
I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.

Synopsis: Asher traveled to the Marvel world, and awakened a ''Summoning System for Mythical and Legendary Pokémon''. He can summon all Mythical and Legendary Pokémon, and in the process obtain a random ability. Do you have "The Space Stone? I have Palkia - Lord of Space!" "Do you control Time? So survive the "Roar of Time" of My Dialga! ” .... Walking to Battle, riding Arceus, followed by Mega Rayquaza and with Celebi sitting on his shoulders. Ho-oh, Lugia, Darkrai, Mewtwo, Giratina and many more, who could stop an army of Pokémon Gods. Translate chinese fanfiction: https://www.wuxiabee.com/novel/i-summon-the-mythical-beast-pokemon-in-marvel.html

Marcelo_Ferreira · アニメ·コミックス
103 Chs

Star of Victory

New York, Asher's Pet Shop.

In the familiar Space Pocket, Celebi, who was very excited to return home, could be seen chasing and playing with Rayquaza-although Rayquaza was very proud, his relationship with Celebi was quite close, like an older brother.

"Thank you, Elder!"

Below them, Asher, who had just returned through the portal, was thanking The Ancient One.

"Asher, if you have the opportunity in the future, you can visit Kamar Taj as a guest anytime."

The Ancient One said this to Asher with a small smile, and then turned and walked through the portal.

After witnessing her disappearance, Asher exhaled deeply.

"Finally home."

Now, he was truly relieved.

At least he has already been accepted and made friends with the sorcerers, so there is no need to worry about trouble coming from the mystical side of the earth in the near future.

Thinking about everything he had been through so far, such a series of events, from commanding Rayquaza to facing the Hulk and killing the Abomination, Asher didn't know what to say for a while.

"However, the benefits obtained more than outweigh the dangers involved."

He remembered that Celebi had reached level 25, and then thought about the 3,000 points on his system bar, Asher was immensely happy at this moment.

3000 Points! This is the highest amount of points he has gained since Sistema became active.

"System! I want to summon!"

It is certainly correct to use ''nouveau riche'' to describe Asher's current mindset.

[The host now has 3200 accumulated points, do you want to use all the points to summon?] ]

"...Well, let's leave these 200 points as a reserve for now."

After thinking for a while, Asher made his decision, and mentally prepared himself.

"I can't believe it, 30 draws in a row, my luck can't be so bad that they all end up as failures? Right?"

With this mindset, Asher confidently began another call-up journey.

So after the first ten draws were over and all resulted in failures, consecutive failures, a deep blow to Asher's confidence and proof of his dubious luck.

"Wait... Wait a minute."

Then Ashe recognized again that he wasn't the protagonist, and his heart began to panic.

Eleventh Invocation - Failed.

Twelfth Invocation - Failed.


It continued until the nineteenth summon, and the result was still a resounding ''failure''!

At this time, Asher was seriously considering assuming a fetal position and crying.

But now on the twentieth attempt....


[Summon successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the special item - "Plate of Arceus: Icicle''].

The familiar and clear voice finally appeared, at this moment Asher finally relaxed, calming the rollercoaster of feelings he was on.

And in the next moment, a stone-like blue square plate appeared next to Asher.

The Tablet exuded an ancient and powerful aura, as if it wanted to show that it came into existence even before creation, even if it was not the creation of the universe in which it found itself.

[Plate of Arceus: Icicle].

[Introduction: One of the eighteen stone tablets of the strongest Pokémon, God of creation ''Arceus'', symbolizes the source of all cold in the Pokémon world].

[Effect: When equipped, makes the user immune to ice elemental attacks as well as cold temperature changes. All damage dealt by skills based on the ''Ice'' element by the card user is increased by 200%].

[Special Effect: By gathering all the Plates, it is possible to summon the God of Creation - ''Arceus''].


To be honest, Asher was now speechless in his heart.


In the end, he could only keep one word so concise.

Arceus, the God of creation of the Pokémon world - without a doubt an Incomparable divine being.

The 18 stone slabs that are the source of his power are, of course, also very powerful things.


"I don't have any ice abilities at the moment, what do I do with this thing now?"

Asher simply didn't know what to do - If it was the Mind Plate - of the psychic type, to strengthen his psionic power, it would be a truly priceless prize.

And, what is worth paying attention to was.

Gather all 18 plates to summon Arceus?

With your luck, how long would it take, would it even be possible?

Just because of the difficulty of summoning the system, it's not bad to be able to summon one - but gathering all 18 plates, it would be easier if he could summon Arceus directly!

Simply put, this thing is basically a support object that grants ''immunity to ice''...However, at the moment there is little use for it.


And as Asher's mind moved, the plate became illusory and instantly integrated into his body.


Celebi, who was curiously watching from the side, couldn't help but tilt his head towards Asher, obviously curious about where his master hid such a large object.

"It's okay, 10 more times..."

After putting away the tablet, Asher held Celebi in his arms, and then continued muttering softly.

That being said, he was basically in a rather disappointed state now - just a Plate that was momentarily of little use, it was 20 summons, basically without any satisfactory results.

'I think my luck ran out when I took out Rayquaza earlier.' '

And sure enough, the next 10 consecutive call-ups would all be similar to the first.

Asher almost no longer cared about success, and he already believed that he would have the same results as before, that is, ''Failures''...However.

[Summon successful, congratulations to the host on obtaining the Mythical Pokémon- ''Victini''! ] ]


Asher was directly stunned: "This system's last summon is really killer, right?"

First, the previous Rayquaza, and now again comes the last-minute success?

In fact, Asher at that moment was in a state of pure disbelief...

A small figure also appeared in front of him.

The small body like a squirrel, two large V-shaped ears, and a pair of large sapphire eyes, extremely cute and captivating.

"Tini, Tini?"

Its wing-like tail fluttered behind it, taking flight, the little being looked at Asher, suspiciously, while emanating a warm and amusing aura.

Asher immediately recognized at a glance that it was indeed the Mythical Pokémon - The Symbol of Victory ''Victini''!