
I'AM~Ma Hongjun Phoenix Douluo

Ma Hongjun watched Douluo Dalu, his heart was full of resentment. I feel that Ma Hongjun in the book is too embarrassed by his name. He stood in front of the mirror and took a look. "Handsome face, perfect body, which time I go to a nightclub without being fascinated by thousands of girls!" "If only I could travel to Douluo Continent!" ... Dreams come true, welcome to Douluo Continent! Since you think that Ma Hongjun is not good, then you go! ... The soul wears on Ma Hongjun, and he is no longer a fat man! The awakening of the martial soul turned out to be a twin martial soul! The first martial soul: Dragon Soul Spear; the second martial soul: Evil Fire Phoenix. There is a dragon soul in the dragon soul gun, which can absorb the soul ring to grow, this martial soul is so perverted! The Evil Fire Phoenix was still the old Evil Fire Phoenix, but the Evil Fire was no longer a trouble for Ma Hongjun now. He believes that this is a powerful ability that thousands of men can't ask for. If people are divided into two kinds of people, then this ability has conquered one of them! ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Continue to hang and beat, the boss of the college

The silver spear emitted a dazzling light, and the tip of the spear flashed a quiet cold light.

Kunshan's head was already filled with anger at this time, and he didn't even think about Ma Hongjun's martial spirit.

Moreover, his first spirit ability could not last long.

Ma Hongjun did not use soul skills, but Ma family marksmanship.

Majia's marksmanship is the marksmanship he is most familiar with. It is mainly about basic marksmanship skills, not as systematic as Bainiaochaofeng's.

However, the actual combat ability is very strong.

When the rock gorilla martial arts attack, the two big palms will turn into rocks, so Kunshan is generally not afraid of sharp martial arts such as swords, spears, swords and halberds.

However, he obviously underestimated the power of the Dragon Soul Spear, or his rock gorilla martial soul did not achieve the defensive effect he imagined.

The tip of the gun touched the big palm of the rock orangutan, making a sizzling sound, and Ma Hongjun felt as if he had hit the rock.

No, it should be harder than rocks, because ordinary rocks can be broken with a single shot.

Kunshan felt the pain and resisted one after another, as if his palms were hitting a steel cone.

Ma Hongjun's marksmanship is exquisite and smooth, and his gun has a strong penetrating power, giving Kunshan the feeling of hitting a hedgehog with his bare hands.

In the end, Kunshan was knocked to the ground under Ma Hongjun's attack of a hundred birds out of the nest. Ma Hongjun did not use all his strength as he did with Xiang Chengwang, so Kunshan was not injured.

Although he was very angry, Kunshan had to obey. Ma Hongjun's spear was on his neck, and he couldn't tolerate his harsh words.

"Kunshan loses, let him go, we will pay for your meal." Ye Xingchen said.

"Very good, happy!"

Ma Hongjun let go of Kunshan, and Kunshan rolled back and ran back.

"You are really this year's freshman, only six years old?" Ye Xingchen asked again in disbelief.

Ma Hongjun raised his head and nodded.

"You can have the first spirit ring to become a spirit master at the age of six. There is only one situation.

You are innately full of soul power!" The

others were surprised. After several years of classes, they knew exactly what innate full spirit power was. .

"You're quite smart, so it seems that you should study well."

Ma Hongjun said with a smile.

"I know who you are, Ma Hongjun from Majia Village. This year's Musu Town Martial Spirit Awakening is the only one who is full of innate spirit power, and your silver spear is still a mutant spirit." Ye Xingchen said excitedly.

"You all know this, it seems that you are not simple!"

Ma Hongjun awakened his martial arts in the martial arts hall. Not many people in Musu Soul Master Academy knew about his information, but Ye Xingchen knew it so clearly. It's definitely something.

"To tell you the truth, my father is the patrol general of Musu Town. He also told me about you. He said that you might come to the Musu Spirit Master Academy, but I didn't expect you to come

. What amazes me is that you got the first spirit ring so quickly."


Ma Hongjun snorted, so it was.

