
I'AM~Ma Hongjun Phoenix Douluo

Ma Hongjun watched Douluo Dalu, his heart was full of resentment. I feel that Ma Hongjun in the book is too embarrassed by his name. He stood in front of the mirror and took a look. "Handsome face, perfect body, which time I go to a nightclub without being fascinated by thousands of girls!" "If only I could travel to Douluo Continent!" ... Dreams come true, welcome to Douluo Continent! Since you think that Ma Hongjun is not good, then you go! ... The soul wears on Ma Hongjun, and he is no longer a fat man! The awakening of the martial soul turned out to be a twin martial soul! The first martial soul: Dragon Soul Spear; the second martial soul: Evil Fire Phoenix. There is a dragon soul in the dragon soul gun, which can absorb the soul ring to grow, this martial soul is so perverted! The Evil Fire Phoenix was still the old Evil Fire Phoenix, but the Evil Fire was no longer a trouble for Ma Hongjun now. He believes that this is a powerful ability that thousands of men can't ask for. If people are divided into two kinds of people, then this ability has conquered one of them! ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Dress up as a pig and eat a tiger, hang up the seniors

When all the dishes were served, there was already a large table full of more than 20 dishes, and most of the meat of spirit beasts was not cheap.

Ma Hongjun finally took the wine list and ordered two jars of green plum wine.

He hadn't experienced the taste of being drunk for a long time, and he wanted to drink a little.

"Don't be stunned, start eating, let go, and don't leave if you can't finish it!"

"Yes, boss!"

"Boss, you eat rabbit head, spicy rabbit head is the most delicious!"

"Boss, and this chicken leg ! "

"Boss, this tiger meat is so fragrant. I saw other people eat it before, and my saliva was drooling at the time. I didn't expect it to be so fragrant, and my tongue would melt."

"This rabbit meat is delicious too . , but the tail is too short, I like to eat its tail!"


When the nine younger brothers let go of eating, Ma Hongjun slowly poured the green plum wine.

The green plum wine has some fruity fragrance, slightly thick, not very strong, but the taste is excellent; the taste is very good, it is not spicy in the throat, and it is very mellow.

The wine is the same no matter which world it is in, but the difference lies in the materials. The quality of the wine in Douluo Continent is much higher than that of the earth. Just from the hops that are rising and dissipating, you can see the pros and cons of this wine. , not many wines on earth can reach this level.

"Boss, this is a bar you drink. My dad often drinks it, and it seems to be very good, but my dad won't let me drink it; boss, give me a drink!"

"Boss, I want to try it too."

"Boss, let me taste some!"

"You guys..."

Ma Hongjun thought about this green plum wine, which is also a fruit wine in essence. It's not too strong. Even if a child drinks it, it's fine. A moderate amount of small wine is actually good for the body. What's more, these are all future soul masters with excellent physique. So agreed.

Everyone poured a drink and drank it.

"Boss, we respect you!"

"Okay, don't stand, sit down and drink, where did you learn this."

"Hey, I see my father and uncle drinking together like this."

"Let's not do that, ah, just drink when you drink, it's mainly for fun!"


Some of them are not used to drinking, some are very enthusiastic, and then each of them will clink glasses with Ma Hongjun to please the new boss.

Sure enough, it is society, and it is not uncommon to enter the soul master world.

Seeing this, those few who are not used to drinking should also show their loyalty, no matter how they can't fall behind, they can't admit it.

So the atmosphere got up, and three jars of wine were called again. There was no noise in the box. Good wine and good meat made several children feel the arrogance of the man, and they all began to become arrogant under the influence of alcohol!

He also began to show off his martial arts to the boss, Ma Hongjun, and introduced himself to the boss.

However, because it was too noisy, the sound reached the box next door.

"What's going on next to me? It's so noisy that no one can eat."

"Yeah, Boss Ye, it's been noisy for a long time, and it doesn't stop. It's getting louder and louder."

"It's probably our Musu who eat here . The students of the academy."

"They don't know that Ye boss, you often eat here, and you dare to be so noisy, it is probably some guy who has not been taught a lesson before."

The boy sitting on the main seat looked like he was about ten years old. He was the boss of Musu Academy, a fourth-year student, Ye Xingchen.

