

Traveling through the world of One Piece, I discovered that I turned out to be a person with the ability of magnetic fruit. Hey, isn’t this Eustass Kid ability? Is it because I am dead? What magnetic fruit’s ability can only control metal and form a robotic arm to fight? Have you misunderstood something in your understanding of magnetism? Primary version: Iron Sand Sword, Super Electromagnetic Cannon, Electromagnetic Force, Electromagnetic Giant, Upgraded version: Gravity, Vientiane Sky Attract, Earth Burst Sky Star, Repulsion, Shinra Tensei, Million Repulsion Fist. Awakening version: control the planet’s magnetic field Akainu: Bastard, this guy’s electromagnetic cannon is shooting wanton again Sengoku: Destroyed the navy headquarters in one blow, Shenra Tianzheng was a terrifying move. The Five Old Stars: The Warring States period, Mariejois is being destroyed, and the starburst of Yuri Gadiere has sucked the entire Mariejois into the sky…

Jeffrey_Nin · アニメ·コミックス
110 Chs

Chapter 25, Universal Pullvs, Kizaru who wants to go away

Yuri, who is familiar with the characters in the world of One Piece, heard these words and this voice, and immediately guessed who the other party was.

I don't know when, Marine alternate Admiral Kizaru Polusalino appeared behind Yuri and kicked at Yuri at the speed of light.

Damn, all my attention was on Akainu's body, and he didn't even notice his appearance.

And Polusalino, a shameless and shameless guy, used his speed of light to attack sneak attacks when all his attention was on Akainu.

Fast, too fast,

Especially when he didn't notice him and was attacked by him at the speed of light.

As if time has stopped.

Seeing that Yuri was about to be kicked by this kick, suddenly Yuri's body exuded a terrifying repulsion.

Polusalino's face showed a dazed look.

His attack stopped.

Seeing that the sneak attack was about to succeed, a horrible repulsion suddenly blocked his attack.

And this repulsion is extremely terrifying. The more he attacks, the stronger the repulsion becomes. In the end, even his whole repulsion is pushed away.

"Under what circumstances, isn't he a person with the ability of magnetic fruit?" After finally stabilizing his figure, Polusalino said in surprise.

"Porusalino." Seeing Kizaru appear, Akainu showed a slightly surprised look.

But then the corner of his mouth curled up and said, "Be careful, that guy's magnetic fruit is unusual."

Hearing Akainu's words, Kizaru rolled his eyes and said, "This person with eyes can see it."

When receiving Sengoku's order, Kizaru was searching for the whereabouts of the Pirates of the Sun not far away.

The order from Sengoku is very urgent, and there is no way Kizaru can only put down his work and rush to Barlow Island.

He was really taken aback by seeing the situation when he arrived here.

Just saw the fireball in the sky like the sun, and the super huge iron sand giant capable of launching super-electromagnetic guns.

There is also the Sakazuki, which was hit by the super-electromagnetic gun of the iron sand giant, like a dog.

Seeing these, Kizaru finally understood why Sengoku Admiral would send him here urgently.

Among other things, this super-electromagnetic gun is faster than rumors, and this speed is about to catch up with his own attack speed.

Polusalino, as a Logia Sparkling fruit capable person, a flash man, claims to have an attack at the speed of light,

But his attack speed is actually far from the beam.

If his attack really reaches the speed of light, then he is really invincible.

Where can mortals block the real speed of light attack?

You can't even have Observation Haki.

At such a speed, even if you perceive the body's reaction, it is impossible to keep up.

After all, the One Piece World is a mortal world. Although there are all kinds of extraordinary powers, and the body is also pervert powerful, it is still a mortal.

The speed of light is Gao Wuxiu, even the gods will feel the tricky speed.

If Kizaru's attack speed really reaches the speed of light, nothing else, there is absolutely no problem in slinging Four Emperors.

Of course, Sparkling fruit may really have the speed and power of light, but there must be some limitations that make Kizaru unable to play that speed.

Either it is consumed, the body bears it, or the nerve response or something.

But even if there is no way to play the speed of light, his attack speed surpasses the super-electromagnetic gun by a lot.

Only exceeding is also limited.

As a speed master, he knows that such speed is very dangerous.

In particular, the super-electromagnetic gun is not only speed, but also more powerful.

Just looking at Akainu now, you can understand that the power of the super-electromagnetic gun is absolutely terrifying.

So he launched a sneak attack on Yuri without hesitation.

Kizaru was absolutely sure of his sneak attack.

It's like Xiao Li's flying knife. Even if I tell you clearly that I want to shoot this flying knife, no one can catch it, let alone a sneak attack.

However, Kizaru was also very surprised by the fact that he missed his hand with a strong blow.

And Yuri's ability again exceeded Kizaru's expectations.

If you guessed it correctly, the ability just now is repulsion.

Can a person with magnetic fruit ability still do such a thing?

"This is troublesome, here comes a troublesome guy." Yuri frowned.

Facing Akainu can be calm, even if it is defeated, he has the opportunity to escape.

But facing Kizaru, there was no chance to escape.

So when I saw Kizaru, Yuri's expression became extremely serious.

"Porusalino, cooperate with me to take this guy." Akainu shouted, and without understanding Kizaru's reply, he rushed towards Yuri.

"Oh oh, all of them are so messy." Kizaru said his body turned into a little light, as if he was preparing to move.

"Don't think about it, Universal Pull." Yuri stretched out a hand at Kizaru and said coldly.

Kizaru, who was preparing to move with light to cooperate with Akainu's attack, suddenly felt a terrible suction coming.

The light spot of his words couldn't break free, and Yuri couldn't help but absorb his body.

"Isn't it? This is gravity." Kizaru said in surprise.

Just when Kizaru was about to increase his strength, hoping to break away from this gravitational force, he suddenly saw that the iron sand giant's hand had been aimed at him without knowing when.

"Haha." Kizaru gave an innocent smile.

Then an orange light flashed out, hitting Kizaru instantly. *