
Black soul needs to feed

While getting rid of that man Hellen tried to play some tricks but The Gorilla Man always found her by tracing the smell of her sweat.

She looked toward him with a disappointed face and asked, "Why are you coming after me?"

The Gorilla man can't understand her language so didn't reply her just rubbed his head and stared at her in confusion.

She walked toward the team and said while grabbing their attention"We have to take him with us because he is chasing me everywhere even I tried my best, look this is not much bad idea, he is mannerable. He can join us like a normal human."Hellen tried to convince her team.

"Or we should kill him," Tina replied while loading the gun.

"No, we can't kill him, he didn't harm me. This man is not dangerous, he just needs a company i think or we can't leave him alone in this jungle."Mike said while pushing Hellen's gun down.