

January 10th 2021, a world renowned archaeologist Mark Lehner was in Brazil studying Aztec ruins. While in one of the temples, he made a discovery that will soon change the entire structure of the world as we know it. Deep inside one of the temples after walking down 20 minutes, he finally ended up in front of a very big and spacious room.

A strange glowing poisonous looking green liquid was flowing through various cracks on the walls and floor lighting up the room. The walls lined with a row of bizarre statues with glowing red eyes.

Mark felt like those statues were staring into his soul as if they were alive.

He shook his head and took a deep gulp of saliva in order to forget his fears. After thinking long and hard, he finally decided to suck it up and enter the room.

As he reached the center of the room, he noticed a glowing statue with its hand reached out in the statues eyes there is a glowing orb floating on top of it.

Mark stood there in disbelief admiring the beauty of what he was witnessing. The sight was something no human would ever imagined. The orb was floating in the air above the statues hands like some sort of magic was controlling it. The orb was very small around the size of a ping pong ball and shined very vigorously giving off a magical looking aura. One could not help but stop and admire its beauty.

After staring at the orb for over 2 minutes, a drop of the liquid surrounding the room fell from the ceiling and landed on Marks head snapping him out of his daze.

To his surprise, the liquid was not poisonous at all. Rather, the liquid made him feel energized and more powerful then he ever felt before. It was like a liquid that gives energy. This made Mark more curious about the origin of the liquid.

He noticed that all the liquid was being created from the orb floating on the statue. He began to walk towards it carefully examining his surroundings. He stopped 2 inches from the statue with the orb floating on it.

He was terrified that the statue would end up moving and killing him. He stuck his hands out and took the orb putting it into his bag he left as fast as he could while screaming,

"Fuck this shit im out"

As he quickly ran out of there he came outside of the temple to realize that he let out powers that people would only read about in books. Suddenly the world started to develop powers that soon the military would finally win the war that made the people long for the day the fighting and blood shed would end.

I based this book off of two books i really liked reading and i hope you like this book as much as i enjoy writing it

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