
I’m James from Team Rocket?

“Ugh.” James groans in pain, grabbing his head with an uneasy look. Now looking down at the letter in front, James’ face does a 180. “Love from James to Jessebelle? What the fu-“ *Ccreaakk* James turning around keeping his disbelief and pissed look with some veins showing on his head somehow. Spots a weird but strangely familiar animal. “Growlie?” James says instinctively seeing the puppy like creature enter the room. “Grawr! Little Growlie bursts in speed towards James as the door opens a decent amount of space. James still holding the letter with a pissed look, gets an idea. Chucking the letter on the floor, James gets a wide grin. “Growlie, use ember” “Gra?” “Oh yeah “I” scolded you for burning my toys before, it’s fine.” “Raa?” Growlie replies still unsure of what to make of this, development? “JUST DO IT!” James said calmly. Will James Morgan survive the world dooming events to come? Things like Team Plasma with flying warships and professional assassins exist and a literal god with his children having sibling fights apparently on the daily. Seems like an every Tuesday for Ash Ketchum any who. Can James escape these events? Well of course not but you’ll have to wait and see!

Cndel · アクション
16 Chs

Visit to Sinnoh

[•—•{James Morgan}•—•]

"Papa are we gonna go to the next place soon?" I asked with unbridled excitement. Not masking my emotions at all, anyone could see that I was acting my age.

I mean who wouldn't get excited about Pokemon. It's been a reoccurring thing since my past life and to see them up close is a real blessing.

No matter what, if I see a new or strong Pokemon. I'm gonna look like a child watching with joy.

"You'll have to wait just a little bit more my boy, your birthday gift will surprise you." My dad says with a cocky look. Hearing this my curiosity gets raised as I hear a noise.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Looking behind myself, I spot two people entered the VIP store. The first person was kid who I assume to be similar age to me with dark green hair, a clumsy look with a slender figure.

The second was the kid's father mostly likely as the kid looked like his mini me besides the difference in eye colour with the adult looking more refined.

Eyeing the adult, I spot a name badge on his suit.

'Trevor Sonezaki.' Reading the name to myself, my eyes widen realising who it is.

"Hello Sean it's been a little bit, and greetings to you madam Akane. This is your son James I assume?" The man I recognise as the owner of Silph Co, greets us with a smile.

"It has been a while Trevor, this is Bill from what you've told me?" My dad responds with vigour as he gives the man a handshake. With both men ignoring everyone else besides themselves.

I got bored and walked over to the kid named Bill.

"Hello my names Bill but you already know that." Bill says as he scratches the back of his head embarrassed.

"You know mine as well, James. I'm currently eight and a future Pokemon World Champion." I say mimicking my father with Bill doing the same with his as we give each other a handshake.

My mother looking at the scene of practical clones copying each other, she just rolls with it while going back to picking out some more TMs.

"Let's make sure to hang out sometime James, it's getting boring with all that homework with no entertainment other than observing Pokemon. I'm also turning eight in a few months" Bill comments as I soon after agree with him. Although education is necessary it's practically almost impossible to always be productive.

"I'll make sure to invite you over to play, I got a Growlithe at home if you want to see him."

Bill hearing this gets stars in his eyes as he nods with an ecstatic expression. Seeing this I laugh a little at his enthusiasm.

'He seems to be the same Bill from the light tower.' I think to myself as I realise how much more of an important figure he has become knowing his background.

"James, Trevor is here to talk to you about your future as a trainer." My dad says as he scoots me over to his side, awkwardly walking in front of the owner of Silph Co. I kind of just stand there with a nervous look.

"Hello young James, as you're dads said before my name is Trevor Sonezaki. The owner of this building and the Silph Co company." He says with a gentle smile.

"I'm currently interested in your goal to become a trainer. I want to sponsor you when you start your journey and be your resource to use. Unfortunately for me my company doesn't have the backing of any strong trainers and we don't want to hire just anyone."

"I guess that makes sense, but why me though?" I question with a curious look. It's not like I've shown any talent of being a trainer yet.

Granted I have been training Growlie but that doesn't warrant any attention the only thing I could think about is my intelligence and me being his friend's son.

But soon after these thoughts my guesses were confirmed as he speaks again.

"There are two main points for myself and my board of directors to support and help you grow. One, your a noble and the son of my friend. The second is because of your intelligence. While it could be faked, it wouldn't really make sense for your mum and dad to lie to me." He reasons making me sweat a little.

'I bet my mum told all her friends about me.' I thought to myself knowing that she would totally do that. If you really think about it, my mother is basically a teenager put into an adults body with her personality.

But his reasons still made little to no sense so I just decided to switch my brain off and agree to his words.

"This does depend on if you do well and show your talents to the Alliance and get the choice to pick a regional starter. From there on out just let me handle the rest." Trevor says while puffing his chest up a little. Nodding at his words I suddenly see a shining spark in his hands.

With my attention now away from his face, I hear him laugh a little.

"This is my gift little James, it's called artificial star piece. An artificial star piece is a man made item that was invented by Professsor Oak. These things not gonna be sold or heard about for another decade because of the complication of creating them. They're limits lie in only being able to raise a Pokemons talent to gold safely with a few enhancements to normal star pieces."

