
Wrapping Things Up

__________ POV Ashton__________

Seeing as Netero was already done with his fight, I also felt the need to take care of things on this end.

I decided to just ignore Killua and let him take Gon to relative safety. He was already dying, I don't even need to do anything about it.

He doesn't have any regenerative capabilities, so his legs won't be regrowing anytime soon either.

Both Youpi and Little Pouf started fleeing in the direction of the explosion. Probably desperately hoping that their King survived.

Pitou should still be patching up that little girl too. I should deal with her now.

The girl should be past the critical phase. The rest of the minor wounds aren't really important... Oh well, I'll do something about them anyway, I'm feeling generous today.

The most interesting thing is that Killua didn't look at me with hate even once during our confrontation.

He even looked thankful when I let him get to Gon. It's quite surreal. Even for a Zoldyck, this behaviour is quite unexpected.

I guess he can somewhat understand the strange circumstances of my fight with Gon weren't really under my control.

I can't do anything to help with the kid giving his life to fight me. I wouldn't have killed the kid, maybe maiming him a little out of anger.

He also didn't want that little girl to die because we decided to attack the ants without checking if they have hostages.

Upon entering the room I could see that the operation was mostly done. But there were still quite a few injuries on her.

Why not try something out myself?

"Make a bit of room Pitou..." My voice startled her a bit, but she listened to me anyway. Her obedience to me was purely out of the fear I instilled in her during our training.

"...What was that sound earlier?" That was the very first thing Pitou asked me about. Seemingly forgetting that I'm not really her ally.

I promptly ignored her, if she knew her King was likely dead she'd not be so calm and collected. She's the one I spent the most time on, having to kill her for lashing out would be a shame.

Out of the three royal guards, she's the only one that I plan on keeping alive and taking back to my laboratory.

Of course, she won't be going willingly, but I don't plan on giving her much choice in the matter.

When I reached the injured girl's side Pitou's Hatsu 'Doctor Blythe'moved a bit to the side, still continuing to close wounds.

Out of my back came a large doll. Looking identical to Doctor Blythe. I obviously copied her, she looked extremely shocked by this.

But, thinking logically, there's no way a newborn ant could devise a Hatsu that I cannot replicate, at least to some extent. This one isn't exactly all that complicated either...

It's just annoying that it leaves one vulnerable. Thankfully, I have more than enough Nen left to guard myself, even if I need to remain stationary.

I won't bother renaming this Hatsu, I didn't design it any differently. The only difference is that this one has black hair.

The only reason my eyes aren't shining scarlet right now is that I'm wearing contacts. It's also the reason why they didn't shine when I used 'Up-Side-Down Reality' and 'Fleeting Existence'.

I can only somewhat use those without my eyes. All usage of Specialist techniques is somewhat strained without me activating the Scarlet Eyes.

Both Doctor dolls looked at each other with curiosity. As if alive, I guess they are somewhat sentient, just like plants are alive...

Both doctors started diligently working on the unconscious girl. Her injuries were being stitched up at a visible speed. In just 15 minutes, she was as good as new. Only a few scars left.

Both Pitou and I got up. I looked at the ant with unrestrained malicious intent. She noticed this and tensed up immediately.

"I guess it's time I take care of you..." Pitou immediately tried to dash to the other side of the room. At this point, me hurting the little girl wasn't a concern for her. I just helped heal her after all.

I don't plan on giving her much opportunity to leave my side, she won't go all out when near the girl. Her late king wanted her alive. So I'll be using her as a hostage for now.

I know, I know, quite hypocritical of me to use her like this after getting so annoyed at Gon. But I am a hypocrite after all.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. She quickly tried to stab my heart out of my chest.

It would've worked too had it not been for me using Ryu and directing 100% of my aura into defending my chest.

Her nails broke on my barrier of Aura. Her eyes widened in shock and she tried to separate herself from me. I quickly used Ren only on her, paralysing her in fear as she heavily sweated.

She looked like a regular human surrounded by sharks in the deepest parts of the ocean. Helpless, afraid, and unmoving.

I quickly used one of my own specialist Hatsu, 'Mind Breaker' by putting my right hand on her head. She was too scared to move.

This Hatsu only worked if the victim is in a state of fear. It also needed me to have direct contact with the victim's head.

I somewhat used it against the Phantom Troupe, although nowhere near to the extent to which I will use it now. This Hatsu, when used correctly, starts a battle of Nen in one's mined.

My Aura quickly attacked her mind and overpowered hers, it quickly started eating away at her personality and will.

By the end of this quick process, she will be nothing more than an obedient flesh puppet. Barely sentient and only responding to my commands.

It's regrettable that I have to do this. But she won't obey me completely otherwise. And I don't want her escaping again.

The fear in her eyes slowly got replaced by complete emptiness. Some saliva coming out of her open mouth, indicating some loss of brain functions.

The process was complete. I grabbed the Pitou, or what remained of her, by the neck, ripped open space. And threw her in there.

Dusting my hands a bit. I started preparing to head for the site of the bomb. Netero's final attack.


Bonus Chapter today!

I wanted to post one the entire week, but it's annoying to do so at work.

Btw, Pitou won't stay mindless forever. That's said later in the story, but I figured some ppl might be mad if I didn't mention that now.

Patreon is 25 chaps ahead: