
Grandpa's end(1)

Francis Mansion 

"Amy," Andy shouted before entering into the mansion 

Aunt Rosy frowned and said "Can't you call her slowly? Why are you shouting like a mad man?" 

"Mom, where is Amy?" Andy asked 

"She went to the shopping mall." Aunt Rosy sighed and said 

"What? Why did she went to shopping without me? Why did you send her alone?" Andy frowned and snapped 

Helplessly shaking her head, Aunt Rosy said "I tried stopping her but she is stubborn to listen." 

Andy took a deep breath and asked "Which shopping mall?" 

"I don't know." Aunt Rosy said 

Just then chauffeur entered the mansion and asked "B-Boss, can I talk to you?" 

"What happened?" Andy asked 

The chauffeur lowered his head and said "I tried stopping lady boss but she told me that she doesn't want chauffeur today." 

"Why did you allow her to go? Did I pay you a salary to let her drive?" Andy snapped harder