Hearing this I thank him profusely as we soon after said our goodbyes with a few promises between Billy and I to visit each other.

With them gone I could see my mother buying a TM from the shop and right after heading towards father and I while Hopkins was still off to the entrance of the shop.

"Let's head over to our final destination of the day James." My father says enthusiastically as we made our way outside of the building. "Did you like the "gift" son? You may not know the value of a connection into the Pokemon world yet but it's extremely crucial for any trainer."

'I think I know the value of connections with what I just received!'

For example it's almost been 7 months since I've been reincarnated. And for some reason there were no seller of a star piece or we just got beat to buying one.

It's ridiculous and very annoying to hear that one's being sold but it gets yoinked by a VIP in an auction or shop.

"The thing is, is that Trevor is my only connection into the Pokemon world as our family focuses more on the luxury items and land." He said quite happily as the meeting turned out to be quite good for him. His son would be getting the support of the company leading the technology craze.



Vomiting inside a paper bag, my body started to feel very sensitive and out of place as I made my way outside of the chamber.

"I feel dizzy mummy." I mutter out as my mother gently hugs me while patting my back.

"It will be okay sweetie just let it out." She replies like she's consoling a crying girl. Not in the mood right now because of the recent long distance teleport to Sinnoh, I uncomfortably made my way outside with my parents and Hopkins who was supporting me till we made it to the hotel.

"We've made it to Scovil Town James, you ready for the PokeRinger tournament?" My dad asks like a little kid. Seeing his facade gone for this Pokemon competition I get confused. "Seeing events like these make my blood pump! Especially the PokeRinger event, we need to visit Sinnoh more often with their Yearly Pokemon Contest ranging around the region." He says with passion in every word he spoke.

Seeing that he probably won't stop talking like this, I just sat next to him and enjoyed one of the few times he wasn't judging me for being more fit then him.

'This old dog can't even run.' I snicker to myself as we shortly made our way to the PokeRinger stadium.

"James sweetie you want any drinks or food?" Mother asks as we went inside some private spectator booths. While ordering some food we started to watch the current two challengers who were facing against each other.

It was currently the pre-quarterfinals with 16 trainer left standing. We ended up placing some bets on who would win.

I ended up betting on a guy called Sheren who had a fearsome Pidgeot.

"Say can I call out Growlie now?" I asked my parents while Hopkins put a hand into his backpack while looking at my parents.

"I don't see why not, you can keep him out of his Pokeball now. We aren't at a place filled with advanced technology anymore."

With a grin I jog over to Hopkins as he grabbed a Pokeball out of his personal spatial backpack. Taking the Pokeball with a smirk I see Hopkins doing the same.

"I assume you want this as well young master?"

Still holding onto Growlie's Pokeball. I see Hopkins taking out another item I remember as the artificial star piece.

"Thanks Hopkins, it's finally time for Growlie's talent to improve." I say with glee as I tap the Pokeball ij my hand twice.



An energetic Growlithe appears in front of me as it soon after jumps onto my chest. Catching Growlie I take out the ASP (artificial star piece).

'I wonder if Ash used or had a constant supply of ASPs. Maybe that's why he was able to catch so many wild Pokemon and have them grow strong no matter the talent.' I think to myself.

"Growlie this is a star piece, this is able to improve your talent and make it easier for you to get stronger. But this doesn't mean that you should slack on training okay?" I tell the little guy as he looks at the ASP as if it's his lifeline.

"Grawr!" Growlie growls out determined as it wanted to improve. He didn't want to disappoint me I assume as I didn't really hide my reaction when seeing his talent mistakenly.

Extending my hand out towards Growlie, Growlie gets closer and uses his paw to tap the ASP. Right after this a rather light spark of dark red surrounded Growlie's body.

After a few seconds of red Growlie was surrounded by Blue and soon after Green which I assume is to heal Growlie as he growled in pain.

"Growlithe…" Growlie says exhausted as it slumps to the floor. Returning the poor guy to his Pokeball, I walk over next to my mum and dads seats and looked down towards the current challengers.

The tournament went on until the afternoon to where the person I place my bets in lost with the finals winner being a guy and a Flygon taking it home.

"That was amazing dear." My mum comments as we made our way outside of the arena.

"It was, did you enjoy it James? We can visit more events like contests without it being a special occasion." My father tells me as entered the car. I guess watching Pokemon in action and battling is my dads kryponite, I wonder why he didn't become a trainer.

"Yeah I heard there was a contest sometime next week from someone walking by at Flower Town. Also can we go to Steel Hill?" I ask.

"We can visit the Pokemon contest when we're free. Also why go to steel hill?"

"I heard there was a discoloured Beldum or Metang wondering the area and wanted to see if Hopkins could catch it." I reply with a cheeky look. My dad hearing this just sighs and shakes his head.

"I mean why not, there's nothing else to do today and I'd rather not spend the remainder of the day sitting down." He quickly answers.

With mother agreeing with what ever my dad said. We soon headed towards steel hill which a decade later will be called Metagross hill due to the Pokemon dominating the area.