
Chapter 1

Year 2026,May 24th in a dark and menacing alleyway, a man with knife wounds all over his body and short brown hair could be seen running away from something with single clear emotion in his eyes.Fear.

'Damn it....DAMN IT ALL'

'Just why..why is he doing this?'

As he tried to organize his thoughts he paid no heed to his surroundings and dumped into dead-end,sudden realization of this made his body shiver and eyes that were full of fear now turned into that of pure and utter terror.

And the a voice came

"Ho, our little birde got hurt?"

And after that malicious laughter followed.

"Why..Why are you doing this?"

He said in voice that was shaking in chaos of negativty.

"Why you ask?"

Suddenly figure infront of him who was holding a bloodied knife and wearing a hood that covered his face with pitch black darkness came closer to him and crouched.

"Because It's fun,infact I enjoy taking and reaping lives more than anything this world has to offer"


Silence followed because there was no one left to answer it.

As the murderer took his bloodied knife from mans neck he also took out a spray and proceeded to write something on the wall and grined from ear to ear.

On the wall it wrote :

'Night Phantom takes another soul'

The figure then took off his hood and revealed pitch black hair with above average looks.

"Let's enjoy air of the night for one last time"

As he said that he started whistling and disappeared into the night...

1 hour later

The same man could be seen on rooftop of a 7 story building gazing into the boundless night skies.The man thought to himself

'Should I turn myself to the police tommorow or do I commit suicide now?'

After thinking that he heard screams of people in the streets along with the he saw something flabbergasting...