
HP With Chat System

In a twist of fate, it's not uncommon for one person to find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. But what if it were a group of individuals? A peculiar accident or a cosmic quirk led to a convergence of destiny, catapulting three souls into entirely different realms of their cherished fantasies. This tale follows the journey of one among them, offering a glimpse into their extraordinary adventure. As they navigate these new worlds, a burning question lingers: will they all endure until the journey's end, or is this destined to be yet another heart-wrenching tragedy? Genres: #SmartMC #Training #AU Harry Potter World #System #Hardworking MC #Strong Willed MC #Weak to OP Patreon Link: patreon.com/EyeOfSilver Get ready for a story that features a sharp-witted and determined protagonist, embarking on a thrilling adventure in a unique blend of genres. With an unwavering commitment to consistency, this narrative promises a daily chapter release for the initial 20 chapters. Beyond that, the release schedule shifts to a once-daily pattern on Patreon and once every three days on a popular web novel platform. And when it comes to the age-old debate of harem or no harem, rest assured that the decision rests squarely in the hands of dedicated readers through Patreon polls. Say goodbye to the frustration of abandoned stories and join us on this promising journey!

EyeOfSilver · 書籍·文学
25 Chs

Time With Family

Slytherin Manor, 1981, December

Another year had flown by, and Malach had put his time to good use. He eagerly embraced the lessons his mother provided, displaying a remarkable aptitude for learning. These lessons granted him precious pockets of free time, which he used to delve into muggle subjects, particularly mathematics. Although he was already well-versed in the subject, it served as a cover for any potential prying eyes, a safeguard to protect his secrets should his occlumency defenses ever falter.

Reflecting on his past year, Malach couldn't help but remember his surprise birthday party in January. It was a heartwarming experience, and the warmth of his family's love put a smile on his face. Moments like these made him grateful for his second chance in this world, strengthening his resolve to become strong and protect his newfound family from the dark times and enemies that loomed on the horizon.

In late October, a significant event shook the wizarding world—the attack on the Potter family. However, this time, it wasn't the tragic demise of Lily and James Potter. Instead, Euphemia and Fleamont Potter had valiantly sacrificed themselves to save their grandson, Harry Potter. Malach learned of this twist in events through his mother's conversation with Severus Snape, who had come to visit in early December.

Veronica had a brilliant idea during Severus's visit, suggesting that Malach study potions with him once he was older. This unexpected proposal added a new task to Malach's ever-evolving System, which was starting to hold an increasingly important role in his life.

New Task: Spend your summer learning potions from Severus Snape (Slight increase in potion talent)

Veronica had planned for these lessons to commence when Malach turned five, considering his growing motor skills and coordination. While Malach initially tried to keep secrets from his mother, he eventually abandoned the idea, realizing there was no need to hide anything from her. He would grow up under her care and unconditional love.

In the present, Malach had been diligently attempting to sense the magic within him for several months. His progress was modest, mainly limited to occasional pushes and pulls of objects within his room. Yet, this showed signs of improvement and brought him closer to his goal of using magic effectively.

The less enticing aspect of his studies was delving into the family's history. The only part that truly fascinated him was the connection to Salazar Slytherin and the mysterious disinheritance of the Gaunt family in favor of his own. Apart from that, the family's history mostly consisted of intermarriages with various pureblood families, along with the challenge of producing more than one heir.

Malach closed his book, deciding it was time to join his mother for dinner. He hoped to broach the subject of acquiring books on magic theory for his upcoming birthday. Uncertain about how to approach the topic, he decided to be straightforward and simply present his request, possibly adding a touch of cuteness to sway her decision. It was a tactic he had read about in many fanfics back in his previous world, where children often used such charm to get what they wanted.

With determination, Malach headed toward the dining hall, where his mother awaited. Would his plan unfold as intended, or did Veronica have her own plans for her son's upbringing in this enigmatic world? Only time would reveal the answers to his questions.

As Malach entered the grand dining hall, he immediately spotted his mother engrossed in conversation with the maids at the far end of the room. With eager steps, he walked down the length of the dining table. Veronica noticed her son's approach and sent the maids away with a warm smile.

