
Past and Blood

While Kiel was immersed in her memories, the girl was also in his. Her name was Runah. Runah was born common hospital for her time, lived a normal life until her mother died when she was five. After that incident, her father became really depressed, but he endured, working harder than before to raise her and her older sister.

Runah's older sister became like her mother after the incident, taking care of her younger sister as much as she could, sometimes even being annoying. But Runah knew how much her sister loved her, and she loved her the same.

The years passed and Runah was eighteen, and the spring in her life had just ended. She started dating a girl, but her older sister became even more clingy. Runah wasn't aware of her older sister obsessive love for her.

However someone else did, and that was the reason why her older sister left her house, with the excuse of going traveling the world, which Lizuna then thought to be a good idea after she hadn't anywhere to go.

The years passed again, and this time it was her father time to leave this world. The year she lived in had the cure for many diseases, but cancer was still a threat to mankind. Runah became very sad with one of her last relatives dying out of the sudden.

Her sister had disappeared, both her parents were dead, but Runah endured because she thought she would marry Juliana. Runah thought she made a grave mistake, and that was not taking care of her girlfriend properly.

When that fateful night arrived, the pain and suffering made her realize that wasn't her life. Runah became amazed with the things humans possessed on earth, especially the cars and medicine, but not clothes nor jewelry, because was taught that things like that were not useful in a war.

When Kiel died, her vision became blurred and she awoke, staring at the man, or child in the case, the same one who owned the memories she lived.

They both knew each other's names, Runah knew Kiel's name because she lived his life, and Kiel knew hers because in this two months he learned some words, and could distinguish names.

Runah knew Kiel wasn't born in this planet, much less being one of the damned vampires who killed her mother, but even so, anger and shame appeared on her face.

Because Kiel saw her naked, even if was the fault of the slave collar, she was a proper lady, and wanted only to show her naked body to her mate.

Kiel was holding the slave collar in his hands, as the tool was easy to put and easy to remove. Karl had taught that to Kiel, as the slave collar removed the wearer's will, they became like mindless puppets. Only those who owned the slave could safely remove the collar, and Karl had gave her to Kiel.

Runah covered her chest with her left hand and slapped Kiel with her right.

"Pervert. . . Thanks."(Runah)

Kiel's face became red and he eve fell from his bed, head on the floor. Standing up after being almost knocked down, Kiel looked at her and said, while rubbing his face.

"You're welcome, lycan princess."(Kiel)

"What you pretend to do now? I suppose you won't just let me go, right?"(Runah)

"But I will, you're free to kill Karl and the rest, but can you do it? I know they killed your mother, but right now you're inside the enemy base. You will die before even getting near one of them."(Kiel)

Runah, was speechless, the man who saw her naked, who smelled almost like a vampire, was giving her freedom at the cost of nothing in return.

"Why, why are you freeing me?"(Runah)

"Because I can, because I think you deserve your revenge, and because I think you're very pretty."(Kiel)

Kiel words made her doubtful, but the last part only sounded like a compliment, she couldn't think that Kiel was hitting on her

Outside the underground city.

The a horde of goblins was marching into the city entrance, the golem guards them rang the bell, signaling an attack.

Kiel and Runah who were speaking were interrupted by the bells. Tomoe and Arjuna who were in Karl's room with him, dressed themselves fast and run to the city entrance, while Karl went to Kiel's house, which was near the slaves settlement.

An invasion of the goblin kingdom was something natural for the vampires, and Kiel knew that at least once a month the goblins would attack, even if they lost their entire troops. Goblins were known for kidnapping females of every species and impregnating them with their offspring.

Their troops would recover in a month, and there were at least ten thousand of such creatures in each attack. Goblins had a very fast growth rate, even the gestation time was at max two weeks.

In the army of goblins this time, there were even hobgoblins, they were advanced goblins, stronger and they could even use magic.

"What it this. what is happening?"(Runah)

As it was Runah first time in a vampire city, she clearly didn't know what the bells were meant for. Kiel held her shoulders, calming her down. She was panicked because she thought it had some relation with her slave collar.

"Runah, calm down, the bells means were being attacked, and if I'm not wrong, the goblins must be attacking again."(Kiel)

Upon saying those words, Karl knocked on Kiel's door and screamed.

"Kid, come down, its the goblins again and right on time, it's your debut today."(Karl bonara)

Kiel looked to the door and back to Runah, then stood up and prepared himself.

"Let me go with you. I know it may seem strange, but I don't want to be alone, not in here."(Runah)

With a long sigh Kiel nodded and threw to her the collar.

"If they see you without the collar they will hunt you down."(Kiel)

Runah grabbed the collar and put on herself, as the collar couldn't recognize her as a slave and her own owner, the slave effect of the said collar didn't work.