
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs

York New City Part 2 Assignment

With our first assignment in hand, Nicolas and I ventured into the heart of Yorknew City. The northern district was a labyrinth of narrow alleyways and bustling markets, a perfect hiding place for someone like Kreed Silva. As we navigated the crowded streets, we kept our eyes peeled for any signs of our target.

"Nicolas, keep your laptop ready," I said, glancing around. "We need all the information we can get."

"Got it, boss," Nicolas replied, his fingers already flying over the keyboard. "I'll tap into the local networks and see if I can find any leads."

As Nicolas worked, I scanned the area using my newly honed En to sense any unusual aura signatures within 15 meters. It wasn't the largest range, but it was enough to know my surroundings. Seeing that the coast was clear, I let Nicolas finish his filtering.

"Alright, I'm in. I found a café nearby. Let's head there."

"Alright, that sounds like a plan."

We soon reached a small café, a perfect place to set up base for our initial investigation. We took a seat at a corner table, Nicolas setting up his equipment while I kept watch.

"Alright, I've got a few hits on Kreed Silva," Nicolas said after a few minutes. "He's been spotted in several locations, mostly around the black market areas. He's known for dealing in rare and illegal goods."

"Good work," I replied, leaning over to look at the screen. "Let's start with the most recent sighting and work our way back. We need to figure out his routine and find a way to catch him off guard."

As we pored over the data, a waitress approached our table, setting down two cups of coffee. "On the house," she said with a wink. "Welcome to our small café."

"Thanks," Nicolas said, flashing a grin. "We're here on official business. Have you heard of Kreed Silva?"

The waitress's expression changed, a flicker of fear crossing her eyes. "I've heard the name. Dangerous man. If you're looking for him, be careful. He's got eyes and ears everywhere."

"Appreciate the warning," I said, giving her a reassuring smile. "We'll be careful."

With our drinks and a few more tips from the locals, we set out again, following the trail of sightings. The northern district was a maze, but Nicolas's data pinpointed a pattern in Kreed's movements. It seemed he frequented a particular warehouse at the edge of the district.

As we approached the warehouse, I felt a surge of aura—a distinct and malicious presence. "Nicolas, stay sharp. I sense something."

We crept closer, using the shadows for cover. The warehouse was heavily guarded, with armed men patrolling the perimeter. Nicolas tapped into the security feed, displaying it on his laptop.

"Looks like we've got company," he whispered. "We need a plan."

I nodded, assessing the situation. "We'll need to take out the guards quietly. Once inside, we can locate Kreed and get what we need."

Using my manipulation and emission abilities, I created small orbs of Nen, sending them to hover around the guards. With a precise mental command, I used the orbs to suffocate them one by one without alerting the others.

"Impressive, boss," Nicolas said, watching as the last guard dropped. "We're clear."

We slipped inside the warehouse, moving swiftly and silently. The interior was a maze of crates and storage units, but the aura I sensed earlier guided us deeper into the building. Finally, we found Kreed Silva in a dimly lit room, surrounded by cages of rare creatures.

"Kreed Silva," I called out, stepping into the light. "Your days of smuggling are over."

"Yuuma thought to himself that was a line he always wanted to use since he was a kid."

Kreed turned, a sinister smile spreading across his face. "So, the Hunters have finally caught up with me. Impressive. But do you really think you can take me down?"

Without warning, he launched a barrage of bullets from his SMG, his aura flaring with dangerous intensity. I deflected his strikes with my Nen ability, creating a barrier out of orbs while countering with swift blows from my other orbs I had on standby. Nicolas provided backup, using his own Nen ability called Analytical Eye. This ability allows him to analyze the opponent's movements down to every muscle twitch. He used this to help me keep up with Kreed's intentions.

The battle was intense. Kreed was extremely slippery, using the whole warehouse to his advantage. There were turrets placed in corners, and they were all imbued with Nen, meaning I had to focus on defense.

I was surprised how hard it was to catch someone alive, but it was the job we chose. With our combined skills, we gradually gained the upper hand.

"Hey Nicolas, have you got his movements down yet?"

"Yeah, I got them. Are you ready?"


"Alright, here comes the data."

Nicolas used his Nen ability to send me real-time data similar to an interface. With this, I could read Kreed's possible moves.

Using this, I knew his next move would leave him open. Now using my Orbital Orbs ability, I created a powerful barrier, trapping Kreed. He tried to destroy the barrier by shooting, but the bullets ricocheted back at him, prompting him to stop firing.

