
HxH: adventure of a lifetime

A normal man reincarnate in the world of HxH at the beginning of the story. How will he use this opportunity?

Old_Fart_3269 · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Chapter 16: The way to the top! Part 1



"Miss! It almost feels like Enma has another set of eyes on the back of his head! Is that En?"

Said Cocco, the orange haired commentator.

"Oh my! Despite the great number of spinning tops, Gido seems unable to reach his opponent!

Enma can't advance, and Gido are not able to score points, this is a stalemate!"

Few days had passed since the last interaction with the Merchant, and Enma started fighting again.

He had already won a match against Riehlvelt. It was an easy feat once he dodged the 2 whip. He just had to be patient and wait for the guy to exhaust his Nen while moving the wheelchair around.

It sadly didn't end up in a single shot KO, but he was confident in his fight against Gido.

'This spinning tops are slow and have very weak power behind them. The only good point about this technique is that the attacks from the objects came randomly from any directions.

Sadly for him…"


Enma bent his neck and a spinning top went by dangerously close.

'The spinning tops are slower and weaker the farther they are from Gido.'

Gido was an enhancer, but his technique made use of manipulation Nen to move the tops around.

It was clear how, given that it wasn't his affinity, he wasn't able to keep a strong manipulation for a wide range.

Gido, seeing the even situation, activated his second ability.

"Tornado Top!"

Instantly he started spinning, using his metal leg as a pivot.

"Shotgun Blues!"

Once the spinning speed increased to his maximum, he launched a bunch spinning tops, taking advantage of the centrifugal force of the motion of his body.

In this last technique, the dancing tops released by Gido targeted his opponent directly.

It was different from "Battle waltz", where the tops randomly hit each other and used the collision force to attack everything that moved nearby.

'Here it comes.'


Enma started evading the objects with disarming ease.

'I didn't want to risk it, taking this technique head on when too close. I thought the higher speed could surpass the reaction time given by Spider-sense.

Guess I was wrong.

I'm basically the worst match up for Gido.'

Enma, once he realized that none of Gido's techniques were particularly dangerous, decided to end the battle once and for all.


With this last dodge, he moved forward till Gido entered the 'Hayabusa's style' range.

The 'Hayabusa's style' was a martial art that relied on speed and precision. It put a great focus on footwork.

Enma appeared behind Gido in a flash.


All of Enma's Nen enveloped his right leg, leaving the rest of the body unprotected.

Aiming at Gido's spinning body, the teen unleashed a roundhouse kick with all his might.

The crunching sounds of bones breaking were terrible to hear.

Gido dropped on the ground like a sack of dirt after a few meters flight.

"Wow! Like we have already seen from Enma before, It ended in a flash!

At the end, a single hit was enough!!!

With 3 wins under his belt, he stands undefeated at the moment!"

'7 to go'.

-Enma's room-

In preparation for his next fight, Enma was exercising Nen's advanced applications.

Gyo was an advanced application of Ren, by which a Nen user concentrates a larger than normal portion of their aura into one specific body part.

He was already proficient with it thanks to the training pass. Usually, it was used around the eyes to see aura hidden with 'In', but he found himself using it several times in the past few days to strengthen his attacks, in substitution to Ko or Ryu, in which he wasn't as trained.

'In' was an advanced form of Zetsu, used to render one's aura invisible, even to other Nen users, concealing and making it impossible to be perceived with any of the five senses or extrasensory perception, spider-sense included.

'I was lucky that Gido wasn't able to conjure spinning tops and use 'In' on them to make them invisibles.

If that had been the case, fighting him would have been harder while having to keep Gyo around the eyes all the time.

I have to also to remind myself that Spider-sense doesn't work against 'In'. That is a real bummer.

Still, I found out a nice use for Spider-sense.'

En was an advanced application of Ten and Ren.

It was when one extended their Ren over a wider area than normal, then used Ten at the same time to contain and give shape to that aura, normally in a sphere form.

En enabled a user to feel the shape and movement of anything within the area covered by their range, with a higher degree depending on skill level.

Enma, while trying the technique, learned that the incredible sixth sense gifted to him by Spider-sense, gave him a natural talent when it came to En.

In fact, even if only a few days had passed since he learned the skill, he could already form a 15 meters radius sphere, if he concentrated all his Nen.

That was incredible for a new user.

It had to be noted that the minimum requirement for it to be considered a successful usage was to extend one's aura to a radius of more than two meters, and hold it longer than one minute.

Whereas those who mastered En were typically able to extend it to a circle of 50 meter radius.

'My talent in En is a nice surprise. But then there is always a higher tree. Zeno has a 300 meters radius En… Old monster.

Maybe if I train 15/20 years I can reach that level.'

Ko was a combination of Ten, Zetsu, Ren, Hatsu, and Gyo in which all of the user's aura is concentrated into one particular body part.

This skill made that one body part extremely powerful, both in terms of offensive might and defensive durability.

The drawback was that it left the rest of the user's body completely unprotected.

'This is one of my favorites. It's risky, but when used at the right time, devastating.

Also, if coupled with Itto shura, adding physical strength to the body part is only going to make it stronger.

Now I understand why people are jealous of enhancers. They have an easier life learning this strengthening applications…'

Ken was the advanced form of the basic Ten and Ren techniques.

