
My Son (A gift by a stranger)

<p>After the office time Tina, is coming to railway station with her friend Lisa, she is working another company and, they both meet daily at the railway station in the evening." There are too much crowd today for the train" said Tina," yes, because, for the X mas celebration people are getting ready , and, this period is more important to each other," said Lisa. "Yes, you are right, but, in my life this period gave me a co- incident, it is pain fully upto now. " said Tina with upset.<br/><br/>"What do you mean Tina"? " I am your best friend, but, I didn't know 'that' with you have a painful tragedy". told Lisa. Again Tina spoke"yes, I am not willing to recognise that bitter incident, therefore, I didn't be ready to share with anyone". though, Lisa, is compelling her to say it. But, Tina, tried to avoid it at last Lisa's stubborn is winning, they are sitting on the bench of the railway station until the train arrive Tina, is beginning to think about her flash back.....<br/><br/>And, started to say with wiping her tears ,Lisa, stopped her and said " I didn't mean to hurt you" without my knowledge I asked. You don't want to say anything with me, I can understand your feelings." "and, please, forgive me for forced you and, you shouldn't think about it" then Tina, is answering "it's okay, if I share my worries with anyone, it will be little bit relaxation to my mind also , and, it's a long story, so, I am sharing with you shortly",.<br/><br/>It was a Xmas season, those days I was working in a company, as a personal assistant to my managing director. Mr, Rocky, who was a good, Samaritan person, and, taking more care of me too. In our daily, meetings we both became close to each other. After a few days of our friendship, one day he was declared his thought of me. At the same time me too had positive, thought of him I also, like to be a companion, with him and, love to travel life long, therefore, I didn't denied. Very smoothly, and, glee fully, we were spending our personal times.<br/><br/> when I was an infant My biological parents divorced by suspicion of each other. They choosed each separate life and, put me in an orphanage. At least, even once since they didn't come to see me. In my life I understood about the genuine fond, from Rocky only. He said a word I still remember it " I just want to let you know that I won't let you down and, I won't break my promise, count on me" after listening that word I felt more relaxed.<br/><br/> Our days passed away peacefully, Afterwards, two years later, one day, unfortunately, my destiny, played as a co- incident into my peace full life. I can remember, it was Arctic out side, in the Night, and, it was getting cold, too I just finished my office duty and, came to the railway station and, waiting for the train to my home town. The railway station was filled with many people. And, the place was very noisy and, busy too. To my hometown travelling train also, arrived, then, I got into the coach, and, sat near the window.<br/><br/>After passing, some of the stations the coach was bare of passenger. After passing the two stations I had to get off . Before, that a cyclone, interfered into my life and, destroyed me. Previous, station to my home station, generally, twenty five, to thirty, years old a young, and, full of charismatic, guy, got into the train. He couldn't stand steady, with a bottle of wine in his hand. And, he gently, closed the door and, came closer to me with tottering and, asked me "budge up a bit please" and, he was trying to sit on the seat but, unable to sit.<br/><br/>I just helped him to sit. Because, he was looking like faint hearted person, and, he was shivering with the extreme level of the weather also. And, he asked me to have a wine, then I said " I am not used to it" he was gazing at me while, I was saying that and, I unexpected moment he suddenly, clutched my hands and, screwed up the situation.<br/><br/> I was attempting to take my hands from his grip, but, my perseverance, failed to do it. In the beginning he was polite, and, in the finally, he was occupied me completely, and, he was whispering something, his whisper was, barely, audible. My intuition was frequently, warning me and, saying push him and get up, accept, my mind, other all the parts of my body were supporting to him. So, I was helpless to oppose to him. He connected with me with ease.