Being able to become the boss in the fourth grade proves that his strength and talent are very strong.

"Kunshan, go take a look and tell them to be quiet."

"Okay, Boss Ye!"

Kunshan is relatively burly, he is a sixth-grade academy, and he is twelve years old.

Kunshan walked to the door of Ma Hongjun and others' box, without knocking on the door, he pushed in directly.

"I said why it's so noisy. It turned out to be a group of children.

You are freshmen, don't you understand the rules, don't talk while eating."

Kunshan looked at some strange and immature faces, of which nine were still wearing The blue school uniform of the academy probably knew what was going on, and he spoke a little more arrogantly. "I'm your senior, the sixth grader

, and I'm eating in the box next to you. Please keep your voice down and don't disturb us. Do you understand?"

The seniors in the sixth grade were all a little shocked, their alcoholism was suppressed, and they didn't dare to speak, they all turned to look at Ma Hongjun.

"Get out and knock on the door again!"

"What did you say, kid, say it again."

"Go away!"

"Do you know who I am, dare to talk to me like this!

" , only let the wine glass crack a crack, and then threw it straight at Kunshan at the door, his voice lowered a little, and he said again.

"Go away!"

Kunshan looked at Ma Hongjun angrily, chuckled at the cup he threw over, and caught it with his hand.

The moment he caught the cup, the cup cracked, the sharp fracture cut through his palm, and blood flowed down.

The pain made him even more angry, the anger made him lose his mind, and then he began to curse.

"Little bastard, if you dare to hurt me, today I will show you how good I am."

Kunshan clenched his fists and rushed around the table.

Ma Hongjun took the first step out of his seat and rushed out quickly.

"Don't overturn our food, otherwise you won't be able to afford it."

After absorbing Qingzhuyin Snake's spirit ring, Ma Hongjun's physical fitness has been greatly improved, especially in terms of speed, the base speed is twice the original speed. times. So when Kunshan had only taken two steps, Ma Hongjun had already come to him.

First he slapped him in the mouth, then kicked him out and fell down the corridor.

Ma Hongjun clapped his hands, looked down at Kunshan on the ground, and said,

"Your mouth is not clean, I'll fix it for you."

"You forced me to make a small crumb."

Kunshan stood up, looked at Ma Hongjun with venomous eyes, and growled lowly. road.

"Rock orangutan, possessed!" The

gray-white hair came out of his body, his body swelled, his arms became longer, and a gray-white orangutan appeared, with a yellow spirit ring lit under his feet.

"He's a soul master!"

"It's a century-old soul ring!"



"Boss, we can't beat him!" The

nine younger brothers were frightened and at a loss.

"Hum, boy, kneel down and beg for mercy now, maybe I can be gentler with you."

Kunshan smiled evilly.

The door of the other box opened, and seven or eight teenagers walked out.

"Kunshan, what's the matter, you still summoned a martial spirit."

"Boss Ye, this kid is disobedient, I want to teach him a lesson."

"Teach a child, do you use it to summon a martial arts?"

Kunshan I'm not ashamed to say that I was beaten by a child, and then I couldn't beat him.

"I'm not trying to give him a lot of insight, let's not talk about it, I'll teach him a lesson first."

Kunshan didn't use his soul skills, and his big gray hand grabbed at Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun still hadn't summoned his martial spirit, but his level 20 spirit power was enough to deal with this hairy monkey.

Using his hand as a gun, he punched the grey orangutan in the palm of his hand, followed by a volley three consecutive kicks, which directly kicked Kunshan out and fell in front of Ye Xingchen and others.

"A monkey with albinism dares to be arrogant."

"You, I'll kill you!"

Kunshan's first spirit ring lit up and rushed over, this time he was going to use his spirit ability.

"Young Master Ye, Master Kun, several young masters, you can't fight here, my restaurant can't stand the toss!"

At this time, the manager of the restaurant ran over and looked at Ye Xingchen and Kunshan as if begging for mercy.

Ye Xingchen reached out and stopped Kunshan, and he also saw the extraordinaryness of Ma Hongjun.

"How about we go out to fight!"

Ye Xingchen said to Ma Hongjun.