The amount of aura surrounding the user's body during Ken was about 10 times higher than during Ten.

Ryu was the most difficult one between these applications.

It was the use of Gyo while in a state of Ken to perform real-time offensive and defensive value adjustments. It consisted in redistributing one's aura according to percentage (e.g., by focusing 70% of one's aura in one fist and 30% everywhere else as one is about to strike).

'Ryu is the most versatile. You can attack and protect at the same time. It's just that it uses lots of Nen and is very difficult to run it smoothly.

It feels like playing the drums, you need to spread your attention in different aspects, you also need to be able to estimate the amount of aura utilized by the opponent at a glance and use your aura accordingly.

Difficult. It will be long before I can master it.

I hope one day to find another training pass…'

-Few days later-

"Good evening everyone!

We are about to witness Enma's fourth consecutive fight in the last month and a half.

He defeated all 3 of his opponents with great ease and stand undefeated!

His opponent? The mighty Boagrius!

At almost 3 meters and 180 Kg of pure raw strength, he also comes undefeated, with a record of 9 wins and 0 losses.

He is one win short of being able to challenge a floor master!

This could very well be the fight of the month! Are you ready??

Sit tight everyone. The fight is about to start!!"

The fans exploded in cheers.

"Boagrius, don't disappoint me now! I'm putting all my savings on you smashing that little bug's head!"

"Haha can't wait to see that bastard face destroyed by Boagrius punches!"

"The person who said that is dreaming! Enma's too fast to be hit by that slow pig!"

"You are right! Go Enma!"

"I want your children!"

Enma was finally able to see his opponent for the first time.

He was a giant.

A mountain made of flesh and muscle. His muscles had muscles.

Bald and ferocious, shirtless and already sweaty before even starting the fight.

'Fucking hell! That thing can't be a real man! Is that Uvogin's bald brother?'

The monster looked at Enma and shouted with an angry snarl.

"You! I'll die you!"

'He will die me? What does it even mean? His IQ seems really low. I bet that he is an enhancer…as if his body wasn't enough of a clue.'


The referee announced, and the giant was already moving.

'What a wonderful Nen he has. Yes, an enhancer for sure judging by the dangerous feeling I get from the Nen around his fists.

If he catch me with those it's all over.'


The bald man was pretty fast considering his gaze.

Not that fast.

Enma evaded the punch by an hair, but the wind pressure released by the motion was so high that it cut his cheek.



The floor exploded in thousand of cracks.

'That is only from the wind pressure??'

Enma created a nice distance with a single step.

'I'll try to strike his pressure points to disable his arms.'

The teen extended the right's hand index and middle fingers and closed the distance between him and his opponent.

Bzz! Bzzz!

The strength of these punches were enormous, but the speed… It was nothing much.

'Itto shura! Ko!'

Enma dodged the hand and his 2 fingers stroke under the troll's armpit, hitting an important nerve that regulated the arm movements.

'….?? Nothing?!?'

Bogarius exploited Enma's moment of distraction to unleash another punch with his left hand.


'Shit! I'm too close!'

The distance between the 2 was too little and the teen was only able to arch his back as far as possible.

The hit came, and Boagrius used his Nen ability for the first time.

"Big hit!"

The Nen around his hand exploded forward once contact was made.

Boagrius' ability 'Big hit' was incredibly simple.

He concentrated a huge amount of enhanced Nen in his fist with Ryo, and then used emission to expel said Nen upon contact with the opponent, creating a Nen explosion.


Enma concentrated all of his Nen in his arms.

He was blasted ten meters away, but was able to block 80% of the attack.

He was on the ground.

"Down! 1 point Boagrius!"

Enma spat a phlegm of blood.

'I used 100% of my Nen to block a casual punch, and I didn't even manage to completely disperse the power.

Also, his skin his so thick that I couldn't even hit his arm pressure point properly.

That leaves me with a single solution…'

Kusanagi, the black sword, made an appearance once again.

'I'm going to fuck you up now.'

Ren burst outwards and shrouded the beautiful sword.


Enma pivoted on his leg, disappearing in a flash.



Boagrius exposed Achille's tendon was done for.

Rage boiled in the Gorilla's mind.

He started spamming his only ability, destroying everything in his path.

It was useless, he was too slow.

Enma was like the grim reaper, he danced around the giant's body, filling him with cuts.

'His skin is so tough…Ko!'

Enma had to use Ko to cut the flash deep enough to get points.

"Clean hit! Enma wins by TKO! 10 point to 1"

'What? 10 points already!'


Boagrius was not happy.


"The fight is over!! If you take another step, you'll be banned from the 200th floor! Show some self-respect."

The referee was as annoyed at Boagrius.

"UNFAIR! Me not injured!"

And it was true. Despite the countless cuts, Boagrius wasn't hurt at all. He could have kept going.

At the end of the day, that was not a fight to the death, it had rules.

"Amazing! What a fight! Boagrius couldn't do anything in the face of such superior speed!

Enma wins! Can he keep going at it without losing even once??"

'I was lucky once again. A faster opponents, or a more intelligent one would have beaten me. I think of Uvogin…

Also the referee was really lax, calling clean hits every time I performed a deeper cut.

Nonetheless, I'm surprised by myself…

…I love this thrill! I love to fight!'