
Humanity's Greatest Mercenaries

Kase and Walker traverse the world as mercenaries who help nations when called upon as the world has fallen deeply into apocalyptic destruction as wars and gods torn the people and their lives apart. Kase and Walker bear Fallen Angel Systems that allow them to find scrap metal that had been unsalvageable to sell or use to build a long the way while utilizing unique abilities to fight back at those who wish to harness what was given to them. Their car breaks before they could get to their latest destination while meeting other scrap collectors who helps them get to Barlishmire Citadel. With their help they unravel the secrets of the deserts that took over a once thriving kingdom.

Hannah_King_6215 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

A Small Aggravation

Kase smashed his hand into the coffee table, causing it to shake violently. The noise of it echoing off the walls made him clench his fist even more tightly in anger.

"Commander Kyler, is this why you had us come?" Kase asked.

Kyler was nervous responding and didn't meet his eyes for a moment before finally looking up, meeting Kase's gaze with an apologetic look.

Miles was aggravated as Princess Utte glared at Kase like she was wanting to kill him. She looked ready to yell at him and slap him across the face until he apologized but Miles held her back while muttering something about it being better this way.

Walker had no idea what to say, but he was too scared that if he tried to speak it would just make things worse so he stood there quietly.

"You already lack men and Princess Utte can fight! She certainly shown enough strength when she was suspecting us to be criminals or the ones attacking you!" Kase explained.

"Princess Utte, is a princess and the last of the living royalty! How dare you come here and settle in already suggesting she risk her life!" Miles shouted.

"Well, not last since her brother also is still living," Kyler added.

"And will he rise to be spoiled as well?" Walker questioned.

Before Kyler could respond, Kase spoke again. "You are trying my patience! I am in charge here; however you chose to act will result in failure on both your parts. This matter will end now," Kase said, his voice filled with venom.

"We can easily leave given the circumstances!" Kase argued.

"You don't understand what this kingdom has gone through! " Princess Utte yelled.

"The king and queen are dead, the kingdom has fallen apart because the past war killed our soldiers and now someone is poaching who is left of us!" Miles shouted, raising his voice in frustration, the anger evident in his tone.

Kase shook his head listening to Mile's words, feeling pity for him as he saw how close Miles was to losing control over everything.

He suddenly had an idea thinking about his ability to change the world around these people. However, he couldn't think of anyone other than himself that could do what he was considering doing.

His heart raced with anticipation, wondering if this would work or not. After all, he hasn't changed anything in a while.

Kase gave Walker a smile and he knew exactly what Kase wanted. Without saying another word, he got up took Kase by the arm and dragged him outside.

As soon as Kase walked out, Walker released him. He turned around, facing him with an angry expression.

"So you want to stay with the weird monsters here?" Walker snapped.

"We don't have much choice, but we can help them long enough," Kase muttered.

Walker laughed humorlessly, shaking his head and crossing his arms in front of his chest. Kase stared at him, trying to find an ounce of sympathy but none of them was found. There wasn't the slightest bit of caring from him either.

"Kase, listen to yourself this kingdom is doomed!" Walker cried.

"It might be... But we have to try and save as many people as possible."

Kase walked past Walker back into the room where the princess and Miles were sitting. He approached them cautiously, watching Mile's reaction carefully.

Mile's expression showed nothing but contempt, glaring daggers at Kase as though he was some disgusting insect. Her glare was so intense that Kase thought he felt sweat run down his back, which was completely unusual for him.

"Miles, do you have mechanoid here?" Kase asked.

"If we did then we would have brought it out," Miles explained.

Kase nodded and glanced back to Princess Uttee promptly leaving the room without another word. As soon as they were out, Kase sighed deeply. This would be difficult to explain.

He ran to the embedded windows jumping down into the sand below as everyone watched in confusion. His plan started to formulate itself in his mind as he made his way across the ground, ignoring the curious glances of some of their guards.

"I will be back later!" Kase shouted.

"Hey, dumbass wait for me!" Walker shouted.

Once Walker caught up to him he watched carefully as Kase scanned the dunes looking for something, his attention focused entirely on the task.

"What are you doing?" Walker asked.

"You know what I am doing,"

He paced slowly shuffling his feet into the sand and walking forward till I found scraps of metal sticking out of the sand. They weren't anything too special so they wouldn't attract unwanted attention, but he was confident that he could fix them up for Miles and Princess Utte.

"If you are going to stay then help me gather scrap metal," Kase scolded.

After finding three large pieces he moved towards the sphere, ignoring Walker's questions and protests. Once he reached the entrance he pulled out the pieces; and placed them while the gunmen followed.

"Miles! Are you here?" He yelled.

One of the men tunneled upward as he smashed through the sandand took their goggles off to get a look at Kase . A smile formed on his lips when he recognized him, although there was a lot of doubt on his face. He was sure that Kase was one of the most dangerous persons in the kingdom.

"Is something wrong? Miles; is busy right now!" The man commented.

"I see then will you let him know I need him later!" Kase asked.


Kase waited till he dug back down under the sands and disappeared before he turned around to walk toward desert once again.

"What did he mean by 'busy'?" Walker asked.

"Nothing important, just make sure he comes when he's finished."

"I feel like we aren't going to get paid, Kase!" Walker groaned as he watched his friend pick a piece of broken metal.

"I am taking a break, see ya later Kase!"

He ignored Walker as he continued exploring the land. It wasn't long before he came upon a structure that resembled a building made of bricks and sandstone. He went inside to examine the room. It was small, but seemed to be inhabited somehow.

On the wall was a crudely drawn map with several scribbles. It must have been drawn by someone who only knew a few basic maps.

The snow haired man walked around the room, examining every inch of it. He noticed a door on the far side of the room and decided to check it out. He opened the door and stepped inside.

Inside was a small room with a bed, a desk, and a chair. The place was dark except for the sunlight shining in through the hole in the roof. The window revealed a very clear view of the outside.

A part of him wondered if the place belonged to someone else, maybe someone who had been trapped here for years and years with no one but themselves to talk to.

A shadow could be seen moving quickly across the top of the wall, making its way along the outside of the building. Curious, he stepped closer to the hole and peered down seeing movement on top of the wall that looked like a slender figure dragging something through the sand.

He could hear the sound of the object scraping against the floor as whatever they were trying to pull through the sand made loud thumping sounds that echoed throughout the chamber.

[Fallen Angel System activated - Kase]

Kase was getting ready to jump through the ceiling of the chamber, his hand gripping tightly onto his weapon when the light from the sun shined directly down causing him to turn around and shield his eyes.

"Fuck," Kase whispered.

When he blinked a couple of times he finally managed to focus on his target. In the middle of the room a man, covered in black clothing, was pulling an object through the sand using a shovel. When the person pulled something out he stopped to inspect the object, as his eyes wandered across the walls.

Then he began to walk away from his previous spot, turning around slightly to continue digging.

He was carrying a body wrapped up in blankets, obviously one he had carried through with him.

Kase watched as the lifeless body looked fresh still showing signs of being alive. A woman whose veins blackened around her face could barely be seen. She was probably his wife or daughter judging by the resemblance between them.

After he was satisfied that the body had not changed since he put it through the hole and had the shovel move away from the area, the man began to walk to the exit.

After he was satisfied that the body had not changed since he put it through the hole and had the shovel move away from the area, the man began to walk to the exit. He stopped near the wall Kase accidentally kicked when he passed by him revealing he was hiding behind the wall in order to observe the man.

"Who the fuck is there?"