"Oh, dear, you're just in time. I was about to send Mariane to fetch you," she said, her voice filled with maternal affection.

Malach looked up at his mother, his wide eyes filled with curiosity. "What are we going to eat tonight, Mother?"

Veronica looked down at Malach and said, "Well, I've had Holly prepare your favorite fish and chips." She emphasized that it was a kid-sized portion, mindful of Malach's age.

"Okay, Mother," Malach replied, his anticipation evident. The mere thought of his favorite meal made his young mouth water.

Mariane entered the room, balancing two plates of food. One plate held a generous portion while the other had a smaller serving. Without a word, she placed them on the table and discreetly left the room. Malach knew immediately that the smaller portion was his. He couldn't contain his excitement; after all, who wouldn't be thrilled to indulge in their favorite dish?

Malach couldn't help but watch his mother's nimble fingers as she expertly cut up his fish. His three-year-old hands struggled with the task, and he realized that his toddler strength wasn't enough to slice through the thick, battered fish. Determined to improve, he vowed to exercise more, hoping to develop the necessary muscle control.

"Let me help you, sweetie," Veronica said, coming to his aid.

Malach gratefully accepted her assistance as she cut the fish for him. With renewed determination, he dug into his meal, savoring every bite.

Between mouthfuls, Veronica inquired about his day, her maternal concern shining through. "So, how have you been getting on with your studies, sweetie?"

"I've been doing well, Mother," Malach replied, his young voice filled with pride.

Veronica's face lit up with pride. "That's wonderful to hear. I've been informed by your tutors that you're exceeding their expectations and that you've nearly caught up to middle school-level mathematics."

"Yes, Mother. I'm trying my best."

Veronica's smile grew wider as she contemplated future plans. "I was actually thinking of having Severus teach you some potions next year during his time off from work. How does that sound?"

Malach's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Oh, that would be nice, Mother. But could I also have a book on basic magic theory?"

Veronica regarded her son with a mixture of sternness and amusement before relenting with a smile. "Yes, but keep in mind, it might be quite advanced for you. However, given your quick learning, who knows what you might understand?"

With dinner concluded and his request granted, Malach thanked his mother and excused himself. He eagerly retreated to his room, continuing his exploration of the magical world within him. He triggered a burst of magic through sheer frustration, leading him to a revelation about the link between emotion and magic.

(Scene break)

In Veronica's office within the manor, she sat down with her maid Mariane, discussing the events of dinner.

"Mariane, you wouldn't believe how adorable Malach was, munching on his chips and fish fingers. He puffed up his cheeks cutely when he realized he couldn't cut his food properly."

Mariane sighed softly, accustomed to Veronica's fondness for her son. "Madam, can we please not go over another episode of you obsessing over Young Master Malach today?"

Veronica nodded and composed herself. "You're right, Mariane. I knew he was a smart boy, but his passion for magic took me by surprise. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad sign that he wants to delve into magic at such a young age."

Mariane offered her perspective. "Perhaps he's merely curious, like any child would be. You, too, were quite curious when the old master performed magic in front of you as a child."

Veronica considered Mariane's words. "You may be right, Mariane. Let's hope his curiosity doesn't lead him down the dark path of the magical arts."

Afterward, Veronica retrieved a book on first-year magic theory, a relic from her time at Hogwarts. With the book in hand, she ascended the stairs to Malach's room.

(Scene break)

Malach had just completed his drawings when his mother entered his room, book in hand.

"Sweetie, I've brought the book on magic theory you asked for. But it's getting late, so you must read it in the morning. Now, let's get you tucked in for bed."

"Okay, Mother," Malach replied, excitement simmering beneath the surface. As he settled into bed, Veronica planted a loving kiss on his forehead and left the room.

Malach's dreams that night were filled with visions of soaring through the skies, battling fantastical creatures, and exploring mysterious forests. As he drifted into sleep, he pondered the unknown future, wondering if his thirst for magic would lead him down a path of greatness or darkness. Only time would tell in this unfolding tale.

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