
Hunter Inn

There's no justice in a world of lies. Not all can save everyone, but I will live my life regardless of the law. Some do what they want for the fun or the righteous needy.

17rapidz · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1: "Unjust righteous."

The man standing at 6'2, opened the door, walking into the Inn.

"Haven't seen you in a while have we now? Well, welcome back to St. Veraok's!" said the old bartender with white hair growing upon his hair and beard.

"No, not for a while." said the man taking off his cloak revealing his short spiky brown hair.

"What was your name again and what I can I get you?" asked the bartender.

"Julian. That's my name. And I'd like a nice bubbling drink of whatever premium ale that you serve. You know, the good stuff, the reason why people come here to order the drinks and not really much of the food."

"No need to disregard our talent in making food, it has much more different unique taste compared to other pub food. But sure, why not I'll get your ale. After a long time you deserve something premium. Taste this powerful rich flavouring."

Julian looked to the side of the bar now staring at the board of papers set by the kingdom showing the different outlaws that needed to be captured.

"Your a hunter, bounty hunter, outlaw, the dirty work gets done by you? Your one of those people, something of that whatever you call yourself." Said the bartender.

"I'm not evil because I take down the rest of the scum, I just climb from the others to make a living. Do you want to be a bartender your whole life, I mean no disrespect but you and I know this is not the most desirable job ever." Julian replied.

Julian re-looked at the board now looking at a person on the papers it stated his name, picture, reward and any extra information.

The bartender sighed, knowing the man was right but his opinions mostly clouded by the Kingdom confused him.

Julian grabbed the sheet now.

"Mind if I take this?" He asked the bartender

"It's here for a reason and a useless spot just forced by the kingdom." The bartender responded.

"I take that as a yes." Julian replied.

"Your ale is ready don't let it wait, it's richness might leave with people like you." The bartender asked Julian.

"Yeah, yeah." Julian responded.

He now took a sip of the ale, "Mmm, pretty good!"

He now drank it all in one go, the bartender was shocked.

Julian scurried his pockets then realizing the coins were in front of him. He placed the coins on the bar side now.

"Well, I'll take my leave now! Thanks for the ale." Said Julian.

"See you 'round, oh if you come by soon, my name's Xander don't forget it!" Replied the bartender.

He nodded, then exited the inn.

He got the paper out, "Hmm, Laurent. Another aristocrat? Gone wrong or what?" Julian said.

"And we are the scums, the rats feeding of the so-called unjust however they are all righteous." Julian said.

He began to get on his horse, putting the cloak on then started racing to the nearby town. 

"That's where I need to go,Vera a nearby town with nice rivers. I believe I've been there before, I'm not sure though." He thought.

He began rushing through the high hills that were occupied with glistening trees burning with brightness.

Nature flourished with evergreen leaves and bushes, as he past through the forest now.

He approached the hill, then he found a small squad of the Police. Around 5 members.

"He's not a real hunter, he's worse! This man is a outlaw! Open your attack! Seize this man now!" The sergeant of the squad said, ordering the 4 men to encircle him.

"Do not let this man to be able to move away! No escape!" The sergeant exclaimed.