"It's over, Kreed," I said, stepping forward. "Surrender now, and maybe I'll let you live to see another day."

Seeing no way out, Kreed finally dropped his weapons and raised his hands in defeat. We secured him and gathered the evidence from a secret compartment in his office. We were ready to hand him over to the agency.

As we left the warehouse, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. This was just the beginning, but we had proven ourselves capable. Nicolas and I were ready for whatever came next in our journey as Hunters.

"Good job, Nicolas," I said, patting him on the back. "We make a pretty good team."

"Thanks, boss," he replied with a grin. "Let's head back. Yorknew City better watch out, because we're just getting started."

With Kreed Silva in custody and our first mission completed, we headed back to the Blacklist Hunter hub, ready for the next challenge. Our journey had only just begun, and we were eager to see where it would take us.

At the Blacklist Hunter hub, we turned in the assignment.

"Oh, that's surprising," said the clerk. "You rookies actually made it back here unscathed, and you completed this in only six hours. How did you gather that data so fast?"

Nicolas responded, saying, "That's a trade secret."

"Enough with the pleasantries. How much did we make for a successful capture?"

"Well, looking over the report, he was captured successfully, and there were no deaths of bystanders. You also got back the stolen goods. I will give you an A for this assignment. So you will get 100,000 Jenny, paid off by the association."

"It will be transferred to your account," the clerk said, handing each of us a black and gold card. "This card holds your money. It can be used in any country, so don't lose it."

"Alright, thanks. I'll keep that in mind. So now that the assignment's done, when do we receive our next assignment?"

"Well, for now, you're free to do what you like. We have all our assignments full right now. Well, in Yorknew City anyways."

"So what do we do with this free time?"

"Well, if I were you, I'd join Heavens Arena. You can make a lot of money that way."

"He's right, boss. That would be the best place to make money."

"Dang it, you're right. But let's not go there right now. Since we're free, I want to go partying to celebrate our first successful mission. What do you say, Nick?"

"It's not really my thing, but why not? Let's go partying!"

And with that, we set off to celebrate, ready for whatever Yorknew City had in store for us next.

As the night wore on, the excitement and energy of Yorknew City's nightlife enveloped us. We found ourselves in one of the city's most popular nightclubs, surrounded by pulsating music, vibrant lights, and an electric atmosphere. I was in high spirits, dancing and spending money like there was no tomorrow. Nicolas, while not as enthusiastic about partying, seemed to be enjoying himself as well, mingling and taking in the scene.

The hours flew by in a blur of laughter, music, and dancing. I barely noticed the woman who approached me until she was right in front of me. She was stunning, with long, flowing hair and a mischievous glint in her eyes. Before I could react, she leaned in and kissed me. The world around me seemed to spin, and I felt a strange sensation wash over me.

When I woke up, I found myself in an unfamiliar hotel room. The bright morning light streamed through the window, making me squint. My head was pounding, and as I tried to sit up, I realized that all my things were missing—my wallet, my Hunter license, even my clothes had been swapped for a plain bathrobe. Panic began to set in as I looked around the room, trying to piece together what had happened.

"Nicolas?" I called out, but there was no response. My friend was nowhere to be seen.

I stumbled out of bed and made my way to the door, hoping to find some answers. As I opened the door, I was greeted by the sight of a hotel employee walking down the hallway.

"Excuse me," I called out, my voice hoarse. "Can you tell me where I am?"

The employee turned to look at me, a sympathetic expression on her face. "You're at the Starcrest Hotel, sir. It seems you had quite a night. Your friend checked in with you last night but left early this morning."

"Do you know where he went?" I asked, trying to keep the worry out of my voice.

"I'm afraid not," she replied. "But he did leave a message for you at the front desk."

I hurried down to the front desk, the employee's words echoing in my mind. When I reached the lobby, the receptionist handed me a small, folded note. I opened it quickly, my eyes scanning the handwritten message:

"Yuuma, I had to leave early for an urgent matter. I'll explain everything later. Stay safe and meet me at the café we were at yesterday as soon as you can. —Nicolas"

Relieved that Nicolas was okay but still reeling from the events of the night, I decided to head to the café immediately after I got some clothes from the lost and found bin. I needed to get to the bottom of what had happened and find out who the mysterious woman was.

