
I’ve Reincarnated Into An Elf

I was chosen as a player for the 5th-anniversary event of the game I was playing. “I dedicate this to El Lyradelle, my deity and the guardian of the forest, the parent of all elves, and the mother of all mothers. May this trashy game perish.” Gosh, it’s frustrating. I’ve reincarnated, and not just as any race, but as one destined for extinction.

Zermonoid · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Chapter 009

Elysia screamed, and the sounds of the cat tribe swallowing their breath were heard.

Amidst those sounds, Eldmir was still smiling.

In his view, everything seemed to be flowing like a slow-motion video.

His hand released the string, and the arrow shot out once again.

In the frozen world, only his arrow moved.

A single arrow.

With his will imbued in the arrow, it manipulated the wind, moving in the desired direction.


His arrow moved towards three other arrows and shattered them.

The arrow that shattered all the others continued to move in the frozen world, finally returning to his quiver only after shattering the bows of the three sentinels, as if to show it wasn't content with just that.

Slowly, the world, which seemed like a slow-motion video, began to flow normally again.

Then, this time, the three sentinels stood in astonishment.

After the slow motion ended, was it a pause?

Eldmir found their appearance amusing and chuckled.

"You're crossing the line. Do you really want to try it?"


Ervan murmured with a pale complexion.

Observing his dazed expression, Eldmir spoke.

"Hey, brothers. It might sound funny to you, but I've been conceding since earlier. I've listened to you guys, and I'll let you guys deal with those wolfkin warriors because they're our enemies. But those little cats are my guests, so I'll handle them. But you guys crossed the line."

"What do you mean by conceding? It's selfish."

Istein muttered slowly, and Eldmir frowned.

"No, what nonsense is this? Selfish? Then what are you guys? Even if I keep talking a hundred times, if it doesn't align with your values, I'm selfish, and I get it, so I suggested compromise, but you're barking like a dog when I do, shooting your goddamn arrows. So, if that's the case, I'm a moron, so I have to follow your words, and you guys are fucking mighty sentinels who almost got me killed, yet you shamelessly bark back at me like that?"

"…I get that your language habits are far from elven."

Istein began to show a helpless expression.

"And what about those from your side? Just because you're elves, do you insist on stubbornness without compromise?"

"You're not quite elven enough either.

Eldmir narrowed his eyes and glared at them.

One of the things he had always wanted from his fellow villagers was the same qualities that people from other villages possessed.

He found it slightly amusing.

Yeah, damn.

People should know how to stand their ground and live with a little bit of stubbornness. Elves were just too unhuman-like.

Always compromising, adjusting, and harmonizing at the drop of a hat.

Even a little bit of conflict would make it more human-like.

For Eldmir, it was quite enjoyable to witness the current dispute, a clash of emotions between people, after a while.

Feeling such emotions in this situation was indeed strange, but it had been 20 years since he last engaged in verbal sparring.

Because it had been so long, this kind of situation felt rather new.

"First things first, let's clarify that you initiated the threat."

"Bullshit. Those guys were pointing arrows at my guests from the moment they appeared."

"…Where on earth did you learn that language habit?"

"You don't need to know that. Now make your choice."

Looking at the three sentinels, he spoke.

"Compromise. Will you, or won't you?"


The three sentinels fell silent.

Istein, who had been silently observing each other's reactions for a while, finally spoke with a heavy voice.

"…Address me by my name."

At the sudden demand, Eldmir's eyebrows twitched, but he answered obediently.

"Eldmir Arhitea of El Ruel."

"Istein Attugate of El Rien's Sentinels. Accept the compromise."

Istein stated with a dark expression.

"But, Eldmir Arhitea. Just as you have the duty to guide guests, we also have a duty to exclude the enemies of the forest. The beastmen themselves are a threat to us. Let me ask one last time. Are those catfolk really your guests?"

In response to Istein's question, Eldmir glanced at Teia.

Meeting his gaze, Teia, who had been cowering, straightened up and nodded subtly.

Watching him, Eldmir nodded back.

"Among my guests, there shouldn't be enemies of the elves. The catfolk are my guests. Absolutely."

This meant that entities other than the catfolk were not Eldmir's guests.

It wasn't hard for the sentinels to understand the meaning of that statement, nor were they not part of the beastmen.


The catfolk girls burst into tears and rushed towards Teia, grabbing onto him.

Teia held each of their shoulders, comforting them.

"You'll be fine even if I'm not here. …I don't want to admit it, but these elves will surely be helpful in this forest."

Teia glanced at Eldmir with a subtle smile.

Although Eldmir nodded casually, he also harbored complicated feelings deep down.

After going through the trouble because Atir kept him alive, he had now become the one who encouraged him to face death.

It was an undesired sacrifice, but since it was a necessary process, Eldmir forced away the uncomfortable guilt.

The catfolk continued to cling to him, but Teia managed to detach himself from them.

He sensed that the time had come.


Eldmir spoke out of nowhere.

He opened his mouth as if about to say something, but then closed it again.

"It's nothing… Finish what needs to be done quickly and disappear."

"Will do."

Istein also didn't want to linger in this place for long.

Being addressed by the boy who hadn't even gone through adulthood yet brought not just admiration beyond awe but even reverence for his extraordinary abilities, transcending mere embarrassment.

Even just a bit, to the extent that he felt a sense of self-deprecation in his accumulated value of existence over hundreds of years.

Teia approached.

With limping steps, the beastmen, a warrior of the wolfkin tribe, approached the five elves.

Covered in tattered wounds like a nettle, it was a dirty and ghastly sight, proving that it had walked through a thorny path, but its eyes were as resolute as Eldmir's.

