
Hydra in the Narutoverse

I wonder about people in general and if there really is a god up above. To bad I meet him and get reincarnated without my approval. Now I have to survive being a different being all together and surviving the Narutoverse with my morals intact.

Nanachi_Chi · その他
3 Chs

The end yet the beginning

Everyone has heard stories of heroes and people losing their desires. Why have people passed down these stories? What is the point? To give a lesson or to give insight to problems we face every day? What is the point of stories if they even don't begin with a happy start or is it to settle the masses? This is also a story that begins with a young girl. Her name is Kit.

Now that is not her real name but her nickname but it is best kept a secret for now.

Every story starts and ends with a happy ending for either the 'good' or 'bad'. No in-between or even middle ground. So what is your type of story? And how do you want to do it? Destroy the masses? Or save everyone till you drop to the ground? Or simply live without a rule insight? It's all up to you to either condemn or save everyone, it just your decisions that count.


Our story begins not with a Once Upon a Time or even of how I died, it began when our protagonist decided to walk the woods and go on an adventure. Or close to an adventure one can get in their own backyard. Why don't we go to her perspective, shall we~?

~*(Kit's pov.)*~

Ugg, I'm so bored!!!! Ever since this COVID-19 came out everyone just basically told me to stay indoors unless I come out with the mask on and gloves on!!! I know that they love me but it just grates on my nerves cause I was stubborn as a mule once it gets to me. Sighing I laid on the plastic grass that my Mother put down on the backyard cause she was tired of the dogs trying to dig up her plants. Or dig in general.

As I laid on my back and looked up to the sky did I feel emptiness crawl into my skin and nest inside my mind and heart. Why do I feel so empty inside, am I waiting? Or am I just bored for something to happen?

As these thoughts plagued me did I feel something land on my stomach with a force of a punch. Ooffing in pain did I sit up in alarm as I looked around for the dog that did that. Four dogs is a lot to handle and some of them just like to jump on you without notice. But there was no dog in sight except for a rainbow stone that shined in the light.

As my thoughts finally caught up to my brain did I quickly get away from the rock. I have read many books about stuff like this to trust a random rock that is like the rainbow. But as I got up did all of a sudden I felt something or someone grabs me as it practically pulled me to the stone.

I could feel as myself was pulled into the stone with a great pressure beating down on me with great vigor. Just what is going on?

As that finally thought ran through me did I succumb to the force that would not let up.


~*(???'s pov.)*~

As I finished the devil's work did I feel an energy I have felt a lot for the past century.

A god was playing with a mortal again.

Sighing I looked to the individual that managed to attract another God's attention. As I searched and got the information did I break into a sweat.

Looks like the girl will be in for a rough time.