
Underground City: khafaash (Part 1)

Despite all the buildings being made of different types of earth and stones, what attracted Kiel's attention was the flying people in the air.

"They're flying!?"(Kiel)

"You've never seen a vampire fly?"(Karl Bonara)

"I have never seen a vampire before that idiot who tried to kill me because of a ring. Wait the ring. Huh. Where is it?"(Kiel)

Kiel searched for the ring around him, which was the source of his first problem in this new world, and even within his sight, but he couldn't find it. Turning around to the only one who could give him an answer besides the interface, which had unexpectedly been quiet all the time since Karl entered the room.

"It's with his other things. He had a house, but I had to report his death, so now it belongs to someone else, only his things belong to you now."(Karl Bonara)

"Okay, I will believe you. Another question. Why you have this weird rule about me joining you guys?"(Kiel)

"Because vampires can't have kids. Seriously, you don't know anything about vampires?"(Karl Bonara)

"I never knew your race existed."(Kiel)

"What a sheltered young man you are. What about the other races?"(Karl Bonara)

"What!? Other races? What other races?"

Karl hit his forehead hard with his right hand and the girl behind him had an astonished face as well.

{Information: In this world there are several races, each one different then the other.

Examples: felines (aka wild cats), wolfs, cats, dogs, dwarfs, elves, gnomes, humans, draconics, onis, orcs, ogres, angels, demons, bears, lamias, centaurs, vampires, werewolves, mermaids, harpys, lizardmen, dryads, fairies, goblins, transmorphers, insects, undeads, birds and others.

Note: The races above have been unified into a single group despite having different branches. They are all similar in the aspect of intelligence and have an humanoid form.

Note 2: Only you can hear me, if you have any questions please ask me. My archives contain almost all knowledge of this planet.

Note 3: To speak with me you can talk through your mind.}

The interface that was silent so far decided to speak.

"Dude I will have to teach you everything you'll need to know. But first I still need your answer.

I Brought you here and even had her treat your wounds, it would be a shame if you really decided to not join the vampire faction.

So will you join or die?"(Karl Bonara)

"Do I have another choice?"(Kiel)

"If you wanna live, then no."(Karl Bonara)

"Fine I will join, but first I'll need to rest and eat, otherwise I'm just going to be dead weight"(Kiel)

"Ok, enjoy your last meals while you're still human, soon you'll be a vampire and won't be able to eat that kind of food anymore."(Karl Bonara)

Karl said and turned around, leaving the room while the girl stayed. She kept staring down, while Kiel decided to speak with the interface.

'Hey, he said I will become a vampire, he's wrong, right?'(Kiel)

{Answer: He only guessed it half right.}

'Eh!? What you mean with half right?'(Kiel)

{Chimeric heart was activated. Vampiric blood containing the vampirism disease was consumed. The Chimeric heart extracted the following skills.

Active skills:

| Boost - Agility (small) | Boost - Strength (small) | Boost - Vitality (small) | Charm (small) | Control - Blood (small) | Flight (small) | Levitate (small) | Night Vision (medium) | Regenerate - Health (small) | Regenerate - Mana (small) | Regenerate - Stamina (small) |

Passive skills:

| Boost - All (small) | Boost - Mana (small) | Boost - Senses (small) | Boost - Stamina (medium) | Resist - Charm (small) | Resist - Disease (large) | Resist - Ice (medium) | Regenerate - Health (small) | Regenerate - Mana (small) | Regenerate - Stamina (small) | Weakness - Fire (large) | Weakness - Holy (large) | Weakness - Light (large) |

Status have been upgraded.

Health: 110%

Stamina: 135%

Mana: 110%

Agility: 7

Dexterity: 7

Magic: 7

Strength: 7

Vitality: 7

Note: Each stat point has a different calculation base from the other, please refer to the manual for more info.

Note 2: Your actual body age is 14.}

'Can you just give me these slowly? It's too much to take in so little time.'

{Very well, Host-sama. Ask your questions slowly so this grandiose Interface can answer this small child questions.}

'You little shit. Fine. First, where the heck are we? Second, where is this place that man brought me to. Three, what you meant by saying that this body father's being a quimera? Fourth, what you mean by new body?'

The girl stood there standing and looking down, not daring to speak nor look towards the man in the bed, as she knew he was about to become one of her 'masters' in the future.

{1: Whe are in a planet on the other side of this dimensional universe. It means that were in something like an alien planet, but this one was the very first created by god, its name is Edem.

2: This underground city is situated in the south-center of this continent, albeit one of the smaller forces the vampires still can still hold their ground when its about defending their territory.

3: The mother of your new body was raped when she was younger, almost 16 years ago, and her gestation took more than a year to complete. The father of this body is a chimera, he is dead now though. That's when your body was born, but it's mother died and so did this body previous owner. Now you're living on it thanks to me.

4: You died back on earth, but the Reaper took your soul and put it inside me, then i was put inside this body, which belongs to you now. Also you must know, since your father was a chimera, your body is a half chimera, that is why the heart wasn't fully compatible.}

Having answered some of Kiel's questions, the Interface showed him a map, it was the map of the world they lived in, at least from now on.

Kiel thought the map was familiar, then he remembered, this map was almost exactly like the map when the continents onon earth were together, the pangea. Though this map turned to the side, with the east side now being the south.

Kiel observed the map, and even if it had the outline of pangea, it's countries were split in a somewhat similar way the continents would split, but still with a definite difference.

'So I died and the Reaper brought me here, why?'

{Not my concern, but you got a second chance, just enjoy it.}

The Interface words have never been more right than before, in Kiel ears at least. He was just a pebble compared to the Reaper, that was all he could do, nothing.

Accepting the he could do nothing to contact or speak with the Reaper, Kiel just shrugged his thoughts and laid down, going back to sleep and trying to ignore the lady at the door.

She looked at the man in the bed, laid down and falling asleep right after. She giggled and stood there, even if she wanted to grab that chair she withstood her desire.

"You can sit if you want"(Kiel)

She became startled. Thinking he was asleep, the girl let her guard down, but Kiel mamage to scare the shit out of her. With her back touching the wall at the left side of the door, she answered the man in front of her.

"Slaves like me aren't supposed to slack off on duty master."(slave girl)

The answer she give also startled Kiel, because he didn't thought that slavery was still being used, even if this was another world.

On earth the practice was was abolished completely, that was what he learned, and the abolition occurred 297 years ago in Kiel's country. Still the thought wasn't wrong to him, but those who deserved it were those people who had committed acts considered heinous.

"Then I order you to rest on that chair."(Kiel)

His orders were heard, but she seems afraid to obey them and later being punished for slacking off. Unfortunately for her, disobeying a direct order, even if it was from someone who still had to become a vampire, was punished with death.

Slavery in the vampire city was rough, yet it was still better than most cities were some merchants would buy a slave just and torture him/her only to scare the ones they already had. With this occurrence happening everyday.

She obeyed and sat on the chair near him. Kiel was curious about this world, so he started asking her things that for someone living in this world would be common knowledge.

They spoke until Kiel fell asleep, roughly two and half hours later.

The discord group is coming soon, also the map and some pics, only for reference though.

Tressidacreators' thoughts