
14 seekers and Finders

"Five points from Griffindor, for not knowing how to wash a cauldron"

Snape's voice echoed as he observed Richard scrubbing a potion cauldron like a hawk. Malfoy snickered next to him,but a death glare from Richard silenced him momentarily.

They were both serving detention by helping Snape clean the potions equipment, sentenced by McGonagall herself. But somehow, Malfoy seemed to have a death wish, because he tried constantly to annoy Richard into a point he had to hold himself from punching him.

Now, Richard was a calm person. But he was by no means a pushover. He was someone who held himself with great pride, even more so, after living nearly two decade and a half as an aristocratic devil. And Malfoy just didn't seem to know the line.

So the moment they both left the potions dungeon, Richard made sure that his fist found itself buried deep in Malfoy's gut.

"What do you think you're doing?" Malfoy cried indignantly, "You filthy mudblood.. Aaaagh!"

But he was once again greeted with a fist to his gut, making him double down in pain.

Grabbing the slicked back platinum hair with his clenched hand, Richard pulled his head up, only to see a wild punch heading to his face. And from then on it descended to an all out brawl as they both tried their best to punch the other's lights out.

"Haaah.... Haaah . My father .... Will hear about this!" Malfoy panted angrily as he and Richard separated after wrestling for a few minutes.

"Go ahead,..... haaah haah You spi.... spineless coward!" Richard responded as he breathed heavily, cursing himself internally for forgetting his physical exercise regime after he entered Hogwarts. ".haaah.....hah...I guess yo...Hhhhaaah... are just a cry baby,"

" That's it!" Malfoy seemed infuriated at the comparison." You and me.. Wizards duel, wands only"

"Time and place" Richard had no intention on backing down either.

"Tonight, at midnight, in the trophy room"

"Fine by me"



They silently walked towards the dining hall only to hear a couple of ghost pass by. "Did you hear, Harry Potter is the new Griffindor seeker? I always knew he'd do well."

Richard turned to see Malfoy's face souring up as if he had stepped on something nasty. While his own face turned blank." Well, I guess I found my second"

Then upon entering, they both marched up to the boy who lived.

"Harry, I heard that you became the Griffindor seeker" Richard opened the conversation as he sat next to him. "congratulations! You must be the youn_"

"Youngest Quiddich player in a century, I know" Harry replied as he beamed. "McGonagall told me."

"Where were you by the way?" Ron asked, "you almost missed dinner."

"I had detention with Snape" Richard replied as he grabbed what ever he fancied from the table.

Harry was about to speak up, but was interrupted by Malfoy who had returned with Crabb and Goyle. But he didn't stay for long, only stopping to deliver a message." See you tonight, Cloverfield"

As the three left, Ron questioned, "what was that about?"

"He challenged me to a wizard duel, tonight at midnight" Then looking at the two boys next to him," wanna come?"

"What's a wizard duel?" Harry questioned. "It's a duel, you know? " Ron answered, "two wizards face each other with only spells" Then turned to Richard before asking, " by the way, who's your second? Is it because you slugged him ?"

"Yeah. And I was thinking of asking either of you, though it would be great if you both can come " Richard said, hoping to coax them both onto following him to the third floor, and the boys seemed happy to. Except Hermione, but they all collectively ignored her.

Soon, after everyone had fallen asleep, the three boys crept sneakily with their bathrobes on, only to find Hermione once more interfering.

While Ron began harshy but silently berating her, Richard let out a sigh of relief. He wanted her in the group because they were lacking someone in the brains department. Plus he didn't want to become a part of what ever fate and Dumbledor had in store for them.

They exited the common room only to find Neville curled up on the ground, sleeping there because he had forgotten the password. And so, along with him, Richard and five more Griffindor students sneaked out that night only to be intercepted by Ms Norris.

"That's Filch's cat! "


They quickly ran in what ever direction their head turned, which coincidentally turned out to be the classroom at the end of the third floor corridor.

'Bang!' " it's locked!" Harry exclaimed as he tried turning the handle to no avail.

'Tap tap..'

Filch's footsteps echoed louder and louder as he walked closer to them, making everyone except Richard dread. And as if on cue, Hermione grabbed Harry's wand before pointing it at the handle.


The door opened with a click and the quintet poured in before shutting the door.

"Phew, that was close" Ron whispered as he turned the handle, closing the door, but he was met with silence making him turn around only to freeze in fear.

A massive, black dog the size of a truck with three heads stood infront of them. It's sheer presence making even Richard who had anticipated it shake in fear.


Yelling from the top of their lungs, their bodies moved on auto pilot as they ran , almost flying from there, thankfully without any injuries.

"What do they think doing, keeping a thing like that locked up in a school? " Ron exclaimed as they finally managed to get to the Griffindor common room. "Are they nuts?"

"You weren't looking at his feet, were you?" Hermione questioned, only for Ron to reply heatedly."I wasn't looking at his feet, I was a bit preoccupied with its heads, or may be you didn't notice. There were THREE!"

"It was standing on a trap door, which means that it's guarding something"

"Guarding something?" Harry questioned, the cogs in his head started spinning as he began putting pieces together, but Richard paid no heed. Instead he was focused on his accidental burst of magic that saved his arm from the mouth shaped bear trap of the cerberus.

"That's right! Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before any of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed, or worse expelled."

"Wait! So you would rather die than get expelled?" Richard couldn't help but ask only to recive a death glare before Hermione slammed the door shut.

"She needs to sort out her priorities" Ron finally spoke to which the boys nodded their heads in silent agreement.