It was a warrior, a courageous one even in the face of death.

In front of the three sentinels who could become his death, the warrior spoke.

"I, only I, am your enemy."

This was his final declaration, a raw roar indicating that he wouldn't lose the pride of a warrior and also a declaration not to touch the catfolk girls.

"Like a beast barking."

Ervan made a remark, seemingly disliking it.

Suddenly, in his hand, the bow Eldmir had broken was restored.

Healing trees was a minor forest magic known to any elf.

And the other sentinels were the same.

Seeing this, Teia growled softly.

The raised pupils held a blue hue reminiscent of a flickering flame.

"I am the child of Kelga, the guardian of Kel Van, Teia Drakaya. I am always awaiting the summons of Kelga to take my soul, and I will face my end as your enemy, a warrior. Although I wear such a dirty appearance, the fangs I'll plant in your throats won't be unbloody. …I can taste the blood."

Teia started licking his lips as if he could actually taste blood.

Seeing his animalistic behavior, the sentinels involuntarily shivered, inadvertently heightening their senses.

An animal facing death is stronger than ever.


Eldmir unknowingly called out his name.

He knew it wasn't the right timing, but for some reason, he felt like he had to call out.

At his call, Teia's gaze turned toward him for a moment.

Bright blue flames were burning clearly in his eyes.

"…Aren't you afraid of death?"

Teia chuckled.

"Kelga's children believe that when they die, they return to their ancestral homeland that Kelga prepared for the warriors. Eternal battle, boundless pleasure. To us, death is not an end but a means to ascend."

A paradise that arrives at the end of death.

Isn't this an overly positive afterlife belief?

A barbaric and fanatical mindset.

However, Eldmir couldn't dare belittle that mindset.

He just shook his head slightly.

A paradise that could be reached by killing someone wasn't Eldmir's afterlife belief.

"There's no such thing as paradise arranged for a murderer, Warrior."

At Eldmir's murmur, Teia silently looked straight ahead.

What was he looking at?

His gaze wasn't directed at the sentinels.

He was simply looking beyond at something in front of him.

Arrows began to hang in the air among the sentinels.

Death aimed for his head, throat, and heart.

"Well, whether it's hell or paradise, there will be a place for me in Kelga's embrace. What's important is that Kelga will surely prepare a proper worship for his warriors…"

He bared his fangs completely.

His ears and tail started to swell, and a sudden transformation began to take place in his body.

Hair grew on his head like a mane, swelling like a tuft, and flowed down his spine to his tail.

His muscles swelled, and his hands transformed into something more beast-like.

The true form of a hybrid between human and beast began to emerge.

The fierce roar of the beast echoed through the forest.

Simultaneously, three arrows were shot.

The warrior, leaping with a speed that belied his lame leg, was even faster. The sentinels, with even quicker agility, suppressed the beast's movements as if mocking its leap.

The sentinels encircled the beast, whirling around the forest.

The arrows continued to be fired amidst the ongoing dance-like movements.

Arrows started piercing the beast's body one by one, and the wounded creature let out a pained roar.

At that moment, Eldmir heard the sobbing of the girls.

Even as their vision blurred with tears, they kept engraving the sight of the dying beast in their eyes.

As if determined to capture that death clearly in their sight, they never turned their heads away.

"…That's why they're called the warrior race."

He admired it; it was his favorite play style.

That's why he enjoyed playing as orcs, immersed himself in being a barbarian, and even chose werewolves as his next play race.

It was all in the past, though.

Unknowingly, Eldmir clenched his fist.

Finally, an arrow pierced through the heart of the beast.

The sound of a girl taking a breath was heard.

The beast groaned.


Taking a breath, the warrior eventually laid his heavy body down on the ground.

That was his last moment.

"El Lyradelle, the mother of all elves and the guardian of the forest. Under your protection, I once again fulfill my duty, so please do not withdraw this protection, and may you wish for the prosperity of our race."

Quietly, Istein prayed.

Among the sentinels, it was customary to offer a prayer each time a duty was fulfilled.

Now, it seemed that one prayer had been fulfilled among the three of them.

'One prayer beneath one death.'

Eldmir sneered inwardly.

'It's almost comical how murderers honor the spirits of those they murdered as their comfort.'

These old-fashioned elves.

This was something he didn't like about them.

Ignoring the wailing of the girls coming from behind, Eldmir addressed the sentinels.

"Now, have you finished doing what you wanted to do? This is the way to go. Just leave, really."

When Eldmir waved his hand, Ervan glared at him with a disgusted expression.

In response to Ervan's glare, Eldmir deflected it with a kind of look that seemed to say, "What are you going to do?" It was amusing to see Ervan quickly shift his gaze away in a somewhat comical manner.

Istein directed his gaze at Eldmir as he took care of the two sentinels.

For a while, the two of them exchanged gazes like a staring contest.

Eventually, Istein opened his mouth.

"I hope your judgment proves right."

You should've hoped for that earlier.

If he had, the warrior might have been safe.

Eldmir simply nodded expressionlessly, as it seemed too narrow to retort with a sarcastic remark filled with resentment.

Soon, the three sentinels moved out of their line of sight.

They had finally disappeared.

Staring at the spot where they had vanished for a moment, Eldmir became convinced that they had completely left.

After gazing at the spot where they disappeared, he looked back at Teia's lifeless body.

One of his legs was mangled, and arrows were embedded all over his body like quills on a hedgehog.

It was a gruesome sight, but a faint smile was on his lips.

It was a satisfied smile about his own demise.