
» VII »

I was sitting on my bed, scrolling through TikTok when I saw a text from Lana.

baddest bitch: party tonight at shawns we're going

me: what time

baddest bitch: idk

me: casual or formal

baddest bitch: tight dress/crop top idk xD

me: k ill be over at 7

me: are liv and allie already there bc i dont wanna pick them up

baddest bitch: ya theyre here

me: k gr8

I smiled. I had always enjoyed parties. The people, the music, the dancing; it was nice to get out of the house and just be a teenager for a little while. I quickly checked the time and frowned. It was already 5:30? I shrugged and dialed my mom, who picked up on the second ring. "Hey, sweetie. Is something wrong?"

I chuckled." No, mom, everything's fine. I was just wondering if I could go over to Shawn's tonight? He's having a party, and don't worry, his parents are cool with it," I added. My mom was friends with Shawn's parents, so she trusted them and let me hang out there often.

My mom sighed. "Yes, that's fine. Just bring that taser with you in case someone gets a little too close, okay? Stay close to Matt and make sure you watch out for Liv, too."

I grinned. "Kay, thanks mom! Love you." I threw my phone on my bed and went downstairs to find Jack and his friend playing some video game together. "Hey Jack, are you gonna be home tonight?" I asked, pouring myself a glass of apple cider.

He nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"I'm going over to Shawn's and I need you to watch Jo since mom's working late."

Jack frowned. "And why are you going over to Shawn's?"

I shrugged. "He's having a party and I was invited," I said simply.

Jack laughed when he won, throwing the controller down and turning to me. "And why would I take over your chores while you sneak out?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Because I'm not sneaking out. Mom let me go and while I'm gone, who else is gonna watch out for Jo?" I smirked, knowing I'd won.

Jack sighed. "Fine, but you owe me."

I grinned. "Love you!" I blew him a kiss and grabbed the car keys hanging by the door, slipping on a pair of flip flops and walking outside. Lana's house was only about a ten minutes drive from where I lived, so I got there in no time. Lana's dad greeted me when I came in and I ran to Lana's room, grinning. "I have arrived!" I announced dramatically. Liv and Lana applauded, while Allie just rolled her eyes with a grin on her face. "Lana," I gave her a pointed look. "You gave me a terrible answer on whether this was a formal or casual party, so I need answers."

Lana chuckled. "I think it's right in the middle. We wanna be looking hot, but not like we just got outta bed and not like we're heading to meet the Queen of England," she explained. I nodded. Good enough for me. Lana got up, walking over to her closet, and ushering everyone inside. I mentioned that her parents were loaded, right? "Okay, Liv, here are some of your clothes," she pulled out a bag from one of her shelves and handed it to Liv.

Liv kept a lot of her clothes dispersed between Lana's, Allie's, and my houses since she stayed with each of us often for a couple of days at a time. Let's just say that her home life wasn't the best.

"I don't think I have anything I could-oh wait!" Liv exclaimed. She pulled out a white high-waisted skirt. "This is cute!"

Lana snapped her fingers. "And I have just the thing to go with it." She sifted through her rack of crop tops for a moment before pulling out a pink halter top that was cropped just above the belly button. "Pop this on," she handed Liv the clothes, who scurried out of the closet and into Lana's bathroom.

I scanned the shelves and racks of the closet until something caught my eye. It was a black crop top with spaghetti straps, nothing fancy. I grabbed it off of its hanger, showing it to Lana and Allie. "Cute?"

Allie nodded. "Totally. Try it with these," she tossed me a pair of light blue high-waisted jean shorts. I nodded, setting them down on a nearby, almost-empty shelf.

"Excuse you? Go try those on!" Lana demanded, snatching the clothes off of the shelf and shoving them into my hands.

I chuckled. "I mean, I was gonna help you and Allie first but okay, Miss Bossypants." I made to leave, but the door to the closet opened and Liv stood in front of it with her hands in the air dramatically.

"Look at how cute!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down excitedly. "I look adorable!"

I laughed. "You do," I admitted.

