
I’m in Baki?!

Nothing to see here just Truck-kun going about…

iTruckKun · アクション
5 Chs

Chapter 5 Arizona State Prison

The Arizona State Prison is also known as the Black Pentagon it's a prison complex that is used to imprison exceptionally dangerous convicts that conventional law enforcement can barely handle the isolated cells for exceptionally dangerous criminals are placed near the residence of Oliver so he can put a rein on them. Due to the nature of the prison, the guards are instructed to execute the prisoners without notice if anyone of them crosses the line the prison. Biscuit Oliver serves as jailer and criminal dispatcher. The warden of the place is Michael Holes.

As the helicopter goes near the prison Biscuit Oliver starts to tell Alex some useful information about the prison their going too.

Oliver: Once you go inside the prison their going to ask you to take your clothes off to check if your caring anything abnormal and a x-ray scan to check if there's any foreign objects in the body your fingerprints will also be taken and the retina is scanned, cells are collected from inside the cheek to get DNA on your file. All of the criminal's personal information is documented. It's as if it's a medical examination in a way. It makes me realize that criminals are VIPs in a way. Your build is impressive for your age. Many types of criminals are gathered here in the prison including Olympic-level athletes.

Alex: Huh (Even tho l know all of that already it's still impressive to think how much they do for the examination l mean it makes sense once your in this universe) wow that's pretty impressive remembering all of that Mr. Unchained

Oliver: [Smiling] Hahaha of course l remember all of that lad it's my job to know what goes on in this prison since l both work and live here

The helicopter their on has finally land on the helicopter pad the second they got off the helicopter ten guards greeted Mr. Unchained with pretty good news

Random Guard: [Smiling] Mr. Unchained we have good news Mira condition somehow has gotten better while you were gone on that trip of yours

Oliver: [Smiling Very Happily] Really?! Thank you for the very good news [Runs off to find Mira at a incredible speed]

Alex: Yo

Random Guard: So your the kid Mr. Unchained told us about over on the radio

Alex: [Smiles] Yep!

Random Guard: Well your going to do the examination now once that's over with get ready to witness some ugly stuff kid

The guard takes Alex to the examination room

Examination Guard: Okay, ID number? KY69071.

Alex: (Yooo l got that number lol) …

Examination Guard: Take your clothes off here kid

As Alex undresses the Guards witness some scars on the boys chest and back when did those scars get there you may ask as one of Alex's many tests from Yujiro Hanma he had to kill a bear if it wasn't for his speed, quick thinking, and his karate he might have died in that fight

Examination Guard: ahh Number 69071 there's nothing abnormal, Now for your fingerprints, Look into this kid (The retina gets scanned now), Open your mouth so l can collected your DNA from inside the cheek to get it on the file.

Alex: (hhhaaaaa this is so boring) okay…

Now that Alex's personal information examination has been documented he gets to go to his cell

Alex: (The thing I'm most grateful for is that the guards are letting me have a book to write in with a pencil so l can write down my ideas in improving my martial arts) …

Once Alex walked in his cell he felt as if something or someone was watching him near by

Some Other Random Guard: From here on out we guards aren't going to be as nice as before hand now enter your cell

Alex walks in the cell as the guard closes the cell door and leaves

Alex: …l know your there-

Out of nowhere the boy was attacked by the hidden person but since Alex knew that the person was close by he was able to sense the attack and barely dodged

Alex: Wow that.. that was close [Gets in a karate stance] Who are you?!

???: You dodged my attack impressive and from that stance you taken it seems that you know karate kid

The figure show's himself to turn out to be none other then

Alex: (Wait is he the guard who explained how Mr. Unchained's Ball technique worked why isn't he a guard in this universe and what was his name again l forgot was it Bob or something) Answer my question

Bob: My names Bob McCarthy a 16 year old karate master and a fellow prisoner in this cell, now it's your turn to tell me your name kid

Alex: (Wow in this universe Bob's packing heat) My name's Alex Hanma all l know this the basics about karate

Bob: l see, you know what you got me interested in teaching you karate Alex

Alex: Really thanks man l appreciate this offer you given me now before we train can l rest it's been a very long day for me

Bob: Sure once we wake up tomorrow I'm going to teach you how to do a Goutaijutsu technique called the Seiken punch

Alex: … (LET'S GO-)