Clear Sky Hammer, one basically consumes no spirit power, and the other consumes a lot of spirit power.

  This also proves the power of the Dragon Soul Spear.

  The Martial Spirit that can take him through the two worlds, can't it be powerful?

  But I don't know what kind of shape the Dragon Soul Spear is at this time.

  "Come on, Hongjun, test your soul power."

  There is no doubt that the martial soul is powerful, but one also needs to look at the soul power. Only with soul power can one cultivate to become a soul master, and the amount of innate soul power also represents the potential and upper limit in the future.

  At this time, the eyes of the audience were all focused, and the other groups of tests stopped temporarily, all looking at Ma Hongjun.

  Ma Hongjun slowly put his hand on the blue crystal ball.