
I'AM~Ma Hongjun Phoenix Douluo

Ma Hongjun watched Douluo Dalu, his heart was full of resentment. I feel that Ma Hongjun in the book is too embarrassed by his name. He stood in front of the mirror and took a look. "Handsome face, perfect body, which time I go to a nightclub without being fascinated by thousands of girls!" "If only I could travel to Douluo Continent!" ... Dreams come true, welcome to Douluo Continent! Since you think that Ma Hongjun is not good, then you go! ... The soul wears on Ma Hongjun, and he is no longer a fat man! The awakening of the martial soul turned out to be a twin martial soul! The first martial soul: Dragon Soul Spear; the second martial soul: Evil Fire Phoenix. There is a dragon soul in the dragon soul gun, which can absorb the soul ring to grow, this martial soul is so perverted! The Evil Fire Phoenix was still the old Evil Fire Phoenix, but the Evil Fire was no longer a trouble for Ma Hongjun now. He believes that this is a powerful ability that thousands of men can't ask for. If people are divided into two kinds of people, then this ability has conquered one of them! ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Evil Fire Refinement, 1st Soul Ring (2)

Horse Village.

  When I got home, it was already evening.

  After hurriedly eating his mother's meal, Ma Hongjun couldn't wait to run to the back mountain.

  It was already dark, and Ma Hongjun stood alone on the top of the back mountain against the wind.

  "Evil Fire Phoenix, come out!"

  Ma Hongjun used his mind to summon the Evil Fire Phoenix. This was the seventh time, and he had not yet summoned it.

  Suddenly, the sound of zizi sounded from the body, and a fiery energy burst out.

  A purple-red flame erupted from the body, covering the whole body. The flame was not affected by the wind, wrapped Ma Hongjun and rose upward, and the black hair instantly turned red.

  Since he hated the image in the original book, Ma Hongjun had long hair and a red cape since he was a child. The long red hair that strayed from the back perfectly showed Ma Hongjun's ancient elegance.

  The rising purple flames added a hint of evil to his face.

  Then, fiery red feathers emerged from the skin, and the palms turned into claws.

  There was an unbearable itching on both sides of the back and bones, as if something was about to grow, but there was a lack of strength, like a chicken that broke out of its shell, but couldn't break the membrane.

  Sure enough, the spirit mutation of the evil fire phoenix was not complete. After the spirit possessed, it could only show some of the characteristics of the phoenix, but not fully.

  Fortunately, the current Ma Hongjun is well-proportioned and not obese, otherwise he really looks like an old hen. It looks really awkward even in this half-martial spirit form.

  Ma Hongjun felt embarrassed to use it in front of others, but fortunately, with the dragon soul gun, the evil fire phoenix could temporarily hide.

  After a while, the rising evil fire caused the body to react.

  The body began to get hot, and it was getting hotter and hotter. The violent energy seemed to make the body explode.

  Ma Hongjun quickly used his mind to take back his martial spirit.

  It took more than a minute to take the evil fire phoenix back into the body, and the purple flame receded.

  His mouth was dry, and his clothes and trousers were stretched out a few times. Ma Hongjun checked his body and found that his body was much swollen.

  The whole body was too hot, so Ma Hongjun quickly practiced his spear technique. The wooden spear seemed to have no weight and flew in his hand. At this time, his whole body was full of strength.

  Going to get a heavier gun tomorrow. Ma Hongjun thought in his heart.

  It wasn't until the dead of night that Ma Hongjun returned to his room from the mountain. At this time, his tattered clothes were soaked with sweat.

  Tonight his water, too much!

  After a cold shower, I felt a lot more refreshed.

  Lying on the bed, the tired Ma Hongjun fell into a deep sleep.

  He didn't dream again that night, and slept soundly.

  The next morning, Ma Ming got up early. Seeing Ma Hongjun sleeping sweetly on the bed, he wanted to wake him up for morning exercise, but was stopped by Li Hui.

  Li Hui took Ma Ming out of Ma Hongjun's room and gently closed the door.

  "In the past six years, Hongjun hasn't had a good night's sleep, and he finally slept so sweetly today, let's not wake him up, let him get a good night's sleep!"

  A mother is always the most caring person who knows her child best.

  Ma Ming didn't disturb Ma Hongjun's sleep anymore, he also knew about his son's nightmare.

  It was not until noon that Ma Hongjun woke up and stretched contentedly.

  "No more nightmares!"

  Ma Hongjun smiled happily, and his slightly fat little face was a little cute when he smiled.