<br/><br/>His lips were touching my top to toe, I was grudge in that moment. But still, that interesting, experience I never felt, so, my Gut feeling's voice I didn't all ears. My age, loneliness, quiet, empty couch, and the climate, altogether, pushed me up into the critical situation. About time, the dark line of the mountains was barely, visible against the night sky. The train was crossing my hometown too. When the train reaches the last station of it's travel, the mountain peak loomed through the fog, and, I was still very tired, the train's journey is didn't be completed yet. Some time later, the Sunlight penetrated through the window. I barely, slept a wink. After some time the train is making slow it's speed to stop another railway station.<br/><br/> While, I was looking at him, he was getting off from the train before the stationary of the train. Then, I spoke to him to ask his name and, the other details, he rather left the place without uttering a single word. Afterwards, I passed out, for some time and, I didn't know anything until, a nun gently, shook me awake, and, she said "you look so, exhausted, lay on my lap for a while, and, take a nap, then you will feel little bit relaxation " that time, to my body and mind were needing a support of someone.<br/><br/>So, I was laying on her lap then she was gently, caressing my hair, then, the tears was leaking from my eyes about thinking of the oppressive, condition of mine and, it was making wet her uniform. She was realised my embarrassing situation and, she said "I would perception, while, I was seeing you in the first time itself, your crumpled dress, and, your languishing, declared me everything". And, she comfort me and, asked" how did you allow to approach such a kind of person?"<br/><br/>I was trying to speak but, my grief was blocked myself, without uttering. She, was, such a mercy full nun, consoled me very softly . Then the train was starting to move forward to next city. She asked with me gently, "where do you want go now, my child?" I control myself and, said" I don't know mother because, I missed my home town.<br/><br/>She replied " I have to get down in the next station, but "I am thinking while, looking at you I unable to leave you alone, because, this thing is bugging you, no ifs and buts. And, it's no mean feat. So, now you come with me to my nunnery, and, tomorrow, we will decide about the further performance, or else I should stay here with you". That time I agreed to her and went with her. While, Tina, is getting up from the seat then a ring is falling from her lap. She is taking and checking then she remembered it is that man's and, I am sure I saw it in his finger, she put it in her hand bag.<br/><br/>There were some more nuns in the nunnery. She introduced myself, and asked me to be relax. After the dinner she asked me to stay with her in her room. Then she came to room and closed the door gently, and asked about myself and, about my troubles, I unfolded my tale to her. And, I started to say reluctantly, all that what happened , she was really taken aback after listening my bad story. And I didn't expect at all ....( Between of their talking something announcement is announcing from the railway station).<br/><br/>Tina, stopped her speech and, said with Lisa, "I didn't understand the announcement that was just made". Then Lisa, said "our train will be delayed an hour it seems " okay, you continue" Lisa, said again. Tina, again started to say "I didn't expect at all , just seeing it made me nervous, because, she went red with embarrassment. And, she went mad and started to shouting at him. And, she said "as far as I know this is a vulgarity, and, this is some sort of scam I suppose." And she asked me" how did you allow to go him without punish ?" <br/><br/>I replied" mother, in that moment I was in the muddle, I couldn't take any action, I unexpected moment everything has happened". She had police influence, therefore, she called the police to nunnery and asked me to give a report against to him. I was little hesitate about that then she said" don't take pity on these Humans". Afterwards, I gave a report against to him. The cops left no stone unturned in their search to find the culprit. <br/><br/>After some time mother asked me "Is anyone there to speak about you?" Then I said " Mr, Rocky, is a decent sort of a guy. You can speak to him" then she asked his number and, phoned him and, said about my troubles and, asked him to speak with me, but, he hung up on me when I started to speak. Blessing in disguise, nun, consoled me and said " if you are like to stay here, it's okay, no problem." I also need to be far from Rocky, although, my mind is desire to see him.