
I'AM~Ma Hongjun Phoenix Douluo

Ma Hongjun watched Douluo Dalu, his heart was full of resentment. I feel that Ma Hongjun in the book is too embarrassed by his name. He stood in front of the mirror and took a look. "Handsome face, perfect body, which time I go to a nightclub without being fascinated by thousands of girls!" "If only I could travel to Douluo Continent!" ... Dreams come true, welcome to Douluo Continent! Since you think that Ma Hongjun is not good, then you go! ... The soul wears on Ma Hongjun, and he is no longer a fat man! The awakening of the martial soul turned out to be a twin martial soul! The first martial soul: Dragon Soul Spear; the second martial soul: Evil Fire Phoenix. There is a dragon soul in the dragon soul gun, which can absorb the soul ring to grow, this martial soul is so perverted! The Evil Fire Phoenix was still the old Evil Fire Phoenix, but the Evil Fire was no longer a trouble for Ma Hongjun now. He believes that this is a powerful ability that thousands of men can't ask for. If people are divided into two kinds of people, then this ability has conquered one of them! ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Bamboo forest riot, Ma Ming was injured

If you can absorb the first, you can absorb the second.

The Dragon Soul Spear absorbed this three hundred years of green bamboo spirit ring, allowing Ma Hongjun to maintain the Dragon Soul Spear martial spirit form for about three seconds longer.

If you absorb one more, ten, one hundred... the

time will increase from three seconds, three hundred seconds, three thousand seconds... all the time.

Calculated like this, then in the end, after absorbing enough spirit rings, maintaining the spirit of the Dragon Spirit Spear does not need to consume spirit power.

If that time comes, can the Dragon Soul Gun still be called Martial Soul? It is no different from the real gun.

The martial spirit that exists in its true form is simply terrifying!

Ma Hongjun thought that the current situation of the Dragon Soul Spear is really like the form of a soul, and absorbing the power of the spirit ring is like shaping the body of the spear.

In short, the more the soul ring absorbs, the better.

The green bamboo forest is very large, and the green bamboo is not strong in attack, so it is the best target for hunting spirit rings.

"Third grandfather, father, help me to chop more green bamboo, I want the silver spear martial spirit to absorb."

Ma Hongjun said to the two excitedly.

The two readily agreed, and the three attacked the bamboo forest together.

As a piece of bamboo leaves fell, three more green bamboos fell in response.

The three of them specially selected hundred-year-old green bamboo to shoot, and they knocked down a dozen of them in a short while.

At this time, he had gone deep into the bamboo forest for a distance, and found another green bamboo snake.

However, it only has a bamboo stripe on its body, and it is still very shallow, and the length is not very long. It looks like it is about a hundred years old.

Ma Hongjun didn't use his soul skills, he used the most violent shot in the Ma family's marksmanship.

"Throw the spear!"

He threw the Dragon Soul Spear, and a silver streak passed through the air, and it was precisely inserted into the seven-inch position of the Green Bamboo Sound Snake.

Ma Hongjun walked over and picked up the Dragon Soul Spear again.

A yellow spirit ring appeared.

"It seems that this green bamboo sound snake has just become a hundred-year-old soul beast."

Ma Hongjun placed the dragon soul gun in the center of the soul ring, and the dragon shadow appeared, absorbing the soul ring.

The miracle happened again. The power of this spirit ring was not absorbed into the Dragon Soul Spear, but passed into Ma Hongjun's body through the shadow of the golden dragon. Among his first spirit rings.

At this moment, the first spirit ring lit up, and Ma Hongjun's body entered a tense state again.

When half of the hundred-year spirit ring dissipated, Ma Hongjun's body reached its limit, and the power of the spirit ring no longer entered his body.

The remaining power of the spirit ring was sucked into the dragon spirit gun.

The soul ring power of this hundred-year-old Green Bamboo Sound Snake was divided into two parts, one part was absorbed by the first spirit ring, and the other part was absorbed by the Dragon Soul Spear.

If Ma Hongjun's body had not reached the limit, another part might have been absorbed into the first spirit ring.

Ma Hongjun once again realized the first soul skill, and found that the speed increase has increased a bit. Although it is not obvious, it has indeed increased.

That is to say, the power that was integrated into the first spirit ring just now increased the number of years of the first spirit ring.

From this, Ma Hongjun came to the second conclusion.

"When the dragon soul absorbs the spirit ring of the same spirit beast as the additional spirit ring, the power of this spirit ring can be integrated into the additional spirit ring, increasing the age of the additional spirit ring. But there is a limitation here, that is, the additional spirit ring The number of years can only reach the limit of the owner's body, and it can't absorb more."

Ma Hongjun's previous physical endurance limit should have been more than eight hundred years. The first nine hundred years of spirit ring power was absorbed by the Dragon Soul Gun.

Now that after the baptism of the first spirit ring, the physical limit has been raised again, and it should have reached a level that can withstand nine hundred years.

So the one hundred year old spirit ring just now was absorbed and merged into the first spirit ring, reaching the limit of nine hundred years.

"That is to say, with the improvement of my cultivation, my body's ability to withstand it has become stronger. At that time, if I absorb the soul ring of Qingzhuyin Snake, it can be superimposed on the first soul ring. If I can withstand a thousand years, it will be superimposed to a thousand years. If it can endure ten thousand years, it will add up to ten thousand years, and if it can withstand one hundred thousand years, it will add up to one hundred thousand years." The

more Ma Hongjun thought about it, the more shocked and excited he became.

