
I’m in Baki?!

Nothing to see here just Truck-kun going about…

iTruckKun · アクション
5 Chs

Chapter 4 A very bad year…

Yujiro: To start off do 50 pushups brat

Alex: Okay 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… 30, 31, 32… 47, 48, 49, 50!!!

Yujiro: Now do 50 more pushups brat

Alex: (l just did about 50 pushups now he wants 50 more!!) 51.. 52.. 53..

Alex: 100!!!

Yujiro: Do about 100 sit-ups now brat

Alex: Well Shi-

As the day goes on Yujiro Hanma keeps his son Alex Hanma doing all of saitama's workout routine afterwards both of them head to one of Yujiro's many homes

Yujiro decided to go watch TV as Alex went to his bedroom to rest

Alex: I'm finished man he had me doing all of that on the first day wait a minute HOW THE HELL WAS l ABLE TO DO ALL OF THAT ON THE FIRST DAY AS A FOUR YEAR OLD CHILD?!!

On the other side of the house


Alex: Sorry…


6 Months has past since he started training with Yujiro Hanma The Ogre and it's been a living hell


Alex: l think l got it now…

Alex starts off by showing his karate skills that he seen from TV by Doppo Orochi The Tiger Slayer as Yujiro watches near Alex in what he's doing

Yujiro: …That's the first time l seen someone fail that badly at Karate…

Alex: [Turns around to see his father] oh…

Yujiro: For making me watch that sorry excuse of karate your going to do double the amount of training until you get it right

Alex: Yes sir…


Other 6 Months Later


Yujiro: Your karate is a lot better now then it was before hand but it's still trash compared to Orochi remember to practice it during your free time so you can master it one day

Alex: Yes sir

Yujiro: Farther more l have someone to meet soon and your coming with me

Alex: Okay Father

Both of the Hanmas went to the top of a mountain for there to be a helicopter pad at the top as they wait for a special jailer from the Arizona State Prison to arrive the duo watches as the helicopter approaches them

As the helicopter lands a 6'3" person comes out and it's none other then Biscuit Oliver who possesses an iron body and that is almost invulnerable to anything he also can throw punches that are so strong they often cave in the chest of his opponents, killing them instantly.

Yujiro: [Grins] Mr. Unchained it's been a while since l last saw you

Oliver: [Smiles] What do you expect Ogre as the strongest man in America and as a high paid mercenary for the US government specializing in apprehending and terminating criminals whose powers are beyond the capacity of the conventional law enforcement and military to deal with so yea I'm pretty busy.

Yujiro: l know all of that already the reason l wanted to see you is that l need you to take my Brat to your prison…

Both Alex and Oliver: [Confused] Huh/What

Oliver: Why do you want me to do that for?

Yujiro: My reason is that this brat needs fighting experience l thought to my self why not just send the brat to a place where a fight breaks out every minute…

Oliver: Oh l see Ogre you must have trained him enough to be able to fight against normal everyday thugs if I'm not mistaken

Yujiro: [Grins] You got that right Unchained (Yujiro Hanma leaves the scene in what appears to be light speed in Alex's Eyes)

Alex: …Umm nice to meet you sir unchained

Oliver: [Smiles] Nice to meet you too lad now let's go to the Arizona State Prison before the Ogre gets angry…

Alex: Alright sir

Both Alex and Biscuit Oliver went to the helicopter and left the scene back towards Arizona State Prison