"Whoever is in the mood to fight with you, hurry up and leave, don't disturb our meal."

Ma Hongjun didn't give face at all, he waved his hand and motioned Ye Xingchen and the others to get out of the way.

The faces of Ye Xingchen and the others suddenly became difficult to look at. Several people had already started to scold Ma Hongjun, and Kunshan was about to rush up again.

"Are you new students this year?" Ye Xingchen asked.

"Blind eyes, it's not necessary to ask, I can't see the nine of them wearing the same clothes as you."

"Boy, you have sharp teeth, are you also a freshman?" " Nonsense

, not a freshman, is it a teacher!"

Ye Xingchen and the others were so angry that they couldn't give up. Ma Hongjun knew this fight, so he had to fight.

And I also feel that it's almost the same. It's been so many years, it's been a long time, I haven't been so enjoyable. I still remember the last time I was jealous. It was in a previous life in a bar because my brother and others robbed women and helped me.

"Okay, okay, don't you want to fight? I'll fight you.

However, such a dry fight is boring. Since it's here for dinner, I'll make a bet with today's meal money, and whoever loses will pay.

" Well, I bet you, go out now."

Kunshan said impatiently. He still maintains the state of spirit possession, and it seems that he will not be relieved if he does not fight back.

The two groups went out to the backyard of the restaurant, which was relatively spacious and few people, so they were not afraid of attracting the attention of the college.

"Boss, you have to be careful!"

"Boss, don't go!"

"Boss, if we can't beat us, let's admit defeat, it will hurt a lot."


These little brothers really embarrassed him, Ma Hongjun had the urge to roll his eyes.

"Okay, you have to trust me, the boss, say something nice, cheer for me, this time we can get rid of the bill."


"Come on, boss!"

"Boss, show him some color"


Kunshan had experienced Ma Hongjun's terror just now, so he didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, and directly lit up the first spirit ring.

"Rabid Gorilla Fist!"

Kun Shang waved his fist over, and Rampage Gorilla Fist temporarily increased his attack power by 50% and his speed by 30%. Coupled with the defensive power of his own Martial Soul Rock Gorilla, it can be said that he is a Berserker.

The rock orangutan is a kind of soul beast that lives on the rocky beaches of the Gobi. It has the properties of rocks and has a strong defense.

Ye Xingchen and others all showed their expressions of watching a good show. They knew how powerful Kunshan was, and Kunshan was the second master of Musu Spirit Master Academy.

Even Ye Xingchen, he was able to defeat Kunshan, to a large extent, also depended on the restraint of his martial soul.

Ma Hongjun still hadn't summoned his martial spirit, and he was still fighting with his bare hands. He wanted to feel the power of his physical body. This kind of powerful beast martial spirit was the best target.

Kunshan's soul power is about 15th rank, and it becomes stronger after using the soul skills.

A round of fists came, and Ma Hongjun hurriedly faced it. The violent power was nearly twice as strong as before, whether it was punching speed or punching power.

Ma Hongjun still underestimated his strength. With a round of punches, Ma Hongjun only blocked the front a few times, and the back three punches hit Ma Hongjun's chest.

Ma Hongjun was beaten back several steps before he stopped.




"This kid, he is beyond his own power. He dares to face Kunshan." "It's really a new born

calf who is not afraid of tigers! " That's right, it seems that we will find an opportunity this year to teach this group of juniors a lesson, otherwise they don't know how to respect seniors!"

Ye Xingchen really couldn't listen to the cynicism of several people, because he was also a arrogant freshman at the beginning. He was also forced to step on the senior's face.

"Open your eyes and take a good look, think about it with your head, that kid hasn't used martial arts yet."

Ye Xingchen's words made several people quiet down, and after thinking about it, he sucked in a breath of cold air.


Everyone thought, yes, just now that kid has always used his physical strength to compete with Kunshan, and Kunshan still used spirit skills.

What that means, of course they know.

Several people looked at Ma Hongjun in shock.

Ma Hongjun stroked his chest a little, then raised his head and said.

"That's right, it really does have some strength, you are qualified to see my martial arts."

Then, the dragon soul spear appeared.

Yellow spirit ring out!