However, Ye Xingchen's father is on behalf of the Kingdom of Barack. How did he know my information from the Hall of Souls? It seems that there is a tricky relationship between the Kingdom and the Hall of Souls.

"Okay, the fight is over, let's go back to eat, remember to pay later." Ma Hongjun greeted the nine younger brothers and was about to leave.



"I'll gamble with you again. You will also be a member of the Musu Soul Master Academy in the future. I am the boss of the academy now. Whoever wins will be the boss of the academy in the future."

"It's boring, I still like the golden soul coins. What's good about being the boss, but also bringing a group of younger brothers!"

Ma Hongjun looked at the nine younger brothers and felt that he still couldn't experience the feeling of society, and he didn't have the demeanor of the old and bewildered boys in the previous life.

"Okay, bet gold soul coins, let me tell you, how much do you want to bet?"

"How much do you have?"

"Ten gold soul coins."

"Then bet ten gold soul coins!"

"Would you like to take a break?"

" No, come on!"

Ye Xingchen took three steps forward, stood opposite Ma Hongjun, raised his right hand, and a colorful rope appeared in his hand. "Ye Xingchen

, Martial Soul Beast Rope, 16th-level Battle Spirit Master."

"Ma Hongjun, Martial Soul Silver Spear, 13th-level Battle Soul Master."

The Beast Binding Rope has a strong binding ability, and it is also a very strong existence among control-type soul masters, especially single-person control.

The control-type martial spirits restrained the assault-type spirits to a large extent. He used this to win Kunshan in the first place and tied Kunshan directly. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't exert himself when he was tied. Of course, this is only for opponents of the same level. If the strength is too much higher than him, the beast rope will not be able to tie it.

Ma Hongjun also attacked spirit masters in the same way, so he dared to challenge. It was just that Kunshan didn't force Ma Hongjun's first spirit ability out. He didn't know what Ma Hongjun's spirit ability was. It was a little regretful, but it didn't affect him. Restraining Ma Hongjun.

The beast-binding rope slowly grew longer in Ye Xingchen's hands, flexible like a snake, and bent from the air to shoot at Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun picked the end of the rope with one shot and tried to knock it to the ground.

But when his gun was hit, the rope softened and wound down the tip of the gun.

Ma Hongjun quickly drew the gun and backed away, the tip of the gun kept waving the spear, trying to avoid the rope.

But the rope was very flexible, it could be hard or soft, so Ma Hongjun was helpless for a while, feeling like he was stabbing cotton.

Ma Hongjun's eyes narrowed, knowing that he couldn't be entangled by the rope, he used the Hundred Birds Playing Phoenix Movement, and kept changing positions to keep the rope from getting close.

The Hundred Birds Playing the Phoenix Movement is a powerful movement in the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Sutra that is combined with the spear technique. It is very flexible and ever-changing. Ma Hongjun started to practice it when he was three years old. Although he has practiced for three years, he is not very proficient. .

This is not the way to go, if you are not careful, you will be entangled, and it is too passive. Consuming it all the time, his Dragon Soul Spear won't last long.

He had to find a way to get close, but the shrinkage of the rope was too strong and the sensitivity was very high, giving Ma Hongjun no chance at all.

There was no other way, Ma Hongjun pointed the tip of his spear forward, held the spear in both hands, his body used the spear as a fulcrum, and bounced up. When he reached the air, the yellow spirit ring lit up, and Ma Hongjun was forced to use the spirit ability first.

"Ultra Shadow Flying Dragon Spear!" The

human spear turned into a straight line, and the cold light flashed in the air, breaking through the barrier of the air and arriving in front of Ye Xingchen.

The corner of Ye Xingchen's mouth cracked open, and his yellow spirit ring also lit up.

"Two-rope cross-bundle."

Suddenly, the rope in his hand split in two and crossed into a cross in the air, blocking the shot from Ma Hongjun when the tip of the gun touched the rope. The rope twisted and circled at an extremely fast speed, and the two ropes quickly crossed from four directions, as if weaving a net, they were about to wrap Ma Hongjun.

