
I'AM~Ma Hongjun Phoenix Douluo

Ma Hongjun watched Douluo Dalu, his heart was full of resentment. I feel that Ma Hongjun in the book is too embarrassed by his name. He stood in front of the mirror and took a look. "Handsome face, perfect body, which time I go to a nightclub without being fascinated by thousands of girls!" "If only I could travel to Douluo Continent!" ... Dreams come true, welcome to Douluo Continent! Since you think that Ma Hongjun is not good, then you go! ... The soul wears on Ma Hongjun, and he is no longer a fat man! The awakening of the martial soul turned out to be a twin martial soul! The first martial soul: Dragon Soul Spear; the second martial soul: Evil Fire Phoenix. There is a dragon soul in the dragon soul gun, which can absorb the soul ring to grow, this martial soul is so perverted! The Evil Fire Phoenix was still the old Evil Fire Phoenix, but the Evil Fire was no longer a trouble for Ma Hongjun now. He believes that this is a powerful ability that thousands of men can't ask for. If people are divided into two kinds of people, then this ability has conquered one of them! ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Evil Fire Refinement, 1st Soul Ring (7)

  Nine hundred years of spirit beasts far exceeded the limit of the second spirit ring of spirit masters.

  Ma Ping and Ma Ming looked embarrassed, and they met a suitable soul beast twice in a row. The first age was too low, and this age was too high.

  If it were seven hundred years, it would be good, and he would dare to try it in eight hundred years, but in nine hundred years, Ma Ming would not dare to gamble. After all, he is such a son.

  This is where hunting soul beasts is not easy. It is too difficult to find a suitable soul beast with a satisfactory age.

  "Look elsewhere!" Ma Ping sighed and said.

  Green Bamboo Sound Snake does not actively attack humans, it has been observing in the bamboo forest.

  "Three grandpas, I think I can try."

  Ma Hongjun is not trying to be a big one, but he is really sure to give it a try. Although the risk is a bit high, the reward is equally eye-catching.

  His current physical strength can be compared with Ma Ming, but it is only physical strength. The limit that can really withstand a spirit ring is definitely not comparable to Ma Ming. After all, Ma Ming's spirit power is stronger than him.

  The eight-hundred-year-old soul beast was the limit estimated by Ma Ming based on Ma Hongjun's situation.

  However, Ma Ming didn't know about the evil fire. Because of the evil fire, Ma Hongjun was very patient. After a hundred years, Ma Hongjun was confident to take it.

  After Ma Hongjun's persistent request, Ma Ping also agreed to give it a try, considering that the green bamboo sound snake was also nourished by green bamboo for a long time and was relatively gentle. Among the soul beasts, its spirit ring was easy to absorb.

  So without delay, the two summoned their martial spirits and killed Qingzhuyin Snake from left to right.

  Ma Ping's second spirit ring lit up. This was his highest spirit ability, which could instantly increase his attack by 30%.

  "Earthshatter stick."

  The wooden stick slammed into the sky quickly and precisely, and the Green Bamboo Sound Snake moved its body quickly, but still did not dodge, the wooden stick hit the back half of its tail.

  Ma Ming also lit up his second spirit ring.

  "Wooden spear thrust."

  The wooden spear swam back and forth in his hand, and stabbed out with strong force.

  Both of them understood that the Green Bamboo Sound Snake's characteristic was extremely fast, so they used the highest explosive soul skill as soon as they came up, trying to injure the Green Bamboo Sound Snake, thereby slowing down its speed.

  The first round paid off. Ma Ming's wooden spear left a wound on Qingzhuyin Snake's abdomen, slowing it down.

  In addition to the strongest flying attack, the attack of the green bamboo sound snake is not as strong as the five hundred years of the colorful demon tiger. So to deal with it, in addition to worrying about its flying attack, it is to be prepared not to let it run away.

  Ma Ping, one after the other, restricted its swimming range and prevented it from slipping away.

  However, the high-explosive spirit ability did not last long. After choosing their positions, the two began to use other spirit abilities.

  After all, this is a nine-hundred-year-old soul beast, and even if the attack is not high, it is not something they can kill instantly.

  Now the tactic of the two of them is to hold the Qingzhuyin Snake, consume it slowly, and find opportunities to seriously injure it. As long as the wounds on its body increase and the blood flow is too much, the speed will slow down. At that time, what awaits it is death .

  The Green Bamboo Sound Snake gradually became impatient, with more and more wounds on his body. Because Ma Ming's wooden spear had absorbed the Lone Bamboo Soul Ring, his attack had a strong penetrating power to the Green Bamboo Sound Snake. After all, Lone Bamboo The king of bamboo.

  Half an hour later, the blue snake body has been dyed red, and the ending of the green bamboo sound snake is already predictable.

  Seeing the one-sided situation on the battlefield, Ma Hongjun also slowly approached, and wanted to observe closely, after all, he still lacked actual combat experience.

