
HP With Chat System

In a twist of fate, it's not uncommon for one person to find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. But what if it were a group of individuals? A peculiar accident or a cosmic quirk led to a convergence of destiny, catapulting three souls into entirely different realms of their cherished fantasies. This tale follows the journey of one among them, offering a glimpse into their extraordinary adventure. As they navigate these new worlds, a burning question lingers: will they all endure until the journey's end, or is this destined to be yet another heart-wrenching tragedy? Genres: #SmartMC #Training #AU Harry Potter World #System #Hardworking MC #Strong Willed MC #Weak to OP Patreon Link: patreon.com/EyeOfSilver Get ready for a story that features a sharp-witted and determined protagonist, embarking on a thrilling adventure in a unique blend of genres. With an unwavering commitment to consistency, this narrative promises a daily chapter release for the initial 20 chapters. Beyond that, the release schedule shifts to a once-daily pattern on Patreon and once every three days on a popular web novel platform. And when it comes to the age-old debate of harem or no harem, rest assured that the decision rests squarely in the hands of dedicated readers through Patreon polls. Say goodbye to the frustration of abandoned stories and join us on this promising journey!

EyeOfSilver · 書籍·文学
25 Chs

Characters and Backgrounds

Four Noble Families:

Slytherin Family:

Within the esteemed Slytherin family, Argenis Malfoy stands out as the elder brother of Draco Malfoy. Unlike his younger sibling, Argenis doesn't obsess over 'pure-blood glory' and, in fact, feels like an outcast within the Malfoy family. However, his life takes a different turn when he encounters Malach Slytherin during a gathering of young pure-blood children. Impressed by Argenis's cunning talent, Malach sees his potential as a strategic partner, someone who can act on his behalf when he's occupied or help formulate intricate plans.

The Slytherin family takes a liking to Argenis and offers him protection, instilling loyalty in him toward Malach for life. This special bond shields Argenis from any mistreatment by his family, especially Lucius Malfoy. Argenis and Malach exchange letters, updating each other on their respective accomplishments. As Malach's subordinate, Argenis enjoys 50% of Malach's talents and bloodline abilities, turning him into a genius on par with the other three noble families' members. However, Malach can only offer this contract five times, as can the other three families. This contract also grants Argenis an extended lifespan equal to that of the other noble family members but with half the talent.

Ravenclaw Family:

Trinity Ravenclaw, the lady of the Ravenclaw family, possesses a gentle and benevolent personality. Her expertise lies in herbology, and she demonstrates unparalleled dedication to the study of plants. Malach recognizes her exceptional talent and entrusts her with cultivating various ingredients in a family relic designed for nurturing diverse plants.

The Ravenclaw family's unique connection with nature is fostered through their pact with the Elven Queen, which brings them the guidance of the Spirit King of Knowledge and Wisdom. These powerful beings serve as their familiars, providing invaluable insights and wisdom to the family. Accessible only through Fairy or Elf magic, the concealed realm remains hidden from the wizarding world.

The Ravenclaws' kindness extends to individuals with a certain level of blood purity, including humans. Ruth's vibrant, light green blood symbolizes her exceptional 95% bloodline purity. The Hufflepuff family has a shared goal with the other noble families: achieving 100% bloodline purity as a pledge of loyalty to Malach's leadership and their descendants. This unity and trust have been passed down through generations and continue to guide the family. Helga Hufflepuff once led them, and now, Malach is their guiding force, offering the means to reach 100% purity in exchange for their eternal allegiance.

Gryffindor Family:

The Gryffindor family, located within the historic Godric's Hollow, boasts a unique lineage deeply tied to their magical swordsmanship tradition. Leo Gryffindor, who inherits the name of Godric due to his purified dragon bloodline, takes immense pride in his family's martial magic.

While others have attempted to learn and replicate the Gryffindor style of wielding magic through a sword, they've failed to reach the level achieved by the Gryffindor family. The Gryffindor sword, a relic of exceptional power, remains unmatched, and the secret behind its mastery lies in the unique bloodline of the Gryffindors. Many wizards have attempted to imitate their training methods with little success.

The Ministry of Magic once attempted to investigate this phenomenon, but they were met with stern resistance from the four noble families, who refused to divulge the secret. The ministry, wary of the power and influence of these families, refrained from further inquiry.

Leo Gryffindor himself possessed exceptional talent, thanks to his incredibly pure bloodline. The Gryffindors are known to have the blood of ancient Red Dragons, a lineage that could use magic and communicate in human speech. Leo's lineage was strengthened by a blood pact that bound him to a newborn Ancient Red Dragon, enabling them to share their magical talents. In the event of one's demise, the pact ensured the other's survival.

In the history of the Gryffindor family, purity levels above 90% were exceedingly rare, with Godric Gryffindor himself bordering on that threshold along with his four companions. They had explored blood magic, aiming to enhance their bloodline over time and give birth to descendants even greater than themselves. Leo was a remarkable exception, born with a purity level of 95%, granting him access not only to the Gryffindor Magic Swordsmanship but also to Dragon Magic.

Leo's bond with the newborn Ancient Red Dragon cemented their shared destiny, with each extending their lifespans to a remarkable thousand years. This union was something his ancestors hadn't achieved, as they fell short of reaching that 95% mark and sharing their familiars' lifespans.

A fragile peace existed between Grindelwald's followers and the four noble families, which included the Gryffindors. While they didn't directly oppose Grindelwald's beliefs, they refrained from supporting his cause. Grindelwald saw the value in this peace agreement, as it reduced the number of formidable adversaries he had to confront. Since then, their involvement in larger wizarding conflicts was minimal.

In the case of the second dark lord, Voldemort, the Gryffindor family, and the other noble families became involved due to Voldemort's desire to obliterate the wizarding world. This opposition ensured the survival of the Potter family and maintained the relative safety of Godric's Hollow.

Leo and Malach were formidable in their own right, each excelling in different aspects. While Leo was equal to or even greater than Malach in close combat with swords, Malach possessed a superior talent for magical duels. Both held the potential to ascend to godlike status, with Malach having the potential to become the Chief God and Leo at most a High God under him.

Hufflepuff Family:

The Hufflepuff family, known for their gentle and benevolent personalities, excels in herbology, particularly Ruth Hufflepuff. She demonstrates exceptional talent in this field compared to her performance in other classes, even earning the acknowledgement of Malach Slytherin, who is considered the best in his own right. Ruth is entrusted with cultivating various ingredients in a family relic—a space designed exclusively for nurturing a diverse array of plants.

The Hufflepuff family's unique connection with nature is fostered through their longstanding pact with the Elven Queen. As guardians of the hidden world of the elves, nestled within the Fountain of Life at their ancestral home, they are tasked with preserving the delicate balance of this miniature elven realm. Accessible solely through Fairy or Elf magic, this hidden world remains concealed from the wizarding world.

The Hufflepuffs' kindness extends to individuals with a certain level of blood purity, including humans. Ruth, with her exceptional 95% bloodline purity, shares the same lifespan as her family members. Her vibrant, light green blood contrasts with Malach's dark, almost black blood tinged with dark green.

In a future commitment to Malach's leadership and their descendants, the Hufflepuffs, along with the other noble families, aim to attain a 100% bloodline purity, a rarity in their lineage. This pledge of loyalty is a profound expression of unity and trust, passed down through generations since the time of their ancestors. Helga Hufflepuff once led them, but now, it is Malach who guides them and offers the means to reach the coveted 100% purity level in exchange for their eternal allegiance.