
Chapter one

The first time Mr and Mrs Williams house was robbed. It was one of the boys who lived in the street Marvel who climed In through the backyard window which was left open and stole their TV, Home theater, and some money which was kept on the sitting room table.

When Mr and Mrs Williams came back from crusade and noticed that their house was robbed and some of valuable requirements were missing they didn't say a word. Mr Williams quickly knelt down and thank God; saying that all his problems, sickness and pains has been taken away and joy has been brought into his house hold. although they knew who did it, of course it was Marvel Mrs Williams said who else might have done this. Everybody knows that Marvel is the one responsible for all the missing things in this street.

But no one could say or do anything because they all respected Sir Chukwudi Marvel's father who was a professor in political science at the University of port Harcourt.

people often say why will God give such a man a useless child. God knows how many times his father has sat him down advising him but always he would not listen.

Sir chukwudi loved marvel so much, because he had him at his old age when people thought that God has forsaken him. His family would always advice him to get a second wife who will bear him children. But Sir chukwudi would always say No that at the appointed time he knows God will remember him.

His faith was as small as a muster seed but was as strong as a rock; he believed that with faith all things are possible.

When Marvel was born the family rejoiced that finally God has blessed them with a child and so Sir Chukwudi promised that he would never let him cry nor lack but will bring him up with good morals and to be God fearing. But unfortunately the revise is the case.

Marvel was a good boy and has always been a good boy but since the day he gained admittion into the University he turned into a monster. He has been cut stealing and sent to prison severally but he would not change not even a bit. He has brought pains crying and sorrows to his mother, His mother would cry every night praying for God to change her child. Because of Marvel Sir chukwudi has been seen and called many names, some would say look at him an elder in church whose son is a hardened criminal. Marvel brought shame and bad name to his family in such that the mother became ashamed to attend women's meetings held in the church.

One day Sir chukwudi came home and told the story of his long time friend whom they thought was dead long time ago.

Today I saw John kelechi am man we had Long thought was dead. I bent down, grabbed a handful of sand, and throw it at him, then he burst out laughing and saying that it was him kelechi.

I was there to prepare my questions for the exams that will be taking place anytime soon to end the semester. "God day Prof," the man greeted me and another also did the same.

It's been a long time o the man said when I looked at him closely I said I think I know this face somewhere.

Then he replied that it's him kelechi i was shocked, that was when I bent down and grabbed a handful of sand and throw it at him then he laughed and said it's him kelechi that's he is alive and not dead I was embarrassed and at same time surprise to see a man whom we have long thought is dead.

He came came closer, uncertainly we shook hands, and hugged briefly.

We thought you were dead Sir chukwudi said.

No! am not.

"But we saw you." Sir chukwudi said. "you remember? That day we were robbed while coming from Aba?

"yes," he said.

you were short Dead and was taken to the mortuary, I saw you with my eyes were in the same car remember?

He laughed and said He later woke up after some days and was taken to the hospital. that after he recorvered he left Nigeria to the states and that he just came back last year.

But the most annoying part was when he said that he had our son is now highered robber and that everyone was talking of him In town.

I was so ashamed and could not even say a word. This boy has really brought shame to this family I couldn't mind to disown him iif he doesn't change sir chukwudi said breaking into tears.