Lana nodded approvingly. "Yup, that's the one. Now drag Q to the bathroom while we help Allie."

Liv nodded, grabbing my arm and doing her best to bring me to the bathroom. However, she couldn't get me to so much as budge. "Quinny!" she pouted, crossing her arms and sticking out her lower lip. I sighed, holding out my wrist. Her face immediately brightened again and she gripped it as tightly as she could (which wasn't very tight at all) and dragged me out of the closet. I chuckled, shutting the bathroom door as she went to help Lana and Allie.

I quickly slipped off my oversized hoodie and put the black crop top on, along with the pair of shorts. I smiled at my reflection; the outfit was totally cute. Not super casual, but definitely not formal either, which was perfect. I ran a quick hand through my hair before opening the door.

When Lana saw me, she grinned widely and Allie whistled, to my amusement. "Girl, you look hot." Lana looked over at Allie. "You did a good job, sis." Liv nodded in agreement.

Allie nodded. "I sure did." The three of them chuckled and I walked into the closet. "So, what are you two wearing?" I asked, gesturing to Lana and Allie.

Allie held up a white skirt and a black halter top. "This."

"Ooh, that's cute!" I then turned to Lana. "What about you?" Lana grinned, pulling out a backless black dress with strips of fabric around the sides. "You're gonna look so hot in that," I admitted. "Harper is gonna be all over you."

Lana shrugged. "I mean, if she wasn't still in the closet," she chuckled. "But yeah, I'm gonna slay in this." I waited for her to go put the dress on but I guess she didn't get the hint. "What?"

"Go put it on!" I exclaimed, shooing her and Allie out of the closet.

Liv was sifting through Lana's extensive collection of jewelry when the door shut and she looked up, startled. "Okay, let's grab the makeup," I grinned and she followed me out of the closet. I made my way over to Lana's desk, where I pulled a large black and gold bag out of the top drawer.

"Ahem!" We turned around and saw Allie standing in front of the closed bathroom door.

"Girl, you look great," I nodded approvingly and Liv squealed.

"Twins!" she clapped her hands excitedly and I smiled. It was true, they were wearing practically the same outfit, but the pieces were just different colors. "Is Lana almost done?" Liv asked, getting impatient very quickly.

I chuckled. "It's been ten seconds, Liv. Give her a minute." Liv stuck out her bottom lip and Allie laughed. Thankfully, the bathroom door opened and Lana walked out in a sexy black dress that looked amazing on her. "You look gorgeous!" Liv exclaimed, grinning from ear-to-ear.

Allie and I both nodded. "You look so hot right now," Allie admitted and Lana smirked. "Okay, makeup!" We all headed into the bathroom and I dumped the contents of Lana's bag onto the counter.

I already knew exactly what I wanted to do. I quickly got the foundation and light blush on before starting on my eyes. I used a sparkly gold eyeshadow (one of my favorites) and added a small wing to each eye before doing a quick coat of mascara and adding some lip gloss to my lips. I wanted to keep things simple, but still kinda fun, if that makes any sense.

Liv did some light pink eyeshadow with a little gold near the inner corner of her eye, mascara, and added some pink to her cheeks and nose. Lana, on the other hand, used purple glitter on her eyes with a long, thick wing for each. She had also added some fake lashes and used a dark red lipstick. Allie did a very natural look; a little mascara for her eyes, soft blush, and a tinted lip gloss. "What time is it?" Liv asked, touching up her mascara.

I pulled out my phone. "Eight-thirty." Jeez. Time flies when you're having fun, I guess. "I'll text Matt and the boys that we're leaving in a minute."

Lana nodded, finishing up her lipstick and grinning. "Ladies, let's just say that we need to watch where we're stepping, or we might get drool on our shoes."

I chuckled. She was right, though; we all looked hot. "Well, I think the party started a little while ago, so we'll be fashionably late," I grinned, putting the lip gloss back. "Let's go!" We all left Lana's room and piled into her car, laughing and giggling.

done and done! thanks for reading; i hope you liked this chapter!

~ bella