  "It should be because of the awakening of the martial soul."

  Pushing the door and going out, my mother was cooking in the kitchen at this time, and she said happily when she saw her son come out.

  "Hongjun, get up, go wash your face, and eat right away."


  Ma Hongjun hummed, then Ma Ming came over and looked at Ma Hongjun in surprise.

  "Hey, why did you seem to have gained weight in one night, it's still my illusion."

  "Is there any, I'll take a look."

  When Ma Hongjun looked in the mirror, sure enough, he was fat.

  The small face looks puffy and should be round.

  The same is true of the body. I feel a little bit. The clothes that originally fit are already a little small.

  Moreover, looking at the mirror carefully, there are actually a few beards that have emerged. Although they are very short, they have already emerged.

  "I'm only six years old!"


  After thinking calmly, Ma Hongjun understood that this was a change brought about by the evil fire, which not only made the body fat, but also accelerated the development of the body.

  If there is no good solution, it is really possible to become the image of the old hen martial arts, which is really unacceptable.

  After eating, Ma Hongjun and Ma Ming began to study the training and study plan for the next three months.

  After an afternoon of discussions, a plan was finally made.

  First of all, in the morning, exercise the muscles, muscles and muscles for two hours;

  Four hours of physical training with guns in the morning;

  In the afternoon, study the knowledge of soul masters for four hours;

  Continue to train for two hours at night.

  The training content has also been refined. Every day, solid physical training methods, such as running with weight, climbing, and standing up, increase the difficulty by increasing the weight.

  The gun was also replaced with a 20-kilogram iron gun. In the follow-up, Ma Ming had to order a heavier and stronger gun. The training of marksmanship was added on wooden stakes, under waterfalls, in water and other scenes.

  All of these trainers are breaking the limits of the body, improving the strength of the body, and strengthening the body.

  The next day, Ma Hongjun began to implement the plan.

  It took nearly an hour to run five laps around Majia Village with a weight of five kilograms, about fifteen kilometers.

  After the run, I added 20 kilograms of weight to climb the mountain. The back mountain is not high, only 200 meters, but after running for 15 kilometers, I added more weight, and it took half an hour to climb.

  After climbing the mountain, I did 100 push-ups in a row on the top of the mountain, doing three sets for more than half an hour.

  It took two and a half hours to finish the first morning physical training course. At this time, Ma Hongjun was already lying on the ground tired. He was carried down the mountain by Ma Ming, put into the medicine bucket prepared by Li Hui, and took a medicine bath.

  Medicated baths are a bit extravagant, but fortunately, Ma Ming has been in the Soul Hunting Team all these years, plus the Soul Master subsidy of ten gold Soul Coins per month in the Wuhun Hall, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com also saved a lot The gold coins were enough to provide Ma Hongjun with the medicinal bath for the past three months.

  Ma Hongjun started morning training at the age of four, but the intensity of his daily training is far less than today, and it is estimated to be only one-tenth of today's level.

  But this time is for special training, for the spirit ring!

  After the medicated bath, it was time to practice with the iron spear. The iron spear weighing 20 kilograms was already too heavy for Ma Hongjun. After all, he was only six years old, and fortunately he was taller than most of his peers.

  Half an hour later, a set of Ma Family Marksmanship was completed, and Ma Hongjun was out of breath. When he used a wooden gun, he could finish it in one breath, very coherently, but now it is a little reluctant.

  This is not to say that Ma Hongjun's marksmanship is not proficient, but his physical strength is not enough to support him.

  Then there are the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear and the Seven Snake Coiled Spear. Ma Hongjun has not yet fully learned these two spears, but he can practice the basic moves. If he wants to exert its power, he still needs to practice the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Sutra to a higher level. to the point of.

  In the afternoon, Ma Ming imparted knowledge to Ma Hongjun one-on-one. Martial arts, spirit masters, spirit power, spirit beasts, and spirit rings were all inexhaustible knowledge.

  Continue physical training at night, and then take a medicated bath.

  In this way, three days later, Ma Hongjun found that his body had recovered again, and the strength of his body was more solid than before, breaking the previous limit. The dry heat left by the evil fire is gone.

  However, in the next few days, Ma Hongjun could only maintain the training volume of the first three days. He couldn't bear the increase in training volume, and it was difficult to break through the physical limit.

  "This should be due to the evil fire. The energy of the evil fire can change the body, but after refining this energy, it can enhance the physique."

  In the evening, Ma Hongjun summoned the evil fire phoenix again and let the evil fire flood his body.