<br/><br/>After some days I have resigned my job because, I didn't willing to create a crisis to Rocky, again questioning Lisa, "when give the resignation letter to Rocky, didn't he say anything?" " In his point of view I am a condemn with bad behaviour. So, I didn't like to explain myself therefor, I gave the letter to a staff and, asked to hand over to Rocky" and, I returned" said Tina. After passed away of few months I understood "that" I got pregnant ,I shocked about that and I was really, stressed out. I couldn't decide anything else.<br/><br/> So, I thought to say about this to nun and, she answered, after listening that " don't be upset, all this trouble will pass away" she is a trustworthy and level headed person. "Afterwards, I got another job by nun's influence. Mrs. David, she is my new Managing director, and I am working as a assistant to her. Some months later I became a mom to my son". <br/><br/>What is your son's name? asked Lisa," his name is Vicky," said Tina, again asked Lisa," why did you choose that name to your son?" " because,I loved Rocky, too much I can't forget him so, I selected this name to my son." said Tina. "What about that culprit?" Continuesly, asked Lisa, "Still nothing any good news about him" Tina, answered "if you see can you recognise and, realise him?" Asked Lisa, "why not? Today I am facing this arduous condition because, of that rascal, if I saw him I will kill him on the spot itself", Tina, said with control her Fury. Lisa, attempt to consule her and, said" you don't be upset sooner or later the truth comes to light.<br/><br/>After that Lisa, stopped asking about the culprit and, changed the topic. "Okay, didn't you hear anything about Rocky, after the break of your link?" Asked Lisa, "yes, I heard, that' he has gone abroad after the resignation of mine" replied Tina. "I am so sad when listening of your story" said Lisa, "and, she asked again"are you staying still in the nunnery?" "no, after I got the new job I found a home to rent and, I shifted there before my delivery itself" said Tina.<br/><br/>Then, who will take care of your son after you come to the office? asked Lisa, "while, I am coming to the office leaving Vicky, at the baby care centre and, in the evening I will take him back on the way home" replied Tina. "How old is he now"? asked Lisa, again "he is now one year old" replied Tina. Between their conversation interfered the delayed train. After passing of some months as usual Lisa meets Tina, at the railway station and, she says about her love story and, praises her lover with Tina. <br/><br/>"I am glad to hear about your lover, what a great man, you are really, lucky to get such a good Samaritan person" told Tina, "thanks Tina, by the way, I am going to marry him recently, you must attend my wedding, and, after printing the invitation cards I will come to you with a card"said Lisa,. <br/><br/>"Advance wishes, my new bride" said Tina, with smile. Lisa, is being timid, then her phone is ringing "wait a minute my John is calling" said Lisa, with coy full face. Tina, tickled her and said"okay, okay, enjoy". After few minutes arrived their train and, they both are getting into the train.<br/><br/>Tina, asked to Lisa, to show her man's photo although, Lisa, said "no way, come and look at him straightly, on my wedding." "Okay, Madam, I am obeying your order" said Tina, with bowing, both laughed loudly, at the moment. After passing some stations Lisa, is getting down with saying good night and bye.<br/><br/>Tina's heart is searching for Rocky's love and, saying "I was wondering about you Rocky, how can you avoid me? still I am remembering your words "I just want to let you know that I won't let you down and, I won't break my promise, count on me" " but, now no any meaning to that meaningful words. My hopes, confidence, and, future, everything destroyed. Now I am not your Tina, I have substituted myself as a mother of my Vicky, and, this is my present and, future.<br/><br/>My passed is worthless with untruth person". She is getting off with distress full mind. Taking back her son from baby care centre on the way home. Again she is continuing her thinking " here after my attention should be about my Vicky, only he is my future, life, glorious moments and, everything in my life.<br/><br/>After some days, one day, on her day off someone is knocking on the door. She is opening the door, there Lisa, is waiting, Tina, surprised, "Lisa, please come in and, I didn't expect you here" said Tina, with glee. I said you' that' "with invitation card I will come to you " so, I came with the card that's all" said Lisa, with smile.<br/><br/>Tina, prepared some sweets for Lisa, and, both are having them and asked Lisa, about Vicky, Tina, brought him from the bedroom and gave to her. She carried him and embraced and, kissed. "What a nice kid? You are lucky to get a child like him" said Lisa. Yes, I am lucky to get a child like him but, unlucky to get a dad for him said Tina, with full of tears in the eyes.