
Hue in my world (Bl)

[Based on the BL: Color Rush 18+ content and themes] "Someone being obsessed with me?......Doesn't sound that bad to me...." Dhiraj, a CEO , is deeply unsatisfied with his long strand of one sight stands and wants to seek more. He wants to be someone who would be totally obsessed with him. Just like monochromes are with their chromes. If only he was someone's chrome he wishes. Little did he knew his wish might just come true, when he stumbled upon a young man wearing thick black glasses, Nakul, who's a monochrome. [The story is set in an Alternate Universe. Monochromes- people who can only see things in black or white; Chromes- people whose presence give monochromes the ability to see colors] Tropes and themes: Possessive/obsessive lover, Sunshine x Grumpy, self centered husky x precious black cat, Fluff-Smut combo [Man x man/ gay romance; the storyline will contain mature content]

Yug_Meow · LGBT+
74 Chs

Battle of Seduction

When the next morning arrived, Dhiraj was in heaven. Rather he hadn't left heaven since last night. All giddy and cheery, he was having a hard time stopping himself from foolishly grinning. He was looking forward to how he can finally make his next move and get Nakul to open up to him more.

'Soon me and my baby will be together!!!!' *gets butterflies

He heard some commotion outside and figured it must be Nakul. He MUST go and greet his baby. And so he made his way outside.

Nakul was in the kitchen looking disheveled. He was drinking water when Dhiraj greeted him wearing that foolish grin of his.

"Morning..."He began in his low seductive voice.

"Hey" Nakul replied with an awkward smile.

Confident due to his win last night, Dhiraj was so ready to charm his baby once again. So when Nakul got to making a morning coffee, Dhiraj towered behind him. Putting his hands on either side of Nakul, he subtly placed his chin on Nakul's shoulder.


"Hey...you fine after last night right?" Dhiraj whispered in Nakul's ear.

A shiver ran down Nakul's spine. And he immediately pushed off Dhiraj. Dhiraj was taken aback. He just kept looking at Nakul dumbfounded.

"Sorry...I'm just....My head's aching a lot...haha.." Nakul let out an awkward laugh while explaining himself, "The hangover is really bad..."

"Oh....Do you need some meds?"

"No...I'll be fine...I guess I just drank a lot.."

"Yeah you did...." A smile made its way on Dhiraj's lips as he remembered last night's event, "you were....wild.....last night..." His mind went back to how Nakul pleasured himself using Dhiraj's mouth. 'My baby shoving his dick in my mouth and getting off to it? That was one hell of an experience.' His eyes meet Nakul's as they wore a mischievous smile reminiscing the events of last night.

"I was? I don't really remember much of last night actually" Nakul casually dropped the bomb on Dhiraj.

"You what?" Dhiraj was in utter disbelief upon hearing Nakul's words. He simply couldn't believe what his ears had just heard.

"I...don't really remember much of yesterday...."Nakul let out a small chuckle, "I hope I didn't do anything stupid...hehe...."

An absolutely baffled Dhiraj was trying so hard to maintain his cool. Even in his wildest Nightmare he hadn't expected Nakul to forget something that was so crucial to their relationship.

He was so thrilled by the developments of last night. And now? Back to square 1?!

But he just couldn't blame Nakul for forgetting. Rather he held himself responsible. Because he was the idiot who trusted the words of a drunk man and gave in. 'It's all my fault. I'm the one to be blamed here.'

But this time, it wasn't Dhiraj who was at fault. Here, the real coward was Nakul, who didn't want to face the consequences of his actions. When he got up, the memories of last night won't leave his head. How could he face Dhiraj now, when he blatantly told Dhiraj that he was in fact attracted to him?!!!!

All he wanted to do was escape from the situation. And so he did what he knew the best. Ran away.

And in this process, he left Dhiraj feeling even more disheartened than before. But Dhiraj decided it was best to let go off things. He cannot control Nakul's memories. What he can control were his own actions and efforts. So he decided to focus on what can be done next, next to get Nakul admit that he does like Dhiraj. Or at least feels some level of attraction to him.

[A/N: Dhiraj, congrats!! Your baby is whipped for your body😌]

So that's what Dhiraj put all of his focus on. Or at least, that's what he intended to do, when only a couple of days later, he found himself in a similar series of events recurring.

Sitting in the serenity of the night on the couch was Dhiraj and Nakul, watching a movie together. Nakul was holding a glass of wine that he had refilled quite a few times. And as more time passed by, Dhiraj could notice a change in the atmosphere.

Since Nakul was torn between not wanting to admit his attraction towards Dhiraj but craving for the pleasure Dhiraj or Dhiraj's mouth gave him, he found himself getting drunk with the intention to come on to Dhiraj. Soon things got cozy and Nakul made an attempt to seduce Dhiraj.

