

THE START WAS VERY BAD, BUT AT LAST HIS KINDNESS AWARDED HIM WITH SYSTEM FOR HELPING PEOPLE AND GETTING REVENGE, Banishment place where mortal. life started and killing immortal and using science to build a new kind of cultivation method

Ccosmofantasypen · ファンタジー
7 Chs


One day, as they were traveling through the plains, they came across a group of bandits attacking a merchant caravan. Sevasmos knew he had to do something to help. He used his archery skills to cover the merchant caravan while the children were hiding in bushes nervously.

. " don't come out at any cost, okay," he told the children.

  " Brother, don't go! '" one of little girl hold the hand of sevasmos tightly, he quickly rubbed the head of little girl and said, " don't worry, big brother can solve these bandits in few minutes, just wait for me. "

  he quickly used his remaining points for archery advancement and saw notification appeared in his mind; Archery reaches Level 2.

Notching an arrow, Sevasmos shot down the first attacker.

Enraged, the bandits turned on Sevasmos but were no match for his deadly accuracy. In the midst of battle however, he took a harsh blow and collapsed, gravely injured.

The bandits were surprised and angered by Sevasmos's interference. They attacked him, but he was able to defend himself with his archery skills. Sevasmos eventually defeated the bandits, but he was badly injured in the battle.

The merchant caravan was grateful to Sevasmos for saving them. The leader of the caravan, a kindly old man named Silas, approached Sevasmos and said, "Young man, you have saved our lives. What can we do to repay you?"

Sevasmos smiled and said, "I need nothing more than the satisfaction of knowing that I helped someone in need."

Silas insisted on giving Sevasmos something, so Sevasmos accepted a variety of seeds, including wheat and potatoes. "These seeds will be valuable for building a new settlement," Sevasmos said.

"I wish you all the best, young man," Silas said. "May your journey be blessed."

Sevasmos thanked Silas and continued on his journey with the orphans. For his heroic actions, Sevasmos was rewarded with 1000 points and his archery skill reached level 2, increasing his accuracy and draw weight.

As they departed, a notification appeared:


+1000 points

When Sevasmos checked his system panel window, he saw that it had changed. It now looked like this:


30% reduced mobility

20% reduced combat ability

Blood loss increased

  " Huh! these injuries can be healed! "

Healing would require considerable points. Sevasmos steeled his resolve and tapped the option.

-100 points deducted

Injuries healed 70%

[NAME] : Sevasmos

[AGE] : 10

[POWER] : 0

[POINTS] : 1900

[ARCHERY] : Level 2 (1400/2000)

[INJURY STATUS]: +70% recovered


Sevasmos knew he needed to heal completely in order to safely continue their journey. With resolve, he selected the injury option once more.

-200 points deducted

Injuries healed 100%

Injury status cleared

His panel now showed:

[NAME] : Sevasmos

[AGE] : 10

[POWER] : 0

[POINTS] : 1700

[ARCHERY] : Level 2 (1400/2000)

Sevasmos led the orphans in exhausted silence, each lost in their weary thoughts. Then in the distance, a dark shape loomed - a cave opening.

Sevasmos halted the group. "Stay here while I scout ahead." He took his torch and bow cautiously into the dark maw.

The cave was empty save scattered bones. Then a glint caught his eye - a ring resting on skeletal fingers. When he touched it, his blood smeared upon the strange metal.

A pulse shot through Sevasmos' body. His mind swam with visions - cultivation techniques, abundant resources, immortal manuscripts. But one book pulsed golden among the debris - blank pages baffled him.

On a whim, Sevasmos fed the tome to his torch flame. It wavered, then shot towards him, absorbed into his mind in a flash of light.

As Sevasmos touched the mystical ring, a jolt shot through his body unlike anything before. His vision swam with fragmented images flashing past at blurring speeds.

Slowly, the images coalesced into a singular form materializing before him - an ethereal man shrouded in wisps of spirit energy. "I am Nostradamus, an immortal scholar who once resided in this place," a melodic voice rang out.

Nostradamus explained how he had pursued revolutionary cultivation methods that went against traditional immortal teachings. Tired of relying on precious immortal energy, he sought to develop paths harnessing basic mortal essence alone.

Through meticulous experimentation and spatial array formations, Nostradamus succeeded in fusing human vital energies with immortal binding techniques. He breathed life into the Snake Bloodline and Fish Bloodline, granting those who cultivated them supernatural abilities far beyond normal humans.

These mystical bloodlines had the power to absorb living essence from lesser creatures to empower one's mortal frame and soul, gradually transforming the physical body at a cellular level. With repeated absorption over time, one could develop talents similar to snakes and fish - ultra sensitivity, poison resistance, immense stamina.

Before his impending demise, Nostradamus poured all his residual spirit into crafting this luminous ring to house his monumental discoveries. Now, with his apparition contacting Sevasmos, Nostradamus was ready to transmit the bloodline arrays, cultivation arts, and dense historical texts chronicling his unorthodox path of creation.

As the immense reservoir of knowledge streamed into Sevasmos' consciousness, Nostradamus' ghostly figure faded away with a gentle smile. "Use this gift to raise mortals from the dirt...and never forget to pass the torch of hope onto others wandering in darkness." 

After weeks of travel, Sevasmos and the orphans reached a vast central plain untouched by civilization. As far as the eye could see, there was no sign of human life - only acres of untamed wilderness stretching to the horizon.

Sevasmos and his group had journeyed for many months, crossing the vast and treacherous Barren Plains. Finally, they reached the Central Plains of the Banished Land.

The Central Plains were a stark contrast to the barren lands they had crossed. Here, the land was fertile and lush, with rivers and forests aplenty. Sevasmos knew that this was the perfect place to build their new home.

They traveled for days, searching for a suitable location. Finally, they came across a clearing in the forest. It was a beautiful spot, with a river running alongside it. Sevasmos decided that this would be their new home.

Rivers cut paths across fertile soil, supporting an abundance of flora and fauna. It was an ideal location for sustaining life. Sevasmos called the children to his side and addressed them proudly.

"  I believe we have found our new home. Here we shall build a village, tame this land, and create a refuge for any lost souls who wander these wastes."

The orphans cheered at the prospect of having a permanent settlement after their long nomadic journey.

As they worked, Sevasmos told the children tales of hope - how their small endeavor would blossom into a beacon guiding the exiled to salvation. Through perseverance and cooperation, even the lowliest of mortals can reach new heights.

  Sevasmos receives Nostradamus' inheritance:

[ARCHERY]: Level 2 (1400/2000)


  [Array Techniques]: Knowledge Acquired

  luck research: Knowledge Acquired

[Bloodline Inheritance]: Knowledge Acquired

[Cultivation Library] {Immortal History: Available}

[Spatial Ring]

After absorbing Nostradamus' knowledge, Sevasmos has gained access to array techniques, bloodline transfer, and cultivation information.

However, he still needs to activate  and extract the bloodlines and start cultivating the paths. The spatial ring provides storage but is currently empty. As Sevasmos progresses on his new immortal journey, the system panel will continue to update and expand.