
I'AM~Ma Hongjun Phoenix Douluo

Ma Hongjun watched Douluo Dalu, his heart was full of resentment. I feel that Ma Hongjun in the book is too embarrassed by his name. He stood in front of the mirror and took a look. "Handsome face, perfect body, which time I go to a nightclub without being fascinated by thousands of girls!" "If only I could travel to Douluo Continent!" ... Dreams come true, welcome to Douluo Continent! Since you think that Ma Hongjun is not good, then you go! ... The soul wears on Ma Hongjun, and he is no longer a fat man! The awakening of the martial soul turned out to be a twin martial soul! The first martial soul: Dragon Soul Spear; the second martial soul: Evil Fire Phoenix. There is a dragon soul in the dragon soul gun, which can absorb the soul ring to grow, this martial soul is so perverted! The Evil Fire Phoenix was still the old Evil Fire Phoenix, but the Evil Fire was no longer a trouble for Ma Hongjun now. He believes that this is a powerful ability that thousands of men can't ask for. If people are divided into two kinds of people, then this ability has conquered one of them! ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Evil Fire Refinement, 1st Soul Ring (6)

  The young man turned around and saw that one of the boy's hands was pierced, and a blood hole appeared in the palm of his hand; blood was also flowing from his mouth, and his face was terrified.

  He never imagined that the twentieth-level younger brother with a hundred-year-old spirit ring would actually be defeated by that kid, and he was defeated so fast.

  The young man grabbed Ma Ping, the black tiger claws pinched Ma Ping's neck, his eyes were gloomy, and his eyes flashed with ruthlessness, and then he said sharply to Ma Hongjun.

  "Let go of my brother!"

  Ma Hongjun exerted force on his hand, and the boy in his hand suddenly widened his eyes, revealing most of his white pupils.

  "Okay, you let my third grandpa go first."


  The young man tried his best and raised his hand slightly, his throat was pinched, and his voice was barely audible, but just by looking at the shape of his mouth, he could clearly understand what he wanted to express.

  The two sides were at a stalemate, and it was impossible for Ma Hongjun to release him first, because the three of them were not the opponents of the young man, and they had to ensure safety first.

  At this moment, a ten-person team came over. They were wearing the standard robes of the Spirit Hall. Eight were yellow and two were purple.

  Ma Ping also has a purple robe, which represents a strong soul.

  "Deacon Horse."

  "It's the old horse, what's going on?"


  "Young man, Ma Ping is from our Spirit Hall. Let him go first. If you have any misunderstandings, you can clarify."

  The first purple-robed man said aloud, full of energy, as a person in the Spirit Hall, he has this confidence.

  They were a special law enforcement group in the Soul Hunting Forest of the Spirit Hall. Generally, they did not manage this kind of battle between Spirit Masters. But what I met today was Ma Ping. As a person in the Spirit Hall, of course, he couldn't let go.

  In the end, under the intervention of the law enforcement team, Ma Hongjun and the young man released him at the same time.

  When the young man learned that Ma Ping was from the Spirit Hall, his aura became slightly weaker.

  The members of the law enforcement team also seemed to know the Black Tiger Martial Spirit, and were a little afraid. After rescuing Ma Ping, they did not embarrass the young man and let the two go arrogantly.

  Before leaving, the two brothers gave Ma Hongjun a deep look and left a sentence.

  "You just pray that you don't meet me."

  Not to be outdone, Ma Hongjun replied.

  "The same goes for you."

  The two chased in the direction of the colorful demon tiger.

  Today's apprenticeship was unfavorable, and both Ma Ping were injured. Finally, with the help of the law enforcement team, the three of them withdrew from the forest and went outside to rest first.

  I found a hotel outside the Hunting Soul Forest and stayed there. Fortunately, the injuries of Ma Ping and Ma Ming were not serious, and they could recover after a few days of rest.

  And Ma Hongjun also knew the origin of the Black Tiger Martial Spirit from Ma Ping.

  The Xiang family, one of the three major families in Soto City, has a strong heritage of the black tiger martial arts, and the family has a soul emperor in charge.

  I have to sigh, the uniqueness of the Black Tiger Martial Spirit. Before the Holy Spirit, the Black Tiger and the White Tiger were on a par, and they were both top-level Martial Spirits.

  But unlike the white tiger, the black tiger's martial spirit is the limit after it has cultivated to the soul emperor.

  The main reason for this is that the Black Tiger Martial Spirit is inherently evil.

  This evil spirit is somewhat similar to Ma Hongjun's evil fire, and it will have side effects.

  Evil fire is to accelerate the growth and expansion of the body, the excess of yang energy, the accumulation, and the continuous flow of essence.

  The suffocation affects people's character, making them arrogant, irritable, irritable, distorted, cruel and bloodthirsty.

  "No wonder the young man and the young man are so ill-tempered and like to cause trouble. Just because the stranger doesn't agree with him, they will get angry and kill. It turns out that the evil spirit exists."

  This was much easier for Ma Hongjun to understand, just like when his evil fire broke out, it would seriously affect his sanity.