  Qingzhuyin Snake's blue pupils shrank and slowly turned red. At this time, it couldn't help Ma Ming and Ma Ping.

  It suddenly turned the snake's head to Ma Hongjun, the thin cyan scales on its body were split open, and the cyan light bloomed, its body quickly coiled up on the ground, the direction of the snake's head did not change, but the long body circled and circled quickly. Rotated, and then the body shook, sweeping up a piece of dirt.

  It bounced off the ground, and its body unfolded into a straight line in the air.

  The blue light erupted, and the green bamboo sound snake turned into a green arrow and shot straight at Ma Hongjun, leaving a green trace in the air. When it flew to the highest point, it made a crisp, broken bamboo sound.

  This sound proves that it is an extremely talented soul beast, a green bamboo 'sound' snake that is less than a thousand years old.

  "Be careful, Hongjun!"

  "Be careful, Hongjun!"

  Ma Ping and the two exclaimed, their faces paled.

  Green Bamboo Sound Snake's strongest blow, even they didn't dare to take it hard. Even if he was injured now, the powerful stabbing force was not something that six-year-old Ma Hongjun could withstand.

  Ma Hongjun kept staring at the field, and when Qingzhuyinshe shifted his target to him, he noticed it.

  At the moment when the Green Bamboo Sound Snake flew up, there was already a silver spear in his right hand.

  The mouth of the Green Bamboo Sound Snake was closed when it flew up, but when it shot out, its upper and lower jaws were already open.

  Senbai's fangs, braved the cold light!

  "Back to the carbine!"

  Ma Hongjun lowered his body, stepped forward with his right foot, twisted his waist, leaned back, held the gun in both hands, and stabbed out diagonally.

  Back to the carbine is a unique trick in the Ma family's marksmanship, created by Ma Chao, the ancestor of the Ma family. This style of marksmanship is to dodge and attack at the same time. It seems to be unexpected, but it is actually premeditated.

  Back to the carbine is the real killer move!

  The silver tip of the Dragon Soul Spear pierced straight into the mouth of Qingzhuyin Snake.

  The silver spear and the green snake formed a straight line in the air, half silver and half cyan.

  The powerful impact made the snake body go directly down the gun barrel, as if it was a cyan gun holster, worn on the silver gun.

  Its head hit the position of Ma Hongjun's right hand until it stopped. The two fangs on the upper jaw, like steel needles, pierced into Ma Hongjun's index finger, almost piercing it.

  The green blood flowed out of the mouth of the snake and dripped into Ma Hongjun's mouth with his head raised, with a touch of sweetness and a slight fragrance of bamboo.

  Green Bamboo Sound Snake radiated yellow light spots, and after a while, a yellow halo appeared.

  Since the Green Bamboo Sound Snake is wrapped around the Dragon Soul Spear, its spirit ring also surrounds the Dragon Soul Spear.

  At this time, from the perspective of Ma Ping and the others, it was as if Ma Hongjun's martial spirit had turned into a blue spear, and he had a yellow spirit ring.

  Not in a hurry to take down the corpse of Qingzhuyin Snake, Ma Hongjun kept it in this state, then sat cross-legged, and began to run the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Sutra, drawing the energy of the spirit ring.

  The yellow spirit ring shrinks and becomes more solid, UU reading www. uukanshu.com on the gun barrel.

  Immediately after, a powerful force, like a rushing river, rushed into Ma Hongjun's body from his right hand.

  "Hongjun, you must always guard your martial spirit. No matter how the power of the spirit ring impacts your body, remember to stay awake. Only in this way can you make better use of the power of the spirit ring in the future."

  Ma Ping's voice entered Ma Hongjun's ears, but he couldn't distract himself at all. The power of the spirit ring had begun to ravage his body.

  Different from the irritability of the evil fire power, the power of the spirit ring is relatively mild, but too much is too powerful, as if it will burst the body.

  Ma Hongjun's body trembled violently, and visible beads of sweat flowed out of his pores.

  Just like forcibly putting a hundred catties of water into a container that can only hold eighty catties, the excessive spirit ring power scurried wildly in Ma Hongjun's body.

  Hundred Birds Chao Feng Jing kept running, trying to pull these forces, and running according to a fixed meridian route, it has achieved the effect of refining.

  The strong endurance was displayed, and although his brows were already wrinkled, Ma Hongjun remained awake.

  However, the power of the spirit ring was still flowing into his body, and there was no more sweat in the pores, but blood gushing out.

  This power is too powerful, the spirit ring of nine hundred years has indeed exceeded his limit, even if the will can endure it, the body can't bear it.

  Ma Ping and the two stared intently at Ma Hongjun, looking at the blood oozing from his skin.

  Just when Ma Hongjun felt that his body was about to split, a dragon roar sounded in his body. But the two of Ma Ping next to him didn't hear it.

  The golden dragon shadow appeared in his mind again.