
Hunters Den

Werewolfs,monsters,killers and hunters.All in one place! In The Wastelands,everyone needs a purpose,at the end of the day,that’s what makes us human. Or at least…it used to do so. Join Johan and his friends on a journey of a lifetime,a journey to fulfil their goal and find their purpose.

NewgateAdam · ファンタジー
3 Chs


" If you could take upon yourself a task, a job where you kill beasts for a living, would you do it? If you said yes, then welcome! The Hunter Association greets you with open arms, here you will become a high-class hunter with skills and reflexes as sharp as a razor blade "!

This is the kind of stuff you see all over Traum, they want you to join their little cult of saving the city from "beasts " and so-called "evil".Though it sounds wrong to shit on an organization that probably only wants to protect the people, they rejected me many times before. Just because I come from a poor family, a family known for one thing.For creating clothes. I wasn't a royal, so I couldn't do much. Even in a billion worlds, I wouldn't be a hunter.

Is what I would've said if I was a little bitch. I signed up every damn year just for a chance to be in the big league, but nothing happened. I kept training for this and every rejection was harsher than the past one. The final straw was when I got rejected for being taller than the rest.

That's when I realized that being noble gives you more than an advantage in life.

It gave them a whole new world to play with.

As I was collecting my pennies, trying to find enough money for some food, a hunter passed by. He wore a coat that was as black as the midnight, a hat with feathers tucked on the back, and pants drenched with beast blood. An axe that was used for killing beasts and a pistol, loaded with silver bullets. All of this and one thing was odd. He didn't have the associations mark. He was a part of the Hunter Den. You see, this organization was similar to the association but only outcasts can join. Only those who left Traum and couldn't come back. The only way to become an outcast is to commit a crime, any kind of crime. Being the only town that wasn't affected by beasts, many people want to be here. That's why the rules are so strict. Any kind of crime will have you removed from the town and the only to get back in is either to pay an enormous price or become a hunter, the difference being that you have no privileges. That's why many people live in poverty, they either committed a crime or they live like that for generations. That's why Hunter Den exists. For those who have nothing, for those who have no place to call home.

You see, these two kinds of hunters are different. The den has people who have nothing to lose, they explore the world to find purpose, just so they don't go insane in this world. The association has nobles hunt poor people for sport, calling them beasts. That's how my parents died. I didn't inherit shit, all I have is the street to call home. That's it. My eternal grave. It's rare to see a hunter from the den here. They usually ignore Traum as a whole, they consider it to be a dead end. I admire them the most, they are all travelers who hunt for their purpose in life. They see lands beyond this city and have the utmost control over their destiny. That's why I want to join them, I want to face the world head-on and experience true heroism. That's my calling. But it's not that simple, you can't just leave Traum. Traum has to leave you. If you leave the city without being exiled, you will be brought back and killed in front of the people. I suppose that I could, theoretically, steal from someone and get kicked out. It would make more sense to do that.

It's been decided. I, Johan Gott, will become the hunter of the den and I will find purpose in my life. I want to see what's beyond this town, what's does this world have to offer.

And thus, our story has begun. A story about a man who wants a purpose and freedom.A story about becoming a hero that can do anything he desires.