Nakul was clever enough to make it seem as if Dhiraj was coming on to him. And with Nakul's convoluted actions Dhiraj couldn't help but feel like....something was up with Nakul.

His suspicions were only confirmed when Nakul tried pulling off the same trick for a 3rd time. And this time, Dhiraj HAD had enough. Using such menial means to get hot and heavy with Dhiraj?!

'He could've just asked me. I wouldn't have minded it. I understand this is difficult for him. But to make it seem as if he's the innocent one here? Oh babe.....we can play more of this little game of yours if you want. I'll give it to you, I promise.'

And so Dhiraj had decided on his plan of action.

Therefore, when Nakul made the "movie" plan for the next time, Dhiraj just replied with a : I think I won't be able to. Gotta start the day early tomorrow!!

But that wasn't it. The real Battle of seduction had just only begun!!

* * *

Dhiraj had decided on his goal : Get his baby to admit that he was attracted to Dhiraj. And for that Dhiraj decided to play the game of pull-and-push. He immediately put his plan into effect.

His walking around shirtless made a return!! He especially had stopped doing that after his drunk mistake. But.....he had to bring it back. Dhiraj deliberately worked out in front of Nakul, showing off those muscles and especially his chest that Nakul quite often ogled.

Nakul sneakily checking out Dhiraj's pecs didn't go unnoticed from Dhiraj's radar. And Dhiraj ABSOLUTELY loved that fact!! He was ready to use it to his advantage.

That morning when Nakul was making his usual chai, Dhiraj got to some intense workout. Purposely letting out some raspy groans mixed with moans. Nakul's ears perked up everytime he heard them. He was having a hard time keeping his eyes off the man working out in front of him. His chest moving up and down with little beads of sweat appearing on it and to top it off those groans?!!! How can his heart not pick up pace?!

Nakul was indeed having a difficult time keeping his eyes, mind, heart and well....his crotch in check. When the tea was done, he hunched over the kitchen top sipping it while silently checking out Dhiraj. Of course, these little actions didn't go unescaped from Dhiraj. A smirk appeared in his face as he readied himself to make the next move.

He stopped his work out and made his way towards the kitchen. Nakul immediately averted his eyes, pretending as if he never looked at the man. Dhiraj took water and the coffee beans. He put in a kettle, making his coffee. Nakul stood on the opposite table counter, his eyes following every move of the man as he sipped his tea.

Dhiraj put the ingredients in the kettle and when that was done, he turned around. Facing Nakul, he supported his waist to the table counter behind him as he kept staring at his baby with his arms folded. Their eyes meet.


Nakul kept sipping his tea as his eyes feasted on the sight of this gorgeous man in front of him. With only his baggy sweatpants, exposed chest with heavy breathing, small beads of sweat on the chest and forehead and arms crossed, Dhiraj couldn't look any hotter. Nakul gulped hard at that sight.

A corner of Dhiraj's lips curled up into a small smirk. And looking at that smirk Nakul felt as if Dhiraj could clearly see what was going on in his mind. He went into his tsundere mode.

"Don't drink coffee immediately after working out. Don't you even know such basic info?"

"I'm not gonna drink it now. I like my coffee a bit...colder. Will let it cool down till I take a bath ...." Dhiraj let out a mischievous smile purposely. It was as if his smile was testing Nakul. It made Nakul conscious of his strong presence. Nakul didn't like that fact and so he looked away.

But Dhiraj wasn't done yet with teasing his baby. Out of the blue, he took steps closer to Nakul. Dangerously close. He only stopped when they were only a few centimeters apart. And Nakul could smell his 'freshly-out-of-a-workout' sweat.

Shouldn't he be grossed out by it? But instead he....wanted Dhiraj to stay closer?!

Nakul's eyes shut halfway as inhales more of Dhiraj's sweat pheromones. Nakul suddenly had the urge to follow the trail of the scent, kiss it and lick it to get more of them. But Dhiraj backed off immediately once he picked the container of sugar that was behind Nakul.

As soon as Dhiraj got back to minding his 'coffee-making' business, Nakul couldn't help but realize what his mind just wanted. He was in utter disbelief. 'WTF?!!!!! Why am I turned on by his sweat?!! Upon thinking some more he remembered, Well...I did use to get turned on by Purvi's( his ex) sweat after she was done with her workout too. Do I have a thing for sweat?!!'

Not wanting to spend even a second more on that thought, he rushed towards his bedroom to get back to his everyday life, leaving behind a very triumphant feeling, Dhiraj!

* * *

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