
Hunters of the Dark Ages.

Growing up in a loving family. Hazel never expected her whole world to be crushed apart. Escaping assassination that left her all alone in the world, she is forced into the human realm. Memories gone and forgotten. Her fox powers sealed. However, even she didn't anticipate meeting an apocalyptic world. A dying Terraheim in the brink of destruction and a fierce war between powerful Hunters and horrid Nightmarish creatures that flood through the Gates. Talk more of being the Terraheim's new generation's Devil's mate. In the deadly battle of survival. She joins the Reigns family and more human forces. What's worse, behind the shadows. The dead gods are scheming a potentially fatal destruction....... What will Hazel choose? Excerpt (Warning:Mature Content) "Who are you?" His glowing crimson eyes met hers. Blood stained on his lips. A crazy look in his eyes, that made him irresistible and yet.... Dangerous. " Your worst nightmare, Mrs Reigns"

XenaReigns_1 · ファンタジー
25 Chs

How did things go wrong?

Hazel wondered for the ninth time how everything went so wrong.

Well technically it was all her fault and she couldn't blame it all on the sick god that kept on placing her in these kind of situations. Her forgotten sense of morals didn't let her. She will feel a heavy weight pound on her conscience if she ever did that.

So she felt compelled to take all the blame for her stupid actions.

Though after putting up a 'little' which wasn't literally a full-blown war...

So she had to blame it on something else.

' It was probably the food. It was too delicious that I thought I could conquer the whole world but ended up in the maws of a beast instead.'

Oh, silly her.

She for the nth time tried to move her wrists a bit. But the tight clasp that glued her to the wall behind her, didn't budge.

Not even a little.

She groaned then cursed, internally. On the verge of closing her eyes and sighing in exasperation.

'And here logically she was supposed to be the predator not the other way around.'

Ever since Sirae suddenly disappeared after the weird dream she had.

She couldn't transform or use any of her Fox powers. Not that they were much anyway. Which she discovered a little bit to late resulting her almost killing herself.

But now she feeling her powers coming back little by little. Though only enough to gain claws and fangs.

Why the hell was she so weak?!

For someone who almost lost control of the weather wrecking destruction all around her?!

It felt as if his presence was sapping away all of her strength leaving nothing but a weak muddled mess.

She hated it.

She hated it so much.

She wanted to blast off his head to smitterens. Just because he was her mate didn't mean she couldn't hurt him, right?


She was feeling all of this emotions and she hasn't marked him yet!

Maybe if she had been given more power.

She wouldn't be this weak.

The memory of what she discovered falling for a year in utter darkness made her feel the grief she tried so hard to hold. She closed her eyes bottling the mocking insults and jests that flooded in whenever she remembered.

When she opened her eyes again her sapphire-pink eyes were gone. Replaced with ...

Blazing red pair of iris.

Burning with a hidden inferno of mixed up dominant emotions.

Grief. Anger. Unyielding.

She stared at the white fox masked man infront of her. As he stared down at her. Towering her with his height.

Reminding her how lacking she was in that department.

She wasn't exactly too tall nor was she too short.

Therefore she was never sensitive about her height before.

Never until now...

His height changed everything.

It ignited a feral side in her.

In wanting to...


To dominate all of him. Every last single part of him. Inside out.

But her lack of power to do so suffocated her.

His eyes were like a pair of golden torches that lit her messed up soul. It stirred her up. Igniting the cells of her body then it cruelly left her completely lacking and yet frustratingly...


She was beginning to hate mate bonds so badly.

The white fox mask with gruesomely carved blood-red lines covered his entire face except his beautiful amber eyes.

She didn't like it. She wanted to see his face.

She wanted to see him.

It felt like he was hiding away from her.


An irrational part of her didn't like it at all.

So she wanted to rip it off.

"I heard Foxes can be rather wild and untameble in the vast majority of the humanoid monsters. Watching how you almost ran to your death... Am beginning to see how true it really is."

He spoke slowly, each of his words capturing her attention with no required effort.

His deep voice was filled with amusement and held a tint of displeasure and warning. But for some reason hearing it made her feel indescribably hot.

Hiding her feelings, she smirked. Painfully aware of her awkwardly, drooping fangs and how torturously it ached. Her animalistic instincts urged her to take the bait he was unknowingly giving.

Her eyes having a mind of its own was straying it's path from the nape of his masculine neck to his exposed collarbone that seduced her.

"If you let go of me, I would be on my way. You won't have the mental stress to tame me, kind human."

She sweetly said while gritting her teeth. The fiery gold in his eyes were having tints of red pool at the center trying to engulf the rest.

It made her feel she was staring at a blazing hellfire.

She felt it's heat scalding her alive.

It frustrated her to no ends. She wondered what he could be thinking of and once again wanted to see his face.

Why the hell was he hiding from her.

Her claws mercilessly dug it's way to his skin, where he gripped. Blood gushed out before healing and reopening again.

An unending cycle.

"Oh really... Hmmm."

His beautiful eyes veiled in thought. Unperturbed by the pain she inflicted.

"As much as it seems to be the right thing to do..."

He hesitated before his gaze connected to hers again.

The gap in his speech for a moment gave her hope. She felt he was truly pondering over it. It lightened Hazel's world for an insane moment. Before it came crashing down like a meteorite.

The mischevious glimmer in his outworldly eyes spoke volumes. It parched more of her already dry throat.

"Kitten, it's not possible. You see...You are direly needed."

The emotion that she held for long, since she found out she was going to be captured. All of it.

She couldn't hold it in...

She erupted in unbridled anger.

"What in the psychic name do you mean.. Needed?! Damn hell for what?! Your nightly pleasures? A Hitman?! Or wait a moment you don't mean your right-hand dog?! I heard that's what you humans do with 'tamed' humanoid monsters you can, afterall. To use me then throw me away to die? Right?! Damn you!!"

Her claws went deeper impaling it's way out of his one hand that pinned her to the wall. The impaled hand forced itself to heal. Cells replicating at an insane speed trying to restore it's injury to normal. But her claws were a barrier to close up the wound as it struggled. Blood streamed down like a river.

His thick long lashes fluttered. Veiling the lustrous look in eyes, hiding an emotion so deep it stirred her soul and successfully choking her. Before dissipating into thin air. Leaving her dumbfounded. Marvelled at whether she was conjuring up things because of the mate bond and the mushy state of her mind or whether it was real.

Unsurprisingly, she hoped for the latter.

While she was deep in thought what he did next jolted up her senses.

He lowered his head to her ear. Making her gasp by the hot breath that fanned her neck.

His scent was intoxicating. It awakened forbidden desires as she felt his warm, soft lips graze her neck gently.

Her eyes widened comically.

Wait a minute?!Rusts!

He was wearing a mask wasn't he?! How the hell did he..?

How could she feel his lips on skin?!

Was she hallucinating again?

She cursed the side of her that was grateful that she had already taken her bath.

But it didn't matter...

Whatever she was thinking because what he said next splashed a bucket of cold water to her already flaming skin.


I apologise to anyone who really liked the book and hated how inconsistent the chapters are. Am having problems signing up a contract sent to me plus other personal issues which has not yet been resolved. But I truly love this book and I want to share it to anyone who feels the same. Whether it profits me or not.

So am officially back and ready to give you more from HODA and I really hope you enjoy it as I had when I first wrote it.

Though it's a bit to late..

A Happy belated new year.

let's make this year a delighted memorable experience for all of us.

Am back to stay. Enjoy...

Xena Reigns.

XenaReigns_1creators' thoughts