a different transmigation. After completing a mission for ROB,Richard receives a chance to become a ROB himself. However, standing between him and his Omnipotence is a certain magical story with a world full of wizards. ON HIATUS
After all the excitement of Christmas blew over, the final Quiddich match came by which was set to follow up with exams.
The professors seemed extra invested in their studies, piling pages of homework upon them. Richard had to cut back on his training, as he himself decided to give more attention to academic matters for the current time being. He did not want to fail the exams ,because they were essential for him to pass to the next grade.
He had confidence to achieve passing grades in charms, transfiguration, potions and history of magic. But he could not say the same for the rest. Especially DADA and astrology as Richard had barely touched those subjects. Richard had borrowed Hermione's notes to fill in his own in the past, so he just had to review his notes.
And so, Richard holed himself within the library for days, only to come across someone he had tried to come in contact with for a long time. Honestly, Richard had been too busy with his own work, that he had simply ignored the need to meet up with the resident metamorphmagus, until she had managed to appear infront of him on her own.
He was pleasantly suprised to see the pink haired final year prefect from Hufflepuff sitting in the table next to him, at his third day at the library, engrossed in reading an NEWT's level book on charms.
"Excuse me,... Are you busy at the moment?" Richard questioned making the prefect look up, "If not, I'd like to have a word with you."
"Do you know me?" The metamorphmagus asked, puzzled at the sudden appearance
"You are a prefect, right? " Richard questioned, "one of the Hufflepuff prefects?"
"I guess you do know me." She said as she closed the book i her hand with some noise.
"Who are you, and what do you need from....Acck!" She semmingly stumbled over nothing before catching the bookshelf right herself. ".need from me .... ?"
"I'm from Hufflepuff as well" Richard lied as he showed her his transfigured house badge, ignoring the stumble as he spun his web of lies. "I saw something really suspicious, but i don't know what it is. Can you come, check it out? "
Even though she didn't look excited, Nymphadora Tonks placed her book back in the shelf before asking Richard for directions.
"Why were you in the Library anyway, if you were looking for a prefect? "
Nymphadora questioned as Richard led her out of the castle, to a secluded area.
"I said, I didn't know what it was, didn't I? I wanted to know what it was" ,Richard replied, remembering the lines he had practiced, while leading the prefect out of the sight of everyone present.
"So you went looking for books?"
"No! I was looking for someone who would know what the thing was, and the people in the library are supposed to be smart "
To keep her suspicions off track, he began describing the 'thing he had seen' with whatever characteristics that came to his mind.
".....It was black, almost the size of a Quaffle and it was vibrating" they quickly came to a corner. " and it was right there"
"Where?!" She turned away from Richard, pointing her wand at a nearby Bush, giving him the perfect opening he needed.
A red bolt struck the pinkette squarely in the back before she could even react. And like a chopped tree, she fell onto the ground, face first.
Richard quickly approached the fallen prefect before turning her over and confirming her condition. She was stunned. Richard let out a sigh in relief.
'Right then' Richard composed himself before taking off the witch's robe after propping her up on her bottom. He wanted to get his job done as fast as he could. Which required direct contact with the skin, closer to the vitals, the better. Lifting the clothes from the back, he sneaked his arm under them before placing his hand on Nymphadora's bare skin, his palm directly behind her beating heart .
'Structural identification'
Neon blue circuit like patterns spread over Nymphadora's skin as the spell took effect, probing the secrets her body possessed. Richard began reading her existence, dwelling deep into the mystery of metamorphmagus.
But as the spell penetrated through the prefect's body, it began interfering with the stunning charm, disrupting it's effect as the spell progressed.
Nymphadora, who remained in a daze woke up as she felt something warm pass through her head. However the moment she gained consciousness, she began panicking within. There was something in her clothes... NO! Some bastard had his hand in her clothes!!