

The couple started to lower their speed little by little, 'that thing' is not following them anymore.

There was one big problem in there, they are lost in the middle of nowhere, until, they crossed a road, they kept following it, it was guiding them to that hidden village, it took hours until they arrived, the weird thing is that even though it was around midnight, everyone was awake, standing at the end of the road, right in front of their guests, just as they were waiting for them.

the weirdest thing is that they were using no light, even though it was so dark they also kept repeating the same sentence over and over:

"For the Sake of Thusíā"

' Who the hell is this damn thusíā?'

The man thought, while he was standing, they were slowly approaching, he turned to take his partner with him and run, but...

"She... Fainted?"

He wasted enough time, in no time, they already captured him.

When the man woke up, he found himself in a fancy room, he was so confused and trying to match everything together, he decided then to quit the room, then, well, escape? Do you think that that's possible? The first step he made outside, made him feel weird, he feels like he belongs to that place, a place he never knew before, he feels like he is finally free, even though he is trapped again, right in front of his room door, there was a small lake, in the middle of a tinny garden, he decides to sit putting his legs, in the water and watch the birds, the falling leaves, and enjoy the smell of the autumn, at that moment, one thing ruled his mind...

'I wish that this moment...'

'lasts forever'