As I made my way through the bustling streets of Yorknew City, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The city that had seemed so full of promise and excitement now felt dangerous and unpredictable. When I finally arrived at the café, Nicolas was already there, looking worried and exhausted.

"Yuuma! Thank goodness you're alright," he said, rushing over to me.

"I woke up with everything gone and no idea what happened," I said, frustration and confusion evident in my voice. "What happened last night, Nicolas?"

Nicolas sighed, running a hand through his hair. "After you went off dancing, I lost sight of you for a while. I was talking to some people, and when I turned around, you were gone. I searched for you but couldn't find you. Then, early this morning, I got a tip about a woman who targets wealthy men in clubs. She drugs them and takes everything."

"That must be what happened," I said, anger bubbling up inside me. "She kissed me, and the next thing I know, I'm waking up in a strange hotel room."

"We need to get your stuff back," Nicolas said, determined in his voice. "We can't let her get away with this."

I nodded, grateful for Nicolas's support. "Let's find her and make sure she doesn't do this to anyone else."

With renewed resolve, we set out to track down the mysterious woman, determined to retrieve my belongings and put an end to her schemes. 

With a new sense of urgency, Nicolas and I left the café and began our search for the mysterious woman who had stolen my belongings. Nicolas had already pulled up some information on his laptop, trying to track down any leads that might help us find her.

"Okay, boss," Nicolas said as we walked through the crowded streets. "Based on the descriptions and the pattern of her previous scams, there's a good chance she's operating out of the southern part of the city, near the slums area."

"Let's head there," I replied, my determination growing. "We need to find her before she disappears again."

As we made our way through the depressing slums, I couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and determination. This woman had not only stolen my belongings but also put me in a vulnerable position. I was determined to get everything back and make sure she couldn't do this to anyone else.

We soon reached the northern district, a part of the city known for its underground dealings and shady characters. The atmosphere here was different, darker, and more dangerous. Nicolas kept his laptop ready, continuously scanning for any signs of our target.

"Stay close, Nicolas," I said, keeping my eyes peeled for any suspicious activity. "We need to be careful in this part of town."

"I've got your back, boss," Nicolas replied, his fingers flying over the keyboard. "Let's find this woman."

After about an hour of searching, we finally got a break. Nicolas had hacked into the local surveillance system and managed to spot a woman matching the description entering a rundown building a few blocks away.

"That's her right," Nicolas said, showing me the screen. "She went into that building."

"Let's go," I said, feeling a surge of adrenaline. "We need to be cautious. She might have backup."

We approached the building, a dilapidated structure with boarded-up windows and graffiti-covered walls. The entrance was guarded by two burly men, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any threats.

"Leave this to me," Nicolas said, pulling out his laptop. "I'll create a distraction."

He tapped a few keys, and suddenly, a loud noise echoed from a nearby alley. The guards turned their heads, momentarily distracted. Taking advantage of the moment, we slipped past them and into the building.

Inside, the atmosphere was even more oppressive. The dimly lit hallway led to a series of rooms, each one filled with the remnants of illicit activities. We moved quietly, listening for any sounds that might lead us to our target.

After a few tense minutes, we heard voices coming from a room at the end of the hallway. Carefully, we approached the door, peeking inside to see the woman counting the money she had stolen, along with my belongings spread out on a table.

"There she is," I whispered to Nicolas. "Let's move."

We burst into the room, catching the woman off guard. She tried to reach for a weapon, but I was faster, using my Nen to create a barrier that blocked her path.

"It's over," I said, stepping forward. "You're not getting away this time."

The woman glared at us, realizing she had no escape. "You think you've won? You're just a couple of kids playing Hunters."

"We're Hunters, and we're taking you down," Nicolas said, his eyes cold and determined.

Using my manipulation and emission abilities, I created orbs of Nen to restrain her, making sure she couldn't use any tricks to escape. Nicolas gathered my belongings and checked to ensure nothing was missing.

"Got everything, boss," Nicolas said, handing me my Hunter license and other items.

"Good," I replied, turning back to the woman. "Now, let's make sure she faces justice."

We called the local authorities and handed her over, providing all the evidence we had gathered. With the woman's capture, we had not only recovered my belongings but also helped prevent her from scamming anyone else.

"Nice work, Nicolas," I said, patting him on the back. "We make a great team."

"Thanks, boss," he replied with a grin. "Let's head back to the hub and see if there are any new assignments."

With our mission complete and my belongings recovered, we made our way back to the Blacklist Hunter hub.