<br/><br/>"Please, don't worry Tina, you have more duties to do for you and, for Vicky's future. So, don't think about any unpleasant things. Take as a challenge, that' you will be success in your life ". Again, said Tina, " yes, but, a broken heart takes a long time to heal". Then Lisa, said " That's true, but still, you should be strong more than this" and, she is getting up from the chair and said "it's getting late, I will wait to see you on my wedding" after that she left. After she leave Tina, closed the door and, take the card and just took a quick peek at the card.<br/><br/>On her wedding day Tina, is getting ready with child and, going to the wedding party. Few minutes later Lisa, is coming to the party celebration, and, meeting Tina, and, Vicky. Then her bridegroom is entering into the wedding party celebration hall.<br/><br/>Tina, deeply, shocked while, looking at him, but,he doesn't notice her. And, she is remembering again and, again, about that train co-incident to confirm whether that was this guy or someone else. After repeating many times she is bringing to her memory that savage's face clearly. She realised "my God then the culprit is Lisa's future husband. I couldn't accept it first I should say this matter to Lisa. After that what ever she will do.<br/><br/>Tina, slowly, approach Lisa, and, whisperd to her. She again and, again asked "are sure about it?" Because, current situation was very frustrating for her. That time John was not there, he is celebrating the drinks party with his friends. Lisa, said everything with her parents then they got upset, although Lisa, is covering her pain and saying with her parents " John must want to marry Tina,.<br/><br/>Lisa, and, her parents are meeting John's parents and, saying about this matter. First they didn't believe it, then she remembered the ring, and she found it in the hand bag, it was there . She take the ring and gave to Lisa and, asked to show them, she Shawn it, they couldn't refuse because, his name is there in the ring, and, it was presented by his mom as a birthday present for the last year so, they accepted.<br/><br/> Afterwards, altogether went to the party celebration hall. And Lisa, asked Tina, to wait outside till she call her. There, the bridegroom is drinking the wine, babbling, bustling and, gleeing with his friends in the wedding party with tipsy. Lisa, is getting Fury and, shouted "stop this nonsense", all the pomposity, were stopped automatically, when Heard the Furious voice of Lisa.<br/><br/>She asked to go out everyone except John. And she asked him "did any fault happen by you even without your knowledge? Then he asked seriously, "Are you disrespecting me"? She replied "no, no I need a clarification that's all". "I never do any mistake in my life time" he said harshly, "Are you sure"?, asked Lisa, yes, definitely, answered John. "Okay, wait" beside that she called Tina, she came with child again Lisa, asked "do you know her?" He is in shock when seeing her.<br/><br/>He just said "I don't know'' that' who is she?" Then asked Lisa, again "then this is the first time you are looking at her am I correct?" He replied sooner" yes, you are absolutely, correct. Again said Lisa, okay, Tina, already, you thought way we can try for the D N A and, you ask the police to come here. Then John shouted "Lisa, you are insulting me too much". <br/><br/>Then John's mom asked "John where is your ring?" Then he said "I gave it to my friend for few days". Then she asked again "when did you give it to him?" He replied with hesitation" recently, now few months ago. Then his mom shows the ring and said "your friend just now come and gave it to me". He unexpected moment his dad slapped him and, said" we know everything, accept your mistake and accept her with your child or get ready to go to the police station.<br/><br/>Then Tina, is interfering and, saying " I don't want any body's support to live. And, I can take care of myself and my baby too. But still, I am not ready to give up it." Then police were coming to the spot. And, asked with Tina, Ma'am, why did you call us?" Then, she replied" already, mother said you about a culprit do you remember it?" He said "yes, Ma'am, we are searching for him every where." then she said" you no need to search for him every where, he is the culprit, take him with you." Then John said " I am accepting my mistake, please forgive me". But, she without say anything just left from there with Lisa.<br/> <br/>Thanks for reading my tale....<br/> created by Abi Wazi.....</p>