Ye Xingchen had already burst into laughter, thinking in his heart that he would soon be able to accept Ma Hongjun as his younger brother and win ten gold soul coins.

In fact, he had been waiting for Ma Hongjun to get close. He couldn't control the rope too far away from him. If it was too far away, it would be more difficult to control and consume more soul power.

He has been waiting for Ma Hongjun to approach, and no matter who he is, he will choose to get close, because it is impossible to defeat the control system spirit master without getting close.

The few people behind him also showed smiles. They had been taught by Boss Ye's rope, not to mention them, even some teachers in the academy, who were tied up and could not break free at all.

It seemed that the result had already been booked, and he was waiting to be tied up with Ma Hongjun and beaten.

However, the reality will not be as they thought.

Ma Hongjun also thought of this. Although he didn't know what his soul skill was at first, the rope was nothing more than a function of binding people. At most, the postures were different. Could it be possible to play a flower.

After the rope was wrapped around the gun, Ma Hongjun kicked the gun vertically in the air, and then did a backflip, detached from the Dragon Soul Gun, and landed perfectly from the air.

The impact of the gun shot at Ye Xingchen with the rope. At this time, the Dragon Soul Spear was completely wrapped by the beast rope.

Ma Hongjun bullied his body forward and rushed towards Ye Xingchen quickly. When everyone's martial spirits were gone, he could only fight for his body.

"Boss Ye, be careful!"

"It's too late!"

Ma Hongjun had already arrived and punched Ye Xingchen in the abdomen, causing his body to form a bow and fly out.

Then he was beaten violently. Ye Xingchen had no resistance at all. In terms of physical strength, even Kunshan with a powerful martial spirit was no match for Ma Hongjun, let alone this weaker Ye Xingchen.

"I'll admit defeat!"

"I'll admit defeat!"


After enjoying himself, Ma Hongjun withdrew his hand, made a move with his right hand, and the Dragon Soul Spear disappeared from the beast-binding rope and appeared in his hand.

This is the spirit of the weapon, and its essence is still condensed by spirit power, which can be summoned at will. It is impossible to be tied at all, and the same is true for the same beast rope.

The reason why Ma Hongjun didn't immediately summon the Dragon Soul Spear just now was because he wanted to attack Ye Xingchen quickly, so that he could not be distracted and control the beast rope; second, he wanted to beat him with his bare hands.

After all, using the Dragon Soul Spear would hurt him. Too high is not a life-and-death enemy, it is just a conflict between the students, so there is no need to kill.

Ten gold soul coins were successfully obtained, and a group of younger brothers were received.

From now on, Ma Hongjun will be the boss of Musu Academy, and all the students here are his younger brothers.

Continuing to go back to eat, Ye Xingchen and the others ran over with shy faces, wanting to eat with Ma Hongjun and others.

Ma Hongjun thought about it, these are also younger brothers, and he would have to pay for them later, so he agreed.

Ye Xingchen actually has his own thoughts. Although he failed to win, he is not sad at all. Influenced by his father since childhood, he is also very good at dealing with people and knows how to get to know some useful people.

Ma Hongjun's potential is there, and his father's intention is to let him have a good relationship. Even if it can't be used for him, it's best not to offend him.

There were too many people, wine and vegetables were added, and the meal didn't end until late at night, and basically everyone was drunk.

Ma Hongjun was no exception. From childhood to adulthood, he only had to drink it once in six years, and he let it go.

A dozen people supported each other and walked towards the academy.

The guard at the door saw that he was wearing a school uniform. He also knew Ye Xingchen and others, so he didn't dare to stop him, and politely let everyone in.

When everyone walked downstairs to the dormitory, a middle-aged man appeared in front of the building. Under the slightly dim light, his already tall figure was stretched very long, and the shadow stretched to Ma Hongjun's feet.

Everyone raised their heads, so drunk that they could not stand still.

Ma Hongjun looked at the middle-aged man, but because of the backlight, he couldn't see clearly.

But the younger brothers who followed Ye Xingchen all showed expressions of horror, including Ye Xingchen and Kunshan, and their expressions changed greatly.

They all shouted in unison,
