
I’m in Baki?!

Nothing to see here just Truck-kun going about…

iTruckKun · アクション
5 Chs

Chapter 3 I’m in Baki?!


Alex: [Confused] Where am l…

Alex looks around just to see never ending darkness

Alex: …Wait did l just get isekaied by Truck-Kun for real!

Alex: Umm so what's going to happen now is some god going to appear or something…

As Alex waits and waits for what feels like hours just for nothing to happen…

Alex: Bruh I'm stuck here now…


In front of Alex a big white hole appeared out of no where normally a white hole is a black hole running backwards in time so everything near it would just go out the white hole but this white hole is doing the opposite

Alex: OH SHI-

The Young Man has just entered another unknown


























Kid: Zzzz… ah… um

The Young boy has woken up from his deep sleep and is in a forest

Kid: Where am l wait I'm finally out of that place thank god now moving on where am l and why am l so small

The kid goes to a river near by in the forest he's in

Kid: Oh l got reborn as a kid huh good thing I'm not some new born and have to suffer not being able to talk and eat whatever l want

The Kid turns out to be Alex who just was isekaied by Truck-kun not to long ago but l can guess everyone knew that by now

Alex: Now l have to find out where l been reborn too l hope it's not the scp universe or something like it

Alex out of nowhere felt all of his bones start shaking out of fear the second he heard a footstep near him but something about that footstep felt familiar for some reason it also felt like a wild beast like a bear or a tiger no something far worse then that Alex used all of his willpower just to turn around and looked up to come face to face to none other then Yujiro Hanma The Ogre

Yujiro: There you are brat somehow you got way again to just go to that damn ramen shop l think it was called Teuchi's ramen shop if I'm correct

Alex looked at Yuijro in confusion

Alex: Huh (Wait Teuchi Ichiraku exists in this universe wait… I'M IN BAKI!?)

Yujiro: I'm just doing this one thing for you afterwards you will train until that hanma blood kickstarts in you then I'm going to let you go out in the world to train so we can have a father to son fight


As the Duo walks to Teuchi's ramen shop to eat some ramen


3 Hours Later


Alex: l just found out from Yujiro and Ichiraku talk that I'm a 4 year old kid… good thing I'm not in JJBA or l'll be in a very large problem

Yujiro: Time for you to go asleep Brat oh just to let you know this will be the only time l will let you rest

Alex: Well Shi-