

THE START WAS VERY BAD, BUT AT LAST HIS KINDNESS AWARDED HIM WITH SYSTEM FOR HELPING PEOPLE AND GETTING REVENGE, Banishment place where mortal. life started and killing immortal and using science to build a new kind of cultivation method

Ccosmofantasypen · ファンタジー
7 Chs

thunder lightning

As Sevasmos observed the ominous clouds gathering above the banished land, a sense of unease washed over him. He had heard tales of the immortal threat that plagued this land, but he had not fully comprehended its magnitude until now. The heavy lightning that struck the land every year for a full day was about to descend upon them, and he felt ill-prepared for the impending danger.

A sudden panic gripped Sevasmos as he realized the vulnerability of the village and its inhabitants. 

  The unfinished house that had been struck by lightning served as a stark reminder of the destructive power they were about to face. He thanked the stars that no child had been present at the time, but he knew that luck might not always be on their side.

Drawing upon his knowledge as an engineer, Sevasmos pondered the nature of electricity and how it interacted with different materials. He knew that metal, particularly iron, was a conductor of electricity.

  An idea began to form in his mind—an audacious plan to divert the lightning away from the village and potentially harness its power for their benefit in future.

With a newfound determination, Sevasmos rallied the childen together, sharing his plan to construct an iron rod atop the highest mountain in the vicinity.

  The purpose of this huge rod would be to act as a lightning rod, attracting the bolts away from the village and safely into the ground. This not only offered protection but also presented an opportunity to capture and store the electricity for future use.

  The group worked tirelessly, gathering the necessary materials and tools.

  They forged an iron rod, carefully crafting it to withstand the immense energy of the lightning strikes. With great effort, they hauled the rod up the treacherous mountain, anchoring it securely into the ground at its peak. Sevasmos marveled at the sight of the rod, standing tall as a symbol of their resilience in the face of adversity.

  Sevasmos watched with a mixture of trepidation and hope as the bolts streaked across the sky. To his amazement, the iron rod attracted the lightning, diverting it away from the village and into the ground. The air crackled with energy as the lightning struck the rod, grounding the powerful force of nature.

. He realized the potential of harnessing this electricity for the village's benefit, envisioning a future where they could create electric-powered devices such as bulbs and televisions.

With the threat of the immortal lightning temporarily averted, Sevasmos directed his focus towards studying and understanding this newfound source of energy.

As the last wisps of smoke dissipated into the air, Sevasmos gazed upon the remnants of the iron rod with a heavy heart. Its previous form, once sturdy and defiant, had been reduced to black ashes. Determination ignited within him, refusing to accept defeat.

Sevasmos: "We cannot let this setback deter us. We must forge a stronger iron rod, one that can withstand the full fury of the immortal lightning."

The orphans, their faces etched with determination, nodded in agreement. They understood the gravity of the situation and were ready to face the challenge head-on.

The scene shifted to the blacksmith's forge, its fiery glow casting an orange hue across the determined faces of Sevasmos and the children. Sparks danced in the air as they worked tirelessly, hammering and shaping the metal with unwavering focus.

The description of the scene painted a vivid picture of the intense labor and the determination that fueled their efforts. The rhythmic clang of hammers against anvils echoed through the air, accompanied by the occasional hiss of steam as water met the searing heat.

Sevasmos inspected each piece of metal, his sharp eyes searching for imperfections. He meticulously selected the strongest and most resilient pieces, ensuring that the new iron rod would not falter under the immensity of the lightning strikes.

The children worked alongside him, their young hands gripping the tools with a sense of purpose far beyond their years. They showed an incredible aptitude for metalworking, their small movements precise and deliberate.

The narration described the children's transformation, capturing the determination and focus that had settled upon them. The orphans, once timid and uncertain, now exuded confidence as they honed their skills. The forge had become a crucible of resilience and growth.

With each swing of the hammer and each twist of the metal, the new iron rod began to take shape. Layers of metal were carefully forged and melded together, creating a formidable structure that would withstand the force of the immortal lightning.

As the final piece was secured, Sevasmos stood back and admired their handiwork. The iron rod stood tall and commanding, its surface gleaming with a newfound strength.

Sevasmos: "We have done it, my friends. Now, we must make haste. Time is of the essence."

A sense of urgency filled the air as Sevasmos and the children quickly gathered their tools. They knew they had to reach the mountain peak and install the iron rod before the impending storm arrived.

The scene transitioned to the foot of the mountain, where Sevasmos and the children embarked on their arduous ascent. Each step was purposeful, their determination propelling them forward.

The wind howled around them, as if urging them to quicken their pace. They ignored the biting cold and the treacherous terrain, focused solely on their mission.

As they reached the mountaintop, the description painted a vivid image of the breathtaking vista that lay before them. Dark storm clouds brewed on the horizon, their ominous presence a stark contrast to the determination etched on the faces of Sevasmos and the children.

Sevasmos and the children worked in unison, their movements synchronized and efficient. They secured the iron rod into the unforgiving earth, anchoring it firmly in place. Its tall silhouette stood as a testament to their resilience, a beacon of hope against the impending storm.

As the first rumble of thunder echoed through the mountains, Sevasmos and the children stood in awe. The lightning bolts streaked across the sky, drawn irresistibly to the iron rod that stood as their protector.

The description captured the mesmerizing dance of lightning and the crackling energy that filled the air. Sevasmos felt the raw power coursing through the ground beneath his feet, a testament to the success of their endeavor.

Sevasmos: "We have done it! we have to create various rod for evading slectrcity and i would research use some way to use electricty for our village use, until then, everyone, dont go near iron and lets go today we will eat fruits again"

But Sevasmos knew that their struggle was far from over. They had merely bought themselves time. The immortal lightning still loomed, and a permanent solution had to be found.

As the storm subsided, the scene shifted to Sevasmos and the children descending from the mountain. Their expressions were resolute, their spirits unyielding. They knew that they had to continue their pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and understanding.