
Guilt tripping 101

I had come back to visit my family in Yorknew city after the interview and faced another onslaught of questioning from my mother and little brother about my interview.

Apparently, one of my relatives, a distant aunt back in Zaban city, had recognized me on the cover of the Hunter magazine her son had bought from one of the pictures my mother had sent to them all shortly after my return. That lead to a whole enquiry from all the gossipy family members and even extended relations. Heck! I even had two marriage offers from one of my other aunts!

Why are you talking about my marriage? I'm 11. Calm your tits lady, jeez.

My mother even paraded me around to everyone we knew, showing me off like a prize pony. I pitied the poor poor children who would now be compared to me everyday.

"Why aren't you like the Cutler's boy. Look at him being a hunter at 11. ... yada yada..."

Poor sods. They'll probably grow up with a massive chip on their shoulders if this continued.

Thankfully I was able to convince my mother to stop with the tea parties by invoking the holy grail of arguments.

"If you keep throwing tea parties like so, there won't be any money left for little Sabal's college fund."

That shut her right up, saving me from further 'social visits'.

Then one day, late at night on the 21st came the call.


"It's Worm. You had a job?"

"Uh.. yeah." I said, stretching and yawning, before continuing.

"I want you to make an anonymous delivery to a certain place only you can reach. Are you in Yorknew right now?"


"Great. Meet me at the park in ten."

I got and changed and walked towards the door, only to alert my mother.

"Where are you going at this time of night?" She asked.

"The park. It's work stuff."

"This late? It's what.. 11:30? She exclaimed looking at the clock.

"I'll be back in a bit. Don't worry. I have special powers. You don't need to worry at all."

"What if there's someone with stronger powers than you? Promise me. You'll run away if it's too much to handle. Promise me?"

"Yes Mama! I'll run away if it's too much for me."

"You're always welcome back here. It's your home... our home. Rely on us when yiu need to. Okay?"

"Jesus fuck Mama, I am not going away. It's just a small meeting."

"That's what you said last time. And then you left for.. sob... 5 years...." she said tearing up.

'Man! She's just guilt tripping me now.'

"Yes Mama. I'll be extra careful. Now don't worry and of back to sleep." I reassured her.

"Okay.." she answered smiling deviously.

I made my way to the park and waited.

Within moments the ground trembled and split open to reveal a man in his undies.

"So? What's the job?"

I gave him a curious look and replied.

"I want you to attach this device..." I said, throwing him a metal shelled device, " ... to the pipeline of the main vent, next to the main control room, right below the garage passage of the Royal palace in East Gorteau."

"What is it?"

"Spyware. Here's the plans to the palace. I want it done as soon as possible. Ideally before the end of February. One more thing, don't tamper with it. It's rigged to blow. Just for your own safety."

"What about the money?"

"Meet me on Whale Island once you're done for the pay."

"Half now. Half later. That's what's usual in the business."

"Sure. Why not? What's your account number?" I said and transferred him the money.

"Thanks. I'll rendezvous at Whale Island in a couple of weeks." He said.

Going back to sleep, I wondered what my next move should be as electric sheep whisked me away to the land of dreams.