
Side Story: Alive, and suffering (01)

Juliana woke up in the hospital. the bullet wound hurt but, the thoughts of that night hurt even more. She decided to cheat on Kiel, the man who did everything for her, and the excuse she used was money.

She lied to herself, lost her lover, and know she had nowhere to go. The house she was living belonged to Kiel, and his sister was the next in line to receive the ownership. She vanished a few years ago when traveling, but still found a way to return when her brother died.

Lizuna was the name Kiel's mother chose for her daughter, since she was a japanese descendant. Kiel was a half japanese.

Juliana lamented her choices and if she could had the chance, she would do different. Alas reality was harsher then anything you could expect. Juliana now didn't had a place to stay, nor job and her bills were always paid by Kiel, and that is one reason he didn't had any more money, despite working all he could.

Lizuna, although she didn't came for her father's funeral, came for her beloved brother, and she expended a lot of money to bury him, she even sold the house to do it. The house was nothing, but her brother meant the world for her, that was also the reason she left.

Lizuna harboured a forbidden love towards her younger brother, but her father found out and kicked her out, even going to a judge to get a distance warrant. Lizuna hated her father because of that, but Kiel always looked up to him, so she chose to leave.

Lizuna became devastated when she found out about her brother's death, and when she knew what happened, she swore to herself to kill Juliana.

Side story about the hatred between Juliana and Lizuna, along with the events on earth.

Tressidacreators' thoughts