
I’m Just Trying To Live At This Point

Bleh436_ · 若者
2 Chs



30 times I have died 30 FREAKIN TIMES. I don't even know why I'm dying at this point, before it was because I insulted the Grand Duke but if I'm gonna be completely honest it wasn't even an insult it was just stating facts. This will be my 31st life, that I do plan on keeping. Oh goodness me I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Marian just Marian and I am a hard working maid who lives in the castle, which I'm done working at after dying 30 times in this place so I'm on my why to resign my position. "Grand Duke may I come in?" I say after knocking three times, I don't know why but you have to knock three times no less no more exactly three. "Enter" ugh couldn't even say you may, I don't care if I'm a maid the least you could do is be nice "Thank you Grand Duke" I say with a smile "What is it you want" says the grand Duke while reading a book "I would like to resign my position as a maid." I'm just a maid so there shouldn't be any proble- "why?" He asks looking away from his book for a split second, ummm maybe because I don't want to die again? HA I wish I could say that "because I would like to live with the common folk in villages" This doesn't even make sense if I'm gonna be completely honest "Alright" …what "here's a thousand gold coins to get you started in life and also Don't Ever Come Back" damnnnn do I really get all these coins? And as if I would want to come back thank you for basically kicking me out "yes sir" I walk out with my new pouch of coins as I close the door to his room I take a breath, turn around and Run As Far As I Can Go.