"Then when I can endure a 100,000-year spirit ring, wouldn't I be able to achieve an all-red spirit ring. When the time comes to fight against people, when the spirit ring lights up, I will be frightened to death."

Although very excited, it is far from bearable The limit of a 100,000-year spirit ring is still far away, and he still needs to continue to practice hard.

But I have to sigh that this dragon soul gun is really too powerful and too perverted.

Perhaps the artifact is just that.

In the future, if you add a spirit ring, you will no longer have to worry about the age limit, you only need to consider the type of spirit beast.

Ma Ping and the two did not notice any changes in Ma Hongjun, and were still attacking Qingzhu.

At this time, a large area of ​​Qingzhu had already fallen, and Ma Hongjun quickly used the Dragon Soul Spear to absorb these spirit rings.

The Dragon Soul Gun was like a bottomless pit, not as limited as Ma Hongjun. The gun body had absorbed soul rings for more than a dozen centuries, and it didn't seem to have any effect. It seemed that as long as it was a soul ring, it could be absorbed.

It's just that the three of Ma Hongjun didn't have the strength to hunt soul beasts over a thousand years old, otherwise they could give it a try.

Suddenly, the green bamboo forest rioted, one after another green bamboo began to shake wildly, and the bamboo leaves flew in the bamboo forest, and each leaf was like a knife.

A knife fell from the bamboo forest.

The three of Ma Hongjun were quickly scratched by bamboo leaves, their clothes were ragged and their bodies were covered in bruises.

Then there was another sound of breaking bamboo, and at the head was a huge green bamboo-sound snake, which quickly attacked the three of them, followed by a group of them.


Ma Ping shouted.

Ma Hongjun didn't care to absorb the spirit ring, put away the dragon spirit gun, and under the protection of Ma Ping and the two, he galloped all the way, and quickly ran out of the bamboo forest.

The huge green bamboo sound snake caught up, it flew straight up, and its body became a huge green arrow. The harsh sound of broken bamboo sounded, and there was a sound explosion in the air.

The huge snake head was aimed at the three, and there was no way to avoid it.

At this critical moment, Ma Ming pushed Ma Hongjun and Ma Ping away with all his might, with the wooden spear across his chest, facing the flying green bamboo snake.


Green Bamboo Sound Snake bit on the wooden spear, and the powerful impact knocked Ma Ming out, sticking to the ground and sliding for a long distance before stopping.

The blood spurted out of Ma Ming's mouth, and the wooden spear's spirit disappeared immediately.

Without Martial Spirit's resistance, Qingzhuyin Snake bit Ma Ming's abdomen.


"Ma Ming!"

Ma Hongjun and Ma Ping quickly summoned their martial spirits and quickly supported them.

The two soul rings lit up.

"Pole Shadow Flying Dragon Spear!"

"Earth Splitting Critic Stick!"

Ma Hongjun's Dragon Soul Spear went straight towards the snake head of Qingzhuyin Snake, trying to let it loose and bite Ma Ming's mouth.

And Ma Ping's stick went toward its seven inches.

Gun to stick to.

But did not encounter the green bamboo sound snake.

Its speed was too fast, when Ma Hongjun and the two attacked, it threw off Ma Ming with force, then slid its body, distanced itself from the two, and prepared for the next attack.

"Hongjun, retreat first!"

Ma Ping was obviously much calmer. Instead of chasing Qingzhuyin Snake, he ran to pick up Ma Ming, who was unconscious and didn't know his life or death.

"Let's go!"

At this time, the group of green bamboo-sounding snakes had come out, and there were dozens of them. This scene reminded Ma Hongjun of the scene when he was surrounded by snakes at the tomb of Zhao Yun, the Marquis of Shunping, the night before the crossing.

Fear made his mind sluggish, and he finally came to his senses from Ma Ping's anxious shouting.

Ma Hongjun quickly followed Ma Ping who was holding Ma Ming and ran out.

After running out of the green bamboo forest 100 meters away, those green bamboo snakes stopped chasing after them.

They stood in the green bamboo forest, their blue pupils stared at the three people 100 meters away, their eyes were full of anger, murderous intent, and a strong warning.

This is their homeland, and the three Ma Hongjun are invaders and destroyers.

Ma Hongjun saw the giant green bamboo-sound snake at the head. It had seventeen bamboo stripes on its body, proving that it was a 1,700-year-old soul beast.

Behind it are several green bamboo snakes with more than ten bamboo stripes on their bodies.

Really can't afford it.

Ma Ming's injuries were very serious, he could barely breathe, two large blood holes were pierced by two fangs in his abdomen, and his waist had been twisted and deformed.

The thousand-year-old soul beast's attack was very terrifying, and it was already very lucky that it was not fatally hit by a single blow.

Fortunately, the green bamboo sound snake is not poisonous, unlike most snakes.

Otherwise, Ma Mingwei also!

However, the current situation doesn't seem to be getting any better, it's really bad.

Ma Hongjun's eyes were misty, and he was confused, anxious, and powerless.

Seeing that Ma Ming was unconscious and might not be able to hold on to it, he realized that the ordinary word father occupied a very important place in his heart.