  "That's why, when a man thinks with his lower body, he is no different from a beast."

  Ma Hongjun was deeply moved.

  However, because of the evil spirit, the Black Tiger Martial Soul can match most Soul Saints with the strength of the Soul Emperor. Because of this, the Xiang family was firmly established among the three major families in Soto City. But also because of this martial spirit, many people hate it, and it is considered an isolated party in Soto City.

  However, this is also a trait of a tiger.

  Ma Ming also went out to find out, the young man was the eldest young master of the Xiang family, and his name was Xiang Chengsheng.

  "Hmph, how can it be so easy to become a saint?" Ma Hongjun smiled when he heard the name. It seemed that Wuhun couldn't break through the soul saint, and it became a genetic heart disease of the Xiang family.

  The young man is his younger brother, called King Xiang Cheng; and the other two spirits are also guest ministers of his family.

  The Xiang family came to the Soul Hunting Forest this time to give King Xiang Cheng a second spirit ring.

  Anyway, this time Ma Hongjun was in a relationship with the Xiang family, and the next time they meet, it will not be easy to get along with.

  Xiang Chengsheng and the others did not come out of the Soul Hunting Forest until the evening of the second day.

  With three soul masters, it was not difficult to hunt down the colorful demon tiger. Ma Hongjun guessed that the reason for the delay was that King Xiang Cheng was injured by him.

  On the third day, the three of Ma Hongjun set off again and entered the Soul Hunting Forest.

  I didn't stay, I went through the first three mountains, and when I reached the fourth mountain, I started to slow down and search.

  Before long, it was getting dark and the three had to choose a place to camp.

  Ma Ming gave Ma Hongjun a practice class again.

  How to choose a suitable place to camp?

  Can you make a fire?

  What is Snake Repellent Powder?

  How does it work?

  how to use?

  What should you pay attention to in the forest at night?


  Although they are all details, they are very practical. As a spirit master, one must often step into the spirit beast forest, and the spirit beast forest is full of crises. In the case of limited strength, one more experience is one more Safety.

  After simply eating the dry food, Ma Ping asked Ma Hongjun to rest, and he and Ma Ming took turns to watch the night. This was to keep Ma Hongjun in good physical condition and to absorb the spirit rings, especially the first spirit ring, which was very important and should not be careless.

  Ma Hongjun is not hypocritical, the two elders' love for him does not need too many words to express.

  There was no incident all night, and the next morning, the three of them continued to set out to find the soul beast.

  Near noon, the three stopped in front of a green bamboo forest, and the two of them, Ma Ping, suddenly lit up.

  This bamboo forest is huge and connects the fourth and fifth mountains.

  "This is Green Bamboo, and it is also a kind of soul beast. Green Bamboo is not aggressive, it is a very gentle plant-type spirit beast, its spirit ring is easy to absorb, and spirit masters will basically choose an age that is close to the limit of the spirit ring.

  Moreover, it has strong vitality and is the first choice of many healing auxiliary spirit masters. "

  Before Ma Ming finished speaking, Ma Hongjun asked.

  "What does this have to do with me?"

  "It's very relevant. If nothing else, your first spirit ring is gone." Ma Ping replied with a little excitement.

  "Choose Green Bamboo?" Ma Hongjun asked in confusion.

  "Of course not, UU reading www.uukanshu.com look, look carefully!"

  "Look there!"

  Looking in the direction Ma Ping pointed, Ma Hongjun finally saw it clearly. It was the snake's body wrapped around the green bamboo, and only part of it was exposed. Because the snake's body was also blue, if you didn't pay attention, you couldn't really see it.

  If it weren't for it, the sun was shining brightly at this time, and it shone on its thin blue scales, reflecting the light, and Ma Hongjun still couldn't find it.

  Ma Hongjun: "What is it called?"

  Ma Ming: "Green Bamboo Sound Snake!"

  Ma Ping: "The Green Bamboo Sound Snake lives only in the green bamboo forest, it is not poisonous, it can attach itself to the green bamboo, and it also has some of the characteristics of green bamboo's vigorous vitality.

  Its biggest feature is speed. The green bamboo snake can only be called the green bamboo snake a thousand years ago. After a thousand years, it will be a veritable green bamboo snake, because it can briefly burst out faster than the speed of sound.

  If it is the green bamboo sound snake with better talent, it can also reach the speed of supersonic speed for a short time a thousand years ago.

  Its strongest attack method, simple and fast, is to fly up, form a straight line, and shoot out like a green arrow.

  There will be a crisp cracking bamboo sound in the air, the speed is extremely fast, like green lightning. "

  Ma Hongjun: "Then how to judge its age!"

  Ma Ming: "The Green Bamboo Sound Snake also has bamboo stripes, and a bamboo knot represents a hundred years."

  The three of them were chatting wonderfully when the green bamboo snake noticed the three outsiders.

  It began to shuttle between green bamboos. Its body is not fat and can change freely. When lying on the green bamboo, it is wide but thin; when moving, it is very long but slender.

  Ma Hongjun observed and counted the bamboo stripes on its body.

